Public Service Announcement


Gold Member
Apr 8, 2008
This is a Public Service Announcment of a Current Event only, for any discussion of this issue itself, we will have to go hide in the Conspiracy Theory closet.

New Jersey Institute of Technology Hosts '9/11 Critical Questions' Forum on WTC7

The 90-minute event will be held on Wednesday afternoon, November 11, at NJIT's Campus Center Ballroom in Newark, NJ.

Prof. Jay Kappraff, Ph.D., created "9/11 Critical Questions" in order to present various perspectives on the destruction of the third World Trade Center tower, known as Building 7, to 100-plus students and faculty from NJIT's John A. Reif, Jr. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

In this debate-style arrangement, a member of the civil engineering department faculty will speak for the first 15 minutes on behalf of the government's official account of what happened to WTC 7. Then Tony Szamboti M.E. will have the floor for the next 25 minutes. He will explore the implications of the unexplained symmetrical free-fall destruction of the 47-story skyscraper.

September 11, 2001, was a tragic turning point not only in the history of the United States, but for the entire world. From one perspective, that day’s sequence of events is painfully clear: Two aircraft flown into the World Trade Center Twin Towers caused the structures to collapse with massive loss of life.

But another building in the area also collapsed, although it was not hit by a plane. It was 7 World Trade Center, often referred to as Building 7. The 2008 report of the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology attributed the collapse of this 47-story, steel-framed structure to "normal office fires" which buckled a critical internal column — the first time ever that such a structure had collapsed because of fire.

This scenario for Building 7’s collapse has been critically scrutinized by technical analysts who claim that other factors were responsible...

Faculty members of NJIT's Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering will also be present. They will present views in line with those of NIST as part of the discussion, which will explore this critical topic that is filled with so many important unanswered questions.

This event is sponsored by the NJIT's Technology, Art and Science Forum Committee; the John A. Reif, Jr. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering; and the NJIT chapter of Sigma Xi.

NJIT welcomes attendees from the public and from all area colleges and universities to the 2:30-4:00 PM event at the Campus Center Ballroom.

Before the forum, the AE911Truth film 9/11: Explosive Evidence — Experts Speak Out will be shown at 12:30 PM in Room #210 of the Campus Center.

For more information on the November 11th NJIT event, contact Jay Kappraff by email or by phone at 973-596-3490.

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