Public Schools Produce Dumb Kids

So why send them to school? My parents didn't do shit and I don't know anyone's that did. They worked. Teachers are supposed to work to but indoctrination is pushed heavily. Academics take a back seat to self esteem and community awareness/social acceptance.

You seem to live in a fantasy world. My kids learn a lot of academics obviously. Indoctrination? More crazy right wing conspiracy talk. Come find the real world.
I didn't say they taught no academics. Learn to read.

U.S. education spending tops global list, study shows
The United States spends more than other developed nations on its students' education each year, with parents and private foundations picking up more of the costs, an international survey released Tuesday found.

US 17th In Global Education Ranking; Finland, South Korea Claim Top Spots
The U.S. was ranked 17th in an assessment of the education systems of 50 countries, behind several Scandinavian and Asian nations, which claimed the top spots.

Finland and South Korea grabbed first and second places, respectively, in a global league table published by the education firm Pearson, while Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore ranked third, fourth and fifth, respectively.

Sounds like we should pay teachers more:

“Having a better [teacher] is statistically linked not only to higher income later in life but to a range of social results, including lower chances of teenage pregnancy and a greater tendency to save for their own retirement,” the report noted.
Some of the best off people I know are teachers, the teachers I know have other incomes from their time off you know like all summer every single holiday imaginable.
Most teachers that I know that have been teaching quite a while own their businesses on the side because They do have all summer off.

You just outed yourself as a know-nothing blowhard.
Na, I have several friends that are teachers they own/run businesses they could not with another type of job.
You seem to live in a fantasy world. My kids learn a lot of academics obviously. Indoctrination? More crazy right wing conspiracy talk. Come find the real world.
I didn't say they taught no academics. Learn to read.

U.S. education spending tops global list, study shows
The United States spends more than other developed nations on its students' education each year, with parents and private foundations picking up more of the costs, an international survey released Tuesday found.

US 17th In Global Education Ranking; Finland, South Korea Claim Top Spots
The U.S. was ranked 17th in an assessment of the education systems of 50 countries, behind several Scandinavian and Asian nations, which claimed the top spots.

Finland and South Korea grabbed first and second places, respectively, in a global league table published by the education firm Pearson, while Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore ranked third, fourth and fifth, respectively.

Sounds like we should pay teachers more:

“Having a better [teacher] is statistically linked not only to higher income later in life but to a range of social results, including lower chances of teenage pregnancy and a greater tendency to save for their own retirement,” the report noted.
Some of the best off people I know are teachers, the teachers I know have other incomes from their time off you know like all summer every single holiday imaginable.
Most teachers that I know that have been teaching quite a while own their businesses on the side because They do have all summer off.

You just outed yourself as a know-nothing blowhard.
Na, I have several friends that are teachers they own/run businesses they could not with another type of job.
I know teachers that have other Summer jobs because the contract for educators is literally 9 months in many states and higher ed instutions. Meaning you literally do not collect a payched in the June, July, August period. Even with good budgeting it hurts to live out of savings for 2-3 months a year.

I don't know a single teacher that has, or could even manage to have, a business on the side during the school year. Most teachers I know are putting in 60+ hour weeks when you count the outside of the classroom work, i.e. writing lesson plans, grading, etc. A lot of folks outside teaching don't know this, but teachers in public schools have to turn in lesson plans ahead of time (usually about a week ahead) and they get outed pretty fast if they're resting on their laurels.
I didn't say they taught no academics. Learn to read.

U.S. education spending tops global list, study shows
The United States spends more than other developed nations on its students' education each year, with parents and private foundations picking up more of the costs, an international survey released Tuesday found.

US 17th In Global Education Ranking; Finland, South Korea Claim Top Spots
The U.S. was ranked 17th in an assessment of the education systems of 50 countries, behind several Scandinavian and Asian nations, which claimed the top spots.

Finland and South Korea grabbed first and second places, respectively, in a global league table published by the education firm Pearson, while Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore ranked third, fourth and fifth, respectively.

Sounds like we should pay teachers more:

“Having a better [teacher] is statistically linked not only to higher income later in life but to a range of social results, including lower chances of teenage pregnancy and a greater tendency to save for their own retirement,” the report noted.
Some of the best off people I know are teachers, the teachers I know have other incomes from their time off you know like all summer every single holiday imaginable.
Most teachers that I know that have been teaching quite a while own their businesses on the side because They do have all summer off.

You just outed yourself as a know-nothing blowhard.
Na, I have several friends that are teachers they own/run businesses they could not with another type of job.
I know teachers that have other Summer jobs because the contract for educators is literally 9 months in many states and higher ed instutions. Meaning you literally do not collect a payched in the June, July, August period. Even with good budgeting it hurts to live out of savings for 2-3 months a year.

I don't know a single teacher that has, or could even manage to have, a business on the side during the school year. Most teachers I know are putting in 60+ hour weeks when you count the outside of the classroom work, i.e. writing lesson plans, grading, etc. A lot of folks outside teaching don't know this, but teachers in public schools have to turn in lesson plans ahead of time (usually about a week ahead) and they get outed pretty fast if they're resting on their laurels.
I guess it all depends on the person, some of the best off people I know are teachers. I know a few that retired before the age of 50. And now are still running their business they started while being a teacher Making bank. They could not have run those businesses with most other types of jobs.
Says "youngsters" . Doesn't say youngsters from public schools .

Who has geography anymore?
he also didn't provide a link... but why would he?

should schools teach geography. yes.... but in his world they'd be allowed to teach creationism as "science" about dumbing down kids.

the reality is ALL most teachers come from the bottom 10% of their classes. why? because this important job doesn't pay the way it should.

the o/p would no doubt call teachers greedy if they want a decent salary or benefits.

so methinks it protests too much.
So true...and may explain why criminals like Hillary could be POTUS. The dumbing down of America has benefited the socialist party tremendously, but they still want more dummies imported from third world...and the R party is too feeble minded to stop it.

No wonder so many are socialists, says the Great Walter Williams.

Public Schools Produce Dumb Kids
Do you wonder why Sen. Bernie Sanders and his ideas are so popular among American college students? The answer is that they, like so many other young people who think they know it all, are really uninformed and ignorant. You say, "Williams, how dare you say that?! We've mortgaged our home to send our children to college." Let's start with the 2006 geographic literacy survey of youngsters between 18 and 24 years of age by National Geographic and Roper Public Affairs.

Less than half could identify New York and Ohio on a U.S. map. Sixty percent could not find Iraq or Saudi Arabia on a map of the Middle East, and three-quarters could not find Iran or Israel. In fact, 44 percent could not locate even one of those four countries. Youngsters who had taken a geography class didn't fare much better. By the way, when I attended elementary school, during the 1940s, we were given blank U.S. maps, and our assignment was to write in the states. Today such an assignment might be deemed oppressive, if not racist.

To accommodate less college-ready students, colleges must water down their curricula, lower standards and abandon traditional tools and topics. Emory University English professor Mark Bauerlein writes in his book "The Dumbest Generation": Tradition "serves a crucial moral and intellectual function. ... People who read Thucydides and Caesar on war, and Seneca and Ovid on love, are less inclined to construe passing fads as durable outlooks, to fall into the maelstrom of celebrity culture, to presume that the circumstances of their own life are worth a Web page."

Welcome to American Deception. This website is committed to exposing the deceptively hidden truths that have brought America, and the world as a whole, to the present situation, where individual freedom is becoming a thing of the past. Little of what has occurred throughout history has been by mistake, yet there is a wide belief amongst the majority of people that "bad things just happen for no reason at all". Seen as more of a faulty and clumsy political dance, it is easier for many people to believe that most unfortunate happenings are a result of misjudgments or error.
American Deception

the deliberate dumbing down of america


I don't believe public schools are so bad in US. They work pretty well I guess. I know many Americans have studied there and I'm sure not all of them are dumb :)
Here we have public schools and not public schools too.
Our public education system is pretty good maybe one of the best in Asia :)
The indoctrinate well, right into a Communist way of thinking and they and the parents don't even know it.
You seem to live in a fantasy world. My kids learn a lot of academics obviously. Indoctrination? More crazy right wing conspiracy talk. Come find the real world.
Oh brother....p-schools kids watch Fat Albert's end of the world AGW lies and for an added bonus, watch Fat Mikey Moore's left wing movies. one film they watch that is right wing? This is to say nothing of the non-stop PC, diversity, homosexual, moral equivalence, big government wonderfulness, socialist shit storm indoctrination they also get.

You don't see the indoctrination...because you are purposely blind.
Public schools are controlled by school boards, made up of parents in those schools.
They are controlled by administrators of districts that make huge salaries and many districts to an area to spread the wealth among themselves.

That sentence looks like it was written by a middle school student. Would you care to try again, in English this time?
It's in plain English, retard. No one can understand it for you.

That sentence is nonsense. "and many districts to an area"? What does that mean?

Spread the wealth among themselves? You do realize that these salaries are set by ELECTED school boards in most cases.

There is one retard in this discussion and it is not me. Your use of name calling points directly to the problem.
You seem to live in a fantasy world. My kids learn a lot of academics obviously. Indoctrination? More crazy right wing conspiracy talk. Come find the real world.
I didn't say they taught no academics. Learn to read.

U.S. education spending tops global list, study shows
The United States spends more than other developed nations on its students' education each year, with parents and private foundations picking up more of the costs, an international survey released Tuesday found.

US 17th In Global Education Ranking; Finland, South Korea Claim Top Spots
The U.S. was ranked 17th in an assessment of the education systems of 50 countries, behind several Scandinavian and Asian nations, which claimed the top spots.

Finland and South Korea grabbed first and second places, respectively, in a global league table published by the education firm Pearson, while Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore ranked third, fourth and fifth, respectively.

Sounds like we should pay teachers more:

“Having a better [teacher] is statistically linked not only to higher income later in life but to a range of social results, including lower chances of teenage pregnancy and a greater tendency to save for their own retirement,” the report noted.
Some of the best off people I know are teachers, the teachers I know have other incomes from their time off you know like all summer every single holiday imaginable.
Most teachers that I know that have been teaching quite a while own their businesses on the side because They do have all summer off.

You just outed yourself as a know-nothing blowhard.
Na, I have several friends that are teachers they own/run businesses they could not with another type of job.

They are a microscopic example in a vast sea of teachers for that to be true. Your experience is not the norm, if what you say is true, but unless they are PE teachers, there is no one with the time to do anything other than barely survive.

We get off in June. Hvae mandatory professional development training in July and go back to school the first week in August. Where is this "summer off" that you speak of?

You also probably do not realize that is UNPAID time off.
Oh brother....p-schools kids watch Fat Albert's end of the world AGW lies and for an added bonus, watch Fat Mikey Moore's left wing movies. one film they watch that is right wing? This is to say nothing of the non-stop PC, diversity, homosexual, moral equivalence, big government wonderfulness, socialist shit storm indoctrination they also get.

You don't see the indoctrination...because you are purposely blind.
Public schools are controlled by school boards, made up of parents in those schools.
They are controlled by administrators of districts that make huge salaries and many districts to an area to spread the wealth among themselves.

That sentence looks like it was written by a middle school student. Would you care to try again, in English this time?
It's in plain English, retard. No one can understand it for you.

That sentence is nonsense. "and many districts to an area"? What does that mean?

Spread the wealth among themselves? You do realize that these salaries are set by ELECTED school boards in most cases.

There is one retard in this discussion and it is not me. Your use of name calling points directly to the problem.
Yep, they set up many districts in the areas, it's a big problem here. Instead of consolidating they have administrators for each and the whole works.Very bloated. I've never been able to vote on salaries or even school board members. Yes, you're a retard, I call em the way I see them. If you don't already believe it you can't understand it.
I didn't say they taught no academics. Learn to read.

U.S. education spending tops global list, study shows
The United States spends more than other developed nations on its students' education each year, with parents and private foundations picking up more of the costs, an international survey released Tuesday found.

US 17th In Global Education Ranking; Finland, South Korea Claim Top Spots
The U.S. was ranked 17th in an assessment of the education systems of 50 countries, behind several Scandinavian and Asian nations, which claimed the top spots.

Finland and South Korea grabbed first and second places, respectively, in a global league table published by the education firm Pearson, while Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore ranked third, fourth and fifth, respectively.

Sounds like we should pay teachers more:

“Having a better [teacher] is statistically linked not only to higher income later in life but to a range of social results, including lower chances of teenage pregnancy and a greater tendency to save for their own retirement,” the report noted.
Some of the best off people I know are teachers, the teachers I know have other incomes from their time off you know like all summer every single holiday imaginable.
Most teachers that I know that have been teaching quite a while own their businesses on the side because They do have all summer off.

You just outed yourself as a know-nothing blowhard.
Na, I have several friends that are teachers they own/run businesses they could not with another type of job.

They are a microscopic example in a vast sea of teachers for that to be true. Your experience is not the norm, if what you say is true, but unless they are PE teachers, there is no one with the time to do anything other than barely survive.

We get off in June. Hvae mandatory professional development training in July and go back to school the first week in August. Where is this "summer off" that you speak of?

You also probably do not realize that is UNPAID time off.
Out here they get over two months off, a friend of mine travels every year. Maybe the world is bigger than you think? Average salary here is 52k. And that's not for a full years work. Not bad money at all, especially with the bennies.

Your sniveling is pathetic. No wonder the kids are screwed up.
I didn't say they taught no academics. Learn to read.

U.S. education spending tops global list, study shows
The United States spends more than other developed nations on its students' education each year, with parents and private foundations picking up more of the costs, an international survey released Tuesday found.

US 17th In Global Education Ranking; Finland, South Korea Claim Top Spots
The U.S. was ranked 17th in an assessment of the education systems of 50 countries, behind several Scandinavian and Asian nations, which claimed the top spots.

Finland and South Korea grabbed first and second places, respectively, in a global league table published by the education firm Pearson, while Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore ranked third, fourth and fifth, respectively.

Sounds like we should pay teachers more:

“Having a better [teacher] is statistically linked not only to higher income later in life but to a range of social results, including lower chances of teenage pregnancy and a greater tendency to save for their own retirement,” the report noted.
Some of the best off people I know are teachers, the teachers I know have other incomes from their time off you know like all summer every single holiday imaginable.
Most teachers that I know that have been teaching quite a while own their businesses on the side because They do have all summer off.

You just outed yourself as a know-nothing blowhard.
Na, I have several friends that are teachers they own/run businesses they could not with another type of job.

They are a microscopic example in a vast sea of teachers for that to be true. Your experience is not the norm, if what you say is true, but unless they are PE teachers, there is no one with the time to do anything other than barely survive.

We get off in June. Hvae mandatory professional development training in July and go back to school the first week in August. Where is this "summer off" that you speak of?

You also probably do not realize that is UNPAID time off.
Here their summer starts mid may till the last week of August...
Most teachers here have their own businesses on the side, seasonal businesses. Which most times they make more there than they do their teaching job. The only reason they can have those businesses is because of the teaching job. And with the teaching job they get every single holiday off in the winter A good benefits.
So yes most teachers that I know around here are very well-off. Granted that's antidotal to here, but most places have tourism seasons so they can do the same most likely.
Sounds like we should pay teachers more:

“Having a better [teacher] is statistically linked not only to higher income later in life but to a range of social results, including lower chances of teenage pregnancy and a greater tendency to save for their own retirement,” the report noted.
Some of the best off people I know are teachers, the teachers I know have other incomes from their time off you know like all summer every single holiday imaginable.
Most teachers that I know that have been teaching quite a while own their businesses on the side because They do have all summer off.

You just outed yourself as a know-nothing blowhard.
Na, I have several friends that are teachers they own/run businesses they could not with another type of job.

They are a microscopic example in a vast sea of teachers for that to be true. Your experience is not the norm, if what you say is true, but unless they are PE teachers, there is no one with the time to do anything other than barely survive.

We get off in June. Hvae mandatory professional development training in July and go back to school the first week in August. Where is this "summer off" that you speak of?

You also probably do not realize that is UNPAID time off.
Here their summer starts mid may till the last week of August...
Most teachers here have their own businesses on the side, seasonal businesses. Which most times they make more there than they do their teaching job. The only reason they can have those businesses is because of the teaching job. And with the teaching job they get every single holiday off in the winter A good benefits.
So yes most teachers that I know around here are very well-off. Granted that's antidotal to here, but most places have tourism seasons so they can do the same most likely.

So, you admit what happens in your area is not typical to the rest of this nation.

I would never use the non-word "antidotal" in a statement lest you look even more the retard.
Sounds like we should pay teachers more:

“Having a better [teacher] is statistically linked not only to higher income later in life but to a range of social results, including lower chances of teenage pregnancy and a greater tendency to save for their own retirement,” the report noted.
Some of the best off people I know are teachers, the teachers I know have other incomes from their time off you know like all summer every single holiday imaginable.
Most teachers that I know that have been teaching quite a while own their businesses on the side because They do have all summer off.

You just outed yourself as a know-nothing blowhard.
Na, I have several friends that are teachers they own/run businesses they could not with another type of job.
I know teachers that have other Summer jobs because the contract for educators is literally 9 months in many states and higher ed instutions. Meaning you literally do not collect a payched in the June, July, August period. Even with good budgeting it hurts to live out of savings for 2-3 months a year.

I don't know a single teacher that has, or could even manage to have, a business on the side during the school year. Most teachers I know are putting in 60+ hour weeks when you count the outside of the classroom work, i.e. writing lesson plans, grading, etc. A lot of folks outside teaching don't know this, but teachers in public schools have to turn in lesson plans ahead of time (usually about a week ahead) and they get outed pretty fast if they're resting on their laurels.
I guess it all depends on the person, some of the best off people I know are teachers. I know a few that retired before the age of 50. And now are still running their business they started while being a teacher Making bank. They could not have run those businesses with most other types of jobs.

Once again, you are comparing apples to oranges. These people you are talking about retired, which means they taught a long time ago and probably far, far away.

I barely make $50,000 a year with 20 years experience, and a good hunk of that goes into my retirement fund. My paycheck after all of the wonderful deductions is about $1500.00 twice a month. Well off? Not hardly.

I still make less than I did my last year in the Navy over 20 years ago, and I have a Master's degree so I get paid more.

I want to know what kind of business you can run while working 60+ hours a week for 10 months out of the year..
Sounds like we should pay teachers more:

“Having a better [teacher] is statistically linked not only to higher income later in life but to a range of social results, including lower chances of teenage pregnancy and a greater tendency to save for their own retirement,” the report noted.
Some of the best off people I know are teachers, the teachers I know have other incomes from their time off you know like all summer every single holiday imaginable.
Most teachers that I know that have been teaching quite a while own their businesses on the side because They do have all summer off.

You just outed yourself as a know-nothing blowhard.
Na, I have several friends that are teachers they own/run businesses they could not with another type of job.

They are a microscopic example in a vast sea of teachers for that to be true. Your experience is not the norm, if what you say is true, but unless they are PE teachers, there is no one with the time to do anything other than barely survive.

We get off in June. Hvae mandatory professional development training in July and go back to school the first week in August. Where is this "summer off" that you speak of?

You also probably do not realize that is UNPAID time off.
Out here they get over two months off, a friend of mine travels every year. Maybe the world is bigger than you think? Average salary here is 52k. And that's not for a full years work. Not bad money at all, especially with the bennies.

Your sniveling is pathetic. No wonder the kids are screwed up.

I have worked 20 years and I STILL don't make $52k. Get a dose of reality, will you?
Public schools are controlled by school boards, made up of parents in those schools.
They are controlled by administrators of districts that make huge salaries and many districts to an area to spread the wealth among themselves.

That sentence looks like it was written by a middle school student. Would you care to try again, in English this time?
It's in plain English, retard. No one can understand it for you.

That sentence is nonsense. "and many districts to an area"? What does that mean?

Spread the wealth among themselves? You do realize that these salaries are set by ELECTED school boards in most cases.

There is one retard in this discussion and it is not me. Your use of name calling points directly to the problem.
Yep, they set up many districts in the areas, it's a big problem here. Instead of consolidating they have administrators for each and the whole works.Very bloated. I've never been able to vote on salaries or even school board members. Yes, you're a retard, I call em the way I see them. If you don't already believe it you can't understand it.

No "they don't set up districts". Those districts are created by your elected representatives. You have never voted for a school board member?

You really are a special snowflake, aren't you.

Why don't you get off your ass and go out and see what the real world looks like, because apparently you live in a fantasy world?
Some of the best off people I know are teachers, the teachers I know have other incomes from their time off you know like all summer every single holiday imaginable.
Most teachers that I know that have been teaching quite a while own their businesses on the side because They do have all summer off.

You just outed yourself as a know-nothing blowhard.
Na, I have several friends that are teachers they own/run businesses they could not with another type of job.
I know teachers that have other Summer jobs because the contract for educators is literally 9 months in many states and higher ed instutions. Meaning you literally do not collect a payched in the June, July, August period. Even with good budgeting it hurts to live out of savings for 2-3 months a year.

I don't know a single teacher that has, or could even manage to have, a business on the side during the school year. Most teachers I know are putting in 60+ hour weeks when you count the outside of the classroom work, i.e. writing lesson plans, grading, etc. A lot of folks outside teaching don't know this, but teachers in public schools have to turn in lesson plans ahead of time (usually about a week ahead) and they get outed pretty fast if they're resting on their laurels.
I guess it all depends on the person, some of the best off people I know are teachers. I know a few that retired before the age of 50. And now are still running their business they started while being a teacher Making bank. They could not have run those businesses with most other types of jobs.

Once again, you are comparing apples to oranges. These people you are talking about retired, which means they taught a long time ago and probably far, far away.

I barely make $50,000 a year with 20 years experience, and a good hunk of that goes into my retirement fund. My paycheck after all of the wonderful deductions is about $1500.00 twice a month. Well off? Not hardly.

I still make less than I did my last year in the Navy over 20 years ago, and I have a Master's degree so I get paid more.

I want to know what kind of business you can run while working 60+ hours a week for 10 months out of the year..
Most teachers do not work 60 hours a week, not even close and certainly do not work 10 months out of the year… fact
The plural of "anecdote" is not "data."
You just outed yourself as a know-nothing blowhard.
Na, I have several friends that are teachers they own/run businesses they could not with another type of job.
I know teachers that have other Summer jobs because the contract for educators is literally 9 months in many states and higher ed instutions. Meaning you literally do not collect a payched in the June, July, August period. Even with good budgeting it hurts to live out of savings for 2-3 months a year.

I don't know a single teacher that has, or could even manage to have, a business on the side during the school year. Most teachers I know are putting in 60+ hour weeks when you count the outside of the classroom work, i.e. writing lesson plans, grading, etc. A lot of folks outside teaching don't know this, but teachers in public schools have to turn in lesson plans ahead of time (usually about a week ahead) and they get outed pretty fast if they're resting on their laurels.
I guess it all depends on the person, some of the best off people I know are teachers. I know a few that retired before the age of 50. And now are still running their business they started while being a teacher Making bank. They could not have run those businesses with most other types of jobs.

Once again, you are comparing apples to oranges. These people you are talking about retired, which means they taught a long time ago and probably far, far away.

I barely make $50,000 a year with 20 years experience, and a good hunk of that goes into my retirement fund. My paycheck after all of the wonderful deductions is about $1500.00 twice a month. Well off? Not hardly.

I still make less than I did my last year in the Navy over 20 years ago, and I have a Master's degree so I get paid more.

I want to know what kind of business you can run while working 60+ hours a week for 10 months out of the year..
Most teachers do not work 60 hours a week, not even close and certainly do not work 10 months out of the year… fact
The plural of "anecdote" is not "data."

If you are a core content subject area teacher you might work even more than 60 hours a week. I spend a minimum of three hours each night writing lesson plans. I grade papers for about 6 hours each Sunday afternoon and evening .

The problem is that what you believe is based on zero evidence, while I work there every day. You don't.

In fact, this year, we will have to work on-line during snow days!
Na, I have several friends that are teachers they own/run businesses they could not with another type of job.
I know teachers that have other Summer jobs because the contract for educators is literally 9 months in many states and higher ed instutions. Meaning you literally do not collect a payched in the June, July, August period. Even with good budgeting it hurts to live out of savings for 2-3 months a year.

I don't know a single teacher that has, or could even manage to have, a business on the side during the school year. Most teachers I know are putting in 60+ hour weeks when you count the outside of the classroom work, i.e. writing lesson plans, grading, etc. A lot of folks outside teaching don't know this, but teachers in public schools have to turn in lesson plans ahead of time (usually about a week ahead) and they get outed pretty fast if they're resting on their laurels.
I guess it all depends on the person, some of the best off people I know are teachers. I know a few that retired before the age of 50. And now are still running their business they started while being a teacher Making bank. They could not have run those businesses with most other types of jobs.

Once again, you are comparing apples to oranges. These people you are talking about retired, which means they taught a long time ago and probably far, far away.

I barely make $50,000 a year with 20 years experience, and a good hunk of that goes into my retirement fund. My paycheck after all of the wonderful deductions is about $1500.00 twice a month. Well off? Not hardly.

I still make less than I did my last year in the Navy over 20 years ago, and I have a Master's degree so I get paid more.

I want to know what kind of business you can run while working 60+ hours a week for 10 months out of the year..
Most teachers do not work 60 hours a week, not even close and certainly do not work 10 months out of the year… fact
The plural of "anecdote" is not "data."

If you are a core content subject area teacher you might work even more than 60 hours a week. I spend a minimum of three hours each night writing lesson plans. I grade papers for about 6 hours each Sunday afternoon and evening .

The problem is that what you believe is based on zero evidence, while I work there every day. You don't.

In fact, this year, we will have to work on-line during snow days!
I'm not saying that you don't, I'm saying the vast majority of teachers don't work 60 hours a week and certainly not 10 months out of the year… Fact
Some of the best off people I know are teachers, the teachers I know have other incomes from their time off you know like all summer every single holiday imaginable.
Most teachers that I know that have been teaching quite a while own their businesses on the side because They do have all summer off.

You just outed yourself as a know-nothing blowhard.
Na, I have several friends that are teachers they own/run businesses they could not with another type of job.

They are a microscopic example in a vast sea of teachers for that to be true. Your experience is not the norm, if what you say is true, but unless they are PE teachers, there is no one with the time to do anything other than barely survive.

We get off in June. Hvae mandatory professional development training in July and go back to school the first week in August. Where is this "summer off" that you speak of?

You also probably do not realize that is UNPAID time off.
Out here they get over two months off, a friend of mine travels every year. Maybe the world is bigger than you think? Average salary here is 52k. And that's not for a full years work. Not bad money at all, especially with the bennies.

Your sniveling is pathetic. No wonder the kids are screwed up.

I have worked 20 years and I STILL don't make $52k. Get a dose of reality, will you?
Hey genius, I looked it up before posting.

Washington Teacher Salary | Teaching Salaries in WA | Teacher Portal
How do salaries grow in Washington?

Starting Salary: $36,335
Average Salary: $52,234

That's 5k a month. If that isn't enough money to live on something is wrong. If your pay is lower then the cost of living is likely lower. Many people would love to have your salary, retirement plan and bennies. Stop trying to rape the capitalists.

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