Again, I can't yet post links on here, but if you Google "Public opinion turning against global warming almost as quickly as science Macon County Examiner," you'll see a great article debunking global warming.
Global warming is one of the biggest hoax jobs on the American public there has ever been. Follow the money. That's what it's all about. Want to make lots and lots of money? Just come up with something that can't be proven, get a bunch of sheep to follow your misguided lying logic and stick your hand out for donations at first. They will come rolling in because as P.T. Barnum said, "There's a sucker born every minute." When the donations begin to peter out, come up with anything you can sell to further your cause. Bingo. Instant millions. Nobody can prove you wrong so you can call everybody that doesn't believe your bullshit a liar. It will work. The tree huggers, Greenpeace, and the global warming idiots are all a bunch of idiots - well, that isn't correct now is it? They are a bunch of leeches praying on anybody that will give them a handout. In that regard, they are smarter than me. I had to work for a living. I couldn't think up a scam like this.