Psaki is right! Gas price increases due to Russia...BUT this didn't contribute?

Trump gave Afghanistan to the Taliban in the spring of 2020.
Hmmmmmmmmmm, that's not the way I remember it. I remember that in 2020 Afghanistan was a free democratic country and in 2022, while Biden was president, Biden went against the advice of his own experts, and got out of Afghanistan so quickly that the Taliban took over the country.
Hmmmmmmmmmm, that's not the way I remember it. I remember that in 2020 Afghanistan was a free democratic country and in 2022, while Biden was president, Biden went against the advice of his own experts, and got out of Afghanistan so quickly that the Taliban took over the country.
Trump pulled 11,000 US troops out of Afghanistan and released 5000 prisoners in 2020.

Psaki is right! Gas price increases due to Russia...BUT this didn't contribute?​

Kinda like covid, the flu didn’t cause economic difficulty, US and state government response did. Russia didn’t cause fuel price increases, government response to Russia did.
What underlies both is the Federal Reserve, at the behest of the government, pumping godawful amounts of Monopoly money into the economy.
Trump pulled 11,000 US troops out of Afghanistan and released 5000 prisoners in 2020.
I'm not sure what you are talking about. In 2020 Afghanistan had a democratically elected government. The Taliban didn't come into control in 2020. They came into control when Biden took our troops out of the country in a way that was against what his own advisors were pleading with him to do. Why won't you take responsibility for your mistakes and failures?
I'm not sure what you are talking about. In 2020 Afghanistan had a democratically elected government. The Taliban didn't come into control in 2020. They came into control when Biden took our troops out of the country in a way that was against what his own advisors were pleading with him to do. Why won't you take responsibility for your mistakes and failures?

Hezbollah Hannah lies.

It pleases Allah.
No president controls US oil production. Not even Trump with his incessant bragging . He bragged that he had taken Syrian oil or that he had kept Syrian oil. I laughed til my sides hurt. Syrian oil.peaked in 1996 and it's crappy crude. Syria can't meet domestic needs.
WHERE is your proof? "Trump with his "incessant" bragging"! "Incessant" means.."continuing or following without interruption"....
AGAIN you make a dumb ass statement as a FACT... WHERE is your proof that Trump "continued or followed without interruption" bragging? FACTS.
I'm not sure what you are talking about. In 2020 Afghanistan had a democratically elected government. The Taliban didn't come into control in 2020. They came into control when Biden took our troops out of the country in a way that was against what his own advisors were pleading with him to do. Why won't you take responsibility for your mistakes and failures?
Trump's agreement was with the Taliban in February 2020. He didn't bother with the afgani government.
Trump's agreement was with the Taliban in February 2020. He didn't bother with the afgani government.
You are confused. The Taliban took over control of Afghanistan when Biden was president, not Trump. And it happened at a time when Biden withdrew all of our troops in a way that was contrary to the advice his own experts were giving him.
Jean Psaki excuse that "the increase and the anticipated continued increase, which is what I think some of your colleagues were asking about, that that is a direct result of the invasion of Ukraine.”
And she is right. Too bad she can't seem to comprehend THIS factor also contributes to price increases, but that would point out a Biden failure.
Biden suspended new fossil-fuel leases and drilling permits on federal lands and waters for 60 days. At a “Climate Day” event the following week, he went much further, declaring an indefinite pause on new federal oil and gas leasing altogether so that his administration could “review and reset” the leasing program.

Now Biden wants to stop Russian oil imports which will increase prices.
Biden wants to buy Venezuela oil...which will increase prices,
Biden wants to buy Iranian oil...which will increase prices,
all putting the USA in a greater energy dependence!
All the while banning oil exploration on USA which had contributed to USA energy independence under Trump!
If gas prices get too high it's going to cost taxpayers a whole lot more to bus and fly the now 250,000 illegals a month The Biden Administration is allowing to cross the border with more to come if they get rid of Title 42.

Jean Psaki excuse that "the increase and the anticipated continued increase, which is what I think some of your colleagues were asking about, that that is a direct result of the invasion of Ukraine.”
And she is right. Too bad she can't seem to comprehend THIS factor also contributes to price increases, but that would point out a Biden failure.
Biden suspended new fossil-fuel leases and drilling permits on federal lands and waters for 60 days. At a “Climate Day” event the following week, he went much further, declaring an indefinite pause on new federal oil and gas leasing altogether so that his administration could “review and reset” the leasing program.

Now Biden wants to stop Russian oil imports which will increase prices.
Biden wants to buy Venezuela oil...which will increase prices,
Biden wants to buy Iranian oil...which will increase prices,
all putting the USA in a greater energy dependence!
All the while banning oil exploration on USA which had contributed to USA energy independence under Trump!
You just don't get it do you; Opinion | The GOP is lying to you about gas prices

It is true that U.S. oil production is lower now than it was in in February of 2020, when it hit an all-time record high of 12.8 million barrels. (That was before the market crashed at the onset of the coronavirus crisis.) But based on the GOP’s rhetoric, you might be tempted to think that U.S. oil production had collapsed since Biden stepped into the Oval Office.

That’s just not the case: In fact, oil production has actually increased, from about 11 million barrels per day to 11.5 million barrels through 2021. As Biden himself noted last week when announcing sanctions on Russian energy, domestic oil companies pumped more crude during the first year of his presidency than in the first year of Donald Trump’s. The number of oil rigs operating in the United States is still growing, too.
Red Jen can bluster all she wants.....

Your fault, my fault, nobody's fault. The administration in charge gets the blame.....Add to that 7.5% inflation, what's looking like a full blown recession coming, and maybe even a possible nuke exchange by and by, so I'd say the dems are toast.

If the dems had any honor they would all resign.....Blah, then geriatric neocons would take over.

We are fucked.
Stupid ass post.
You are confused. The Taliban took over control of Afghanistan when Biden was president, not Trump. And it happened at a time when Biden withdrew all of our troops in a way that was contrary to the advice his own experts were giving him.
So why did Trump negotiate with the Taliban in February of 2020? Are you nuts?
And why is that? Because USA oil production increased. But under Biden with exploration banned on land that produces 24% of the USA oil/gas, USA production is decreasing.

Conservatives and members of the energy industry have specifically hit the administration for pausing new federal oil and gas leases and permits.

Early in his presidency, Biden signed an executive order directing the Interior secretary to halt new leases and begin a thorough review of existing permits for fossil fuel development. But 13 GOP state attorneys general sued and a federal judge in Louisiana blocked the order.

Then last month, the administration said it was again delaying decisions on new oil and gas leases after another legal battle resulted in a judge blocking officials from using higher cost estimates of climate change when making rules for polluting industries.

"Our members believe that the administration's attack on American oil and natural gas, starting with Day 1 has been relentless," Dan Naatz, executive vice president of the Independent Petroleum Association of America, told Newsweek. "They really had the goal of shackling the industry with increased taxes, increased regulations and limiting access on federal lands both onshore and offshore to allow our members to get out and operate."
So why did Trump negotiate with the Taliban in February of 2020? Are you nuts?
I thought you guys like to deal in facts. The fact is the Taliban took over Afghanistan while Biden was president, after Biden removed our troops from the country. The Taliban did not take over the country in 2020. That's just the facts. Are you a fact denier?
I thought you guys like to deal in facts. The fact is the Taliban took over Afghanistan while Biden was president, after Biden removed our troops from the country. The Taliban did not take over the country in 2020. That's just the facts. Are you a fact denier?
Why did Trump negotiate with the Taliban in Doha in February 2020 and not include the Afghan government? Why sell them out to the Taliban if Afghanistan was a peaceful democracy?
Why did Trump negotiate with the Taliban in Doha in February 2020 and not include the Afghan government? Why sell them out to the Taliban if Afghanistan was a peaceful democracy?
Why can't you get past the facts? The Taliban didn't take over the country in 2020. They took it over after Biden took out our troops in a manner against what his own advisors were advising. You are a fact denier and fail to take responsibility for your mistakes.
I think it is unfair to accuse Resnic of lying. Lying assumes one knows the truth and is not just parroting what they were told without knowing it was bull crap

While this may be true, there should be some responsibility on the part of the poster to confirm whether the stuff he's just parroting is true or not. To excuse the posting on the grounds that he didn't know it wasn't true, is absolving him of any responsibility for perpetuating false and misleading information.

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