Proud to be an American? Not so much anymore.

Idiot. Why for heavens sake speak the people in the English speaking world at all? Is this like a biological reflex in your world?
The young kids don't understand that sentence structures are very different for different languages. Translators just translate words, not grammar.
You should post with smarter posters!

The young kids don't understand that sentence structures are very different for different languages. Translators just translate words, not grammar.
You should post with smarter posters!

They are smart idiots - and exactly this people make the world to the world which it is.

Impetuous in the play of violins
Turns our nightly round dance
And we join wild and free
This ancient magic

Once in a great circle
We dance in that way
Till the first morning light
Breaks our dream tissue

In the willows our dreams will sound
And the winds will sing our songs
Let us jump with the sparks over the fire
On Walpurgis night!
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Yes, yes, ”no one loves the USA” so much so that they’re violating our border by the millions….lol

”Figures” = Typical
it's called Americanism, and it includes giving asylum to the worthy, and these people are being given asylum at a 80% rate and they already have family here and they come from countries that GOP led sanctions have destroyed economically, so too bad for racists. The orange racist clown closed the southern border for four years, so of course there is a backlog, and as I said the climate and the sanctions have been wrecking Latin America recently. Too bad for Anti Americanism and racism....
They are smart idiots - and exactly this people make the world to the world which it is.

Impetuous in the play of violins
Turns our nightly round dance
And we join wild and free
This ancient magic

Once in a great circle
We dance in that way
Till the first morning light
Breaks our dream tissue

In the willows our dreams will sound
And the winds will sing our songs
Let us jump with the sparks over the fire
On Walpurgis night!
The term we use here is "Educated Idiots"
Typically higher educated people have less "common sense" and less "street smarts".
The universities here are Leftist programming centers.
We need more politically balanced professors instead of only Leftists.
The term we use here is "Educated Idiots"
Typically higher educated people have less "common sense" and less "street smarts".
The universities here are Leftist programming centers.
We need more politically balanced professors instead of only Leftists.
unfortunately politically balanced professors are totally FOS if they believe any of your crap propaganda. Once you get educated and know the facts you will not be a Republican base voter.... There is no real evidence of election fraud or vaccine fraud or global warming fraud or any of the other ridiculous conspiracy theories republicans believe in.
unfortunately politically balanced professors are totally FOS if they believe any of your crap propaganda. Once you get educated and know the facts you will not be a Republican base voter.... There is no real evidence of election fraud or vaccine fraud or global warming fraud or any of the other ridiculous conspiracy theories republicans believe in.
1. Not election fraud, but election interference by the FBI and the hi-tech oligarchs. Google zuckerbucks and Elon Musk twitter files
2. There was no vaccine fraud
3. Global warming is one thing, the war on energy is another.

Biden's record of disaster after disaster keeps me a GOP base voter.

Everything Xiden, aka “poopy pants” touches turns to shit
How about showering with his daughter Ashley? How fucked-up is that?
The Brits hold him in CONTEMPT for abandoning AFG
The French pulled their ambassador for abandoning AFG
China loves Biden for abandoning AFG’s motherlode of rare metals to them!
He pissed off the Canadians by killing the KeystoneXL pipeline, that’s 500,000 bbls a day he killed.
Xiden sold us out by approving the Nord Stream 2 pipeline giving Putin cash to modernize his military and invade Ukraine, and his “war on energy” keeps fuel costs high. That's why Xiden is "Putin's Whore".
Hope he enjoys the $3,500,000 the Moscow Mayor's wife sent Hunter
Hope he enjoys the $1,500,000,000 that China gave Hunter to "invest"
Open borders is a catastrophe. Trump had it SOLVED. Now its infected migrants & fentanyl sent all over
Runaway inflation would get worse if the dems pass their "BBB" bill. That will be Solyndra on steroids, not to mention the $200,000,000 for Nancy’s park in San Francisco.
Xiden is ruining the US energy sector with his stupid EOs, he wants Russia to pump more oil?? WTF?
Xiden is so dumb he can't even do fake press conferences to answer "ice cream" questions.
Xiden is a gaffe machine, his brain is defective, and he has the nuclear football, WTF???
Xiden surrendered AFG leaving Americans, $billions of equipment, and interpreters to be slaughtered
Xiden’s DOJ sent the FBI after parents (aka domestic terrorists) who dare to ask questions at school board meetings.
China just passed the US out with their new hypersonic missile.
Stupid Joe wants to pay MIGRANTS $450,000 for breaking US immigration LAWS??????
After promising we would have more than enough Covid testing kits, Joe LIED and FAILED.
Xiden killed Israel’s EastMed gas pipeline to sell gas to the EU, Putin’s whore strikes again.
Xiden killed the development of ANWR, but he’s begging Putin to pump more oil???
Xiden’s “war on energy” is pushing gas and diesel to unaffordable levels, causing “runaway inflation”.
Xiden is letting RUSSIA negotiate the new IRAN agreement???? WTF!!!!!!
Xiden is giving baby formula to migrants when American babies can’t get formula????
Xiden sold 1m bbls of SPR emergency oil to Sinopec, Hunter’s Chinese oil company, twice,that’s treason.
Xiden is turning the US into a banana republic by misusing the FBI and IRS to harass opponents
Xiden wants 87,000 armed IRS agents willing to KILL!! WTF???
Xiden proposed forgiving $10,000 of student loan debt (unconstitutional)
Xiden stole classified documents, did he sell them to anyone? Is he a traitor for cash?
Xiden let the Chinese spy balloon fly across the US and send back the data, TRAITOR.
Xiden blew-up the Nord Stream pipelines?! WTF? That is an act of war against Russia.
How did Navy dropout Hunter Biden get to a $230,000,000 net worth? Selling access maybe?
Xiden wants the army to make EV tanks weakening military readiness.
Xiden’s extortion and bribery schemes are being outed by whistleblowers
I could go on and on, but you see Trump was at least 1,000,000x better as president than stupid Joe
1. Not election fraud, but election interference by the FBI and the hi-tech oligarchs. Google zuckerbucks and Elon Musk twitter files
2. There was no vaccine fraud
3. Global warming is one thing, the war on energy is another.

Biden's record of disaster after disaster keeps me a GOP base voter.

Everything Xiden, aka “poopy pants” touches turns to shit
How about showering with his daughter Ashley? How fucked-up is that?
The Brits hold him in CONTEMPT for abandoning AFG
The French pulled their ambassador for abandoning AFG
China loves Biden for abandoning AFG’s motherlode of rare metals to them!
He pissed off the Canadians by killing the KeystoneXL pipeline, that’s 500,000 bbls a day he killed.
Xiden sold us out by approving the Nord Stream 2 pipeline giving Putin cash to modernize his military and invade Ukraine, and his “war on energy” keeps fuel costs high. That's why Xiden is "Putin's Whore".
Hope he enjoys the $3,500,000 the Moscow Mayor's wife sent Hunter
Hope he enjoys the $1,500,000,000 that China gave Hunter to "invest"
Open borders is a catastrophe. Trump had it SOLVED. Now its infected migrants & fentanyl sent all over
Runaway inflation would get worse if the dems pass their "BBB" bill. That will be Solyndra on steroids, not to mention the $200,000,000 for Nancy’s park in San Francisco.
Xiden is ruining the US energy sector with his stupid EOs, he wants Russia to pump more oil?? WTF?
Xiden is so dumb he can't even do fake press conferences to answer "ice cream" questions.
Xiden is a gaffe machine, his brain is defective, and he has the nuclear football, WTF???
Xiden surrendered AFG leaving Americans, $billions of equipment, and interpreters to be slaughtered
Xiden’s DOJ sent the FBI after parents (aka domestic terrorists) who dare to ask questions at school board meetings.
China just passed the US out with their new hypersonic missile.
Stupid Joe wants to pay MIGRANTS $450,000 for breaking US immigration LAWS??????
After promising we would have more than enough Covid testing kits, Joe LIED and FAILED.
Xiden killed Israel’s EastMed gas pipeline to sell gas to the EU, Putin’s whore strikes again.
Xiden killed the development of ANWR, but he’s begging Putin to pump more oil???
Xiden’s “war on energy” is pushing gas and diesel to unaffordable levels, causing “runaway inflation”.
Xiden is letting RUSSIA negotiate the new IRAN agreement???? WTF!!!!!!
Xiden is giving baby formula to migrants when American babies can’t get formula????
Xiden sold 1m bbls of SPR emergency oil to Sinopec, Hunter’s Chinese oil company, twice,that’s treason.
Xiden is turning the US into a banana republic by misusing the FBI and IRS to harass opponents
Xiden wants 87,000 armed IRS agents willing to KILL!! WTF???
Xiden proposed forgiving $10,000 of student loan debt (unconstitutional)
Xiden stole classified documents, did he sell them to anyone? Is he a traitor for cash?
Xiden let the Chinese spy balloon fly across the US and send back the data, TRAITOR.
Xiden blew-up the Nord Stream pipelines?! WTF? That is an act of war against Russia.
How did Navy dropout Hunter Biden get to a $230,000,000 net worth? Selling access maybe?
Xiden wants the army to make EV tanks weakening military readiness.
Xiden’s extortion and bribery schemes are being outed by whistleblowers
I could go on and on, but you see Trump was at least 1,000,000x better as president than stupid Joe
Biden has always been a gaffe machine, brainwashed functional moron. Everyything else is pure crap here. Try watching a news channel for God's sake....not pure garbage...
Idiot. Why for heavens sake speak the people in the English speaking world at all? Is this like a biological reflex in your world?

Aliens are all people who don't know how to get home.
Harald Lesch

It is a sign in this world that it is capable of giving birth to new things and I think in such transformational times we are in today that is good news. It just shows that we would be capable of much more if we only wanted to. And that would be a good sign of the times.
Harald Lesch

Why? Indeed.
it's called Americanism, and it includes giving asylum to the worthy, and these people are being given asylum at a 80% rate and they already have family here and they come from countries that GOP led sanctions have destroyed economically, so too bad for racists. The orange racist clown closed the southern border for four years, so of course there is a backlog, and as I said the climate and the sanctions have been wrecking Latin America recently. Too bad for Anti Americanism and racism....
Yes, yes, it’s always our own fault….In this case though it is Biden, and the Democrat progressives who believe America should be borderless causing the disaster at the border…
Every point I posted is true. If you want to challenge any put up a link proving me wrong.

Since you made the claims, it should be on you to prove they are true.

How about this one....Xiden blew-up the Nord Stream pipelines?! WTF? That is an act of war against Russia.
Since you made the claims, it should be on you to prove they are true.
How about this one....Xiden blew-up the Nord Stream pipelines?! WTF? That is an act of war against Russia.

Not many countries have the expertise to plant explosives on two distinct underwater pipelines and blow them up simultaneously.
The US starved Putin of income, and weaned the EU off Russian gas with one stroke.

I agree the investigation is NOT conclusive yet, but not many countries have the motive.
Yes, yes, it’s always our own fault….In this case though it is Biden, and the Democrat progressives who believe America should be borderless causing the disaster at the border…
They only let people in who have a claim for asylum, brainwashed functional moron. The border is not open, we have just gone back to Americanism and stopping racist border obstruction. The GOP should stop obstructing any organization of our immigration system and causing chaos along the border and in the farms. Stupid just like all your crap. Every single thing on your list is garbage conspiracy talk and most are anti our great American institutions, more chaos from Trumpers. It is easy to see why Russians Chinese and Iranians just love you idiots and your brain washers...

It is also the GOP which has led sanctions and covert operations against Latin American countries and caused the unbelievable hardships that make people want to leave. Not to mention the global warming and and droughts and floods and even earhquakes which have basically wiped out these countries like Guatemala Honduras nicaragua....
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This is truly sad....And a visible outcome of our public education system...

I believe that every HS student should be required to pass the same citizenship test an immigrant has to take to become a citizen...

We just need to run Democrats out. They can go to countries they love, like Venezuela, Cuba and China. Then we can all be happy

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