Protests on LSU campus over handling of sexual assault complaints

This is confusing as heck, so women want guys in dresses competing in track events at LSU or trying to get guys off of sports at LSU?
I find this bothersome. If someone is sexually assaulted, it is a LEGAL issue. You go to the POLICE.

If you decline to go to the police, and go to the school administration you are a fool. Period. Full stop.

Perhaps they don't go to the police is because they know that under the American system of jurisprudence, when you accuse someone of a crime, they benefit from a presumption of innocence and you have to PROVE YOUR CASE. Just a guess.

So they go to the campus rent-a-cops, knowing that there is no presumption of innocence on campus, then complain when their accusations are not presumed to be truthful.

Just another example of how un-serious "we" are about higher education. What the fuck does any of this have to do with EDUCATION?????
Don't forget, the guidance to schools has to how to handle cases of sexual abuse is issued by Mrs. Godly Cult Mama over at the Dept. of Education, appointed by the pussy-grabber himself, and her love of harassers, rapists, and other trash has been widely shared for the past few years.

It's time that society stop condoning this sort of behavior and protecting the perps. The victims have a right to justice. The responses in so many countries across the world confirm how widespread this problem is and how tired of it people are. People in all countries, parents, teachers, religious leaders, military leaders, and everyone else who has contact with children and young adults, have to start teaching respect for others.
LSU is 2-3 with UF , A&M, and Arkansas left that they will all loose. No wonder the players are all out of control.
No question, the actual perpetrators should be punished, both by the criminal court system and by the school. But they shouldn't be punished for BEING ACCUSED OF SEXUAL ASSAULT. It should be established in a legitimate forum, based on actual testimony and evidence, and not under a presumption that "women don't lie about such things," as prevails on campus. Women do occasionally lie about such things, and to destroy someone's life on the basis of an accusation is - shall we say - not cool.
No question, the actual perpetrators should be punished, both by the criminal court system and by the school. But they shouldn't be punished for BEING ACCUSED OF SEXUAL ASSAULT. It should be established in a legitimate forum, based on actual testimony and evidence, and not under a presumption that "women don't lie about such things," as prevails on campus. Women do occasionally lie about such things, and to destroy someone's life on the basis of an accusation is - shall we say - not cool.

I am all for investigations into accusations. I don't think women are above lying. But what happened at LSU was not an investigation, it was a coverup.
No question, the actual perpetrators should be punished, both by the criminal court system and by the school. But they shouldn't be punished for BEING ACCUSED OF SEXUAL ASSAULT. It should be established in a legitimate forum, based on actual testimony and evidence, and not under a presumption that "women don't lie about such things," as prevails on campus. Women do occasionally lie about such things, and to destroy someone's life on the basis of an accusation is - shall we say - not cool.

I am all for investigations into accusations. I don't think women are above lying. But what happened at LSU was not an investigation, it was a coverup.
Events happen in many universities. To say that the modern woman does not know what she is doing and that she is strong and virile would be an insult if she put herself in the position to be raped. But if the rapes are true, imagine what will happen as the amount of males in this nation who are poorer and not as educated grow in numbers to give the extreme feminists their ideological view of how the world should be. Excellence thrown out the window for pure quota driven results that is now producing a majority of graduates with less abilities to make the United states compete with other nations. However if I had a daughter, I would not want her involved in something like this.
No question, the actual perpetrators should be punished, both by the criminal court system and by the school. But they shouldn't be punished for BEING ACCUSED OF SEXUAL ASSAULT. It should be established in a legitimate forum, based on actual testimony and evidence, and not under a presumption that "women don't lie about such things," as prevails on campus. Women do occasionally lie about such things, and to destroy someone's life on the basis of an accusation is - shall we say - not cool.

I am all for investigations into accusations. I don't think women are above lying. But what happened at LSU was not an investigation, it was a coverup.
Events happen in many universities. To say that the modern woman does not know what she is doing and that she is strong and virile would be an insult if she put herself in the position to be raped. But if the rapes are true, imagine what will happen as the amount of males in this nation who are poorer and not as educated grow in numbers to give the extreme feminists their ideological view of how the world should be. Excellence thrown out the window for pure quota driven results that is now producing a majority of graduates with less abilities to make the United states compete with other nations. However if I had a daughter, I would not want her involved in something like this.

I think one thing you forget is that these are college age women. The oldest, for the most part, are 21 years old. Many are younger than that. Younger women will often get into less than desirable situations. But the situation is not really relevant. Rape is rape. If she does not consent, it is rape.
Guys are also in college under 21, these girls are trying to ruin the careers of just kids, she gets a degree goes back home, gets married and all

He meanwhile is destroyed
Guys are also in college under 21, these girls are trying to ruin the careers of just kids, she gets a degree goes back home, gets married and all

He meanwhile is destroyed

If he raped a woman, I am fine with his life being ruined. I don't care what kind of swimming career he has.

And there is a difference between getting into questionable situations and having sex without consent or forcing her to have sex.
Guys are also in college under 21, these girls are trying to ruin the careers of just kids, she gets a degree goes back home, gets married and all

He meanwhile is destroyed

If he raped a woman, I am fine with his life being ruined. I don't care what kind of swimming career he has.

And there is a difference between getting into questionable situations and having sex without consent or forcing her to have sex.
That's a big "if" it always takes two to tangle, and besides the point, why didn't she just go to the local cops, instead of getting the university involved?
Guys are also in college under 21, these girls are trying to ruin the careers of just kids, she gets a degree goes back home, gets married and all

He meanwhile is destroyed

If he raped a woman, I am fine with his life being ruined. I don't care what kind of swimming career he has.

And there is a difference between getting into questionable situations and having sex without consent or forcing her to have sex.
That's a big "if" it always takes two to tangle, and besides the point, why didn't she just go to the local cops, instead of getting the university involved?

No idea. Maybe she went to the univ police. Who knows. I don't think that matters.

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