Proof Resist doesn't respect the Justice System either


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
We know Resist doesn't respect democracy and rights of the electorate, but now they give us undeniable proof they also do not respect our justice system and think their rights and opinions are better then judge and jury and our system of justice. Basically that's arrogantly fascist.
Proof in their last email asking people to take on their subjective opinions and protest a tried case that they oppose the verdict of.

A message from #Resist:

Resisters --

The world has been watching St Paul, Minnesota all week, waiting to see if #Justice4Philando would be delivered. The verdict is in - NOT GUILTY. Call on your fellow
#Resisters and join allies worldwide to stand against this denial of justice!

- - end spam mail - -

*LOL* worldwide protest over our verdict that some lady in Washington DC opposed because her fascist party has prejudices against Cops?

IF ANYTHING we should lax the restrictions on Police, so they can do their job without binding their hands and feet to unwarranted regulations that stem from assumed & selective recognition of incidences.
Bring back the days of Rizzo cops whereby everyone knew to abide by curfews and local laws and the people did not test or disobey their command.
When bad police go free for murder, it only endangers the good ones. The next Philando Castle may decide to shoot and kill the officer rather than risk their life. Better than being dead.
Did you say when bad wives of Politicians go free for murdering whistleblowers the next Seth Rich might decide to shoot the Mobster boss before the hitmen get him?

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