Progressive Islamic forces must unite against destructive Islam

Uhm-----I played the violin in my youth----my hands are small and not
at all strong-----what is needed is lots of dexterity. I also played the
piano--(technically a stringed instruments but with keys)---it require
more strength than the violin----the bass fiddle does require strength
in the hands
it requires military strength of anaerobic muscles, like those of athletes, a passionate nature, and so on. The German slaves of Europe only had the slow power of slaves.
All militant Mexicans play guitars well, militant Hungarians play violins, and so on. Slow German bears cannot do this
it requires military strength of anaerobic muscles, like those of athletes, a passionate nature, and so on. The German slaves of Europe only had the slow power of slaves.
All militant Mexicans play guitars well, militant Hungarians play violins, and so on. Slow German bears cannot do this
wrong again----have you ever watched a german hausfrau whip up a
batch of spaetzle? ----RED MUSCLE ALL THE WAY
The Renaissance is the shameful era of slavery of the Old Order. The Age of Revolution is Romance
A Renaissance man means he had incredibly diverse interesting and intelligent interests.... Conservatives suck and liberals and Progressives are The good guys, I don't believe in all these racist differences you're coming up with hungarians and violins and Americans and eurocentrism, it's a bunch of **** in the end, you're either on the bus or off the bus as they would say back in the 60s....WHERE ARE YOU? Go Buffalo!!! Jet lag is a real thing....
A Renaissance man means he had incredibly diverse interesting and intelligent interests.... Conservatives suck and liberals and Progressives are The good guys, I don't believe in all these racist differences you're coming up with hungarians and violins and Americans and eurocentrism, it's a bunch of **** in the end, you're either on the bus or off the bus as they would say back in the 60s....WHERE ARE YOU? Go Buffalo!!! Jet lag is a real thing....
The Renaissance is the shameful era of the old order, the 60s is the shameful era of stinking hippies and Kennedy. Pigs are always drawn to shit.
he who plays the violin needs LONG LASTING muscle dexterity-----
not knee jerk reflex-----Jerk
this is provided by the Hungarian fast muscles of warriors - explosive power, like that of cowboys
this is provided by the Hungarian fast muscles of warriors - explosive power, like that of cowboys
warriors need long term endurance more than knee jerk rapid twitch unless
they limit themselves to OK CORRAL gun drawing games
The Renaissance is the shameful era of the old order, the 60s is the shameful era of stinking hippies and Kennedy. Pigs are always drawn to shit.
So what leaders and philosophy do you approve of? So everyone is pigs in the west now is that it? So you were against Hippies and for the Vietnam War then eh, brainwashed uninformed functional moron?
Romance and positivism, a time of progress in backward Europe.

What is "West"?
Backward in comparison to who? Where are you? I'm near Buffalo an American who speaks French also and would be a dual UK american citizen except for my birthday damn it... Where are you? The West is modern Europe and English speaking countries I would say....

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