CDZ Programs opposed by Conservatives that were successes


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Sccial Security
Environmental Protection
Americans with Disabilities Act
Affirmative Action
Gay Rights

Conservatives fought tooth and nail against all of them but they have proven to be such successes that even Repuplicans support them today
Sccial Security
Environmental Protection
Americans with Disabilities Act
Affirmative Action
Gay Rights

Conservatives fought tooth and nail against all of them but they have proven to be such successes that even Repuplicans support them today

Affirmative action is BS. Nobody should get a position over a more qualified person because of the color of their skin.
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I would support Medicare, disability acts and social security if there was a constitutional amendment.
Environmental protection is best left to the states.
OSHA is good!
Affirmative action is unconstitutional and discriminatory. Period.
The gov has no authority to discriminate against gays.
Sccial Security
Environmental Protection
Americans with Disabilities Act
Affirmative Action
Gay Rights

Conservatives fought tooth and nail against all of them but they have proven to be such successes that even Repuplicans support them today

Affirmative action is BS. Nobody should get a position over a more qualified person because of the color of their skin.

No one should be denied because of the color of their skin...but they are.
That’s why we need Affirmative Action.

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Sccial Security
Environmental Protection
Americans with Disabilities Act
Affirmative Action
Gay Rights

Conservatives fought tooth and nail against all of them but they have proven to be such successes that even Repuplicans support them today

All of those were boondoggles and are going bankrupt....but thanks for playing....and don't drink the water in the river the EPA polluted.....

Affirmative racism? Where people are given special access because of the color of their skin? You approve of racism like that?
Sccial Security
Environmental Protection
Americans with Disabilities Act
Affirmative Action
Gay Rights

Conservatives fought tooth and nail against all of them but they have proven to be such successes that even Repuplicans support them today

I’m not sure what criteria you used to determine success, but with regard to Social Security, you would do MUCH MUCH better just buying the S and P index with the money you put into SS.

Yep, let those slimy bastards on Wall Street invest your money rather than let those slimy bastards in Washington steal it. Are you aware that this great social security trust fund is full of nothing but IOU’s from the same guys who took it from you in the first place?
Sccial Security
Environmental Protection
Americans with Disabilities Act
Affirmative Action
Gay Rights

Conservatives fought tooth and nail against all of them but they have proven to be such successes that even Repuplicans support them today

Affirmative action is BS. Nobody should get a position over a more qualified person because of the color of their skin.

No one should be denied because of the color of their skin...but they are.
That’s why we need Affirmative Action.

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Who are you to tell people how to manage their personal property?
Medicare met with stiff opposition

But consider the alternative. You work your whole life with your employer providing health insurance. But when you retire at 65, you have to get insurance on the open market with whatever pre existing conditions you may have and advanced age

Medicare provided a safety net
Sccial Security
Environmental Protection
Americans with Disabilities Act
Affirmative Action
Gay Rights

Conservatives fought tooth and nail against all of them but they have proven to be such successes that even Repuplicans support them today

Affirmative action is BS. Nobody should get a position over a more qualified person because of the color of their skin.

No one should be denied because of the color of their skin...but they are.
That’s why we need Affirmative Action.

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Reverse racism isn't the solution. It's also wrong.
Medicare met with stiff opposition

But consider the alternative. You work your whole life with your employer providing health insurance. But when you retire at 65, you have to get insurance on the open market with whatever pre existing conditions you may have and advanced age

Medicare provided a safety net
...that last 2 are definitely not successes ---especially AA--the blacks say it's not working--everything is wrong--they are STILL oppressed/shot/etc
Sccial Security
Environmental Protection
Americans with Disabilities Act
Affirmative Action
Gay Rights

Conservatives fought tooth and nail against all of them but they have proven to be such successes that even Repuplicans support them today

Affirmative action is BS. Nobody should get a position over a more qualified person because of the color of their skin.

No one should be denied because of the color of their skin...but they are.
That’s why we need Affirmative Action.

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Reverse racism isn't the solution. It's also wrong.

I agree. Everyone should be treated equal.

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Sccial Security
Environmental Protection
Americans with Disabilities Act
Affirmative Action
Gay Rights

Conservatives fought tooth and nail against all of them but they have proven to be such successes that even Repuplicans support them today

Affirmative action is BS. Nobody should get a position over a more qualified person because of the color of their skin.

No one should be denied because of the color of their skin...but they are.
That’s why we need Affirmative Action.

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and because of quotas, some are still denied
Sccial Security
Environmental Protection
Americans with Disabilities Act
Affirmative Action
Gay Rights

Conservatives fought tooth and nail against all of them but they have proven to be such successes that even Repuplicans support them today

Affirmative action is BS. Nobody should get a position over a more qualified person because of the color of their skin.

No one should be denied because of the color of their skin...but they are.
That’s why we need Affirmative Action.

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Reverse racism isn't the solution. It's also wrong.

I agree. Everyone should be treated equal.

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Forced equality is inequality.
Social Security is the cornerstone of Americans retirement

Prior to Social Security, people would work until they were physically unable and would then live with their children. If there were no kids they went to the poor house.

Social Security allowed people to actually retire
Environmental Protection was passed nearly unanimously and signed by Nixon. Since that time, Conservatives have turned against it to the point Trump refuses to enforce it

EPA has ensured we have clean air, rivers, uncontaminated land
Sccial Security
Environmental Protection
Americans with Disabilities Act
Affirmative Action
Gay Rights

Conservatives fought tooth and nail against all of them but they have proven to be such successes that even Repuplicans support them today

Affirmative action is BS. Nobody should get a position over a more qualified person because of the color of their skin.

No one should be denied because of the color of their skin...but they are.
That’s why we need Affirmative Action.

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Reverse racism isn't the solution. It's also wrong.

I agree. Everyone should be treated equal.

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Forced equality is inequality.

Treat us as equals. Problem solved.

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