Professors nationwide promise to cancel get 'Cops off campus'


What a good idea! Then the professors can take care of all the incidents that happen as law enforcement responds with...


Good. When the upcoming coup occurs in DC it’ll be easier to simultaneously clean up universities throughout America.

Professors nationwide promise to cancel get 'Cops off campus'
You`re a Pol Pot wannabe? Start murdering college professors and show the world what kind of trash you and yours really are.

You act like the loons benefit society.

If they don't want to teach they can find real employment other than indoctrinating young minds
So in the mid-2010s, there was a supposed "campus rape epidemic" and a big push for more police on campus to deal with it.

Now, they're pushing to remove cops. I guess if rape goes up, we'll know why....
Have I mentioned that BLM is a cancer that is spreading through our education system? Hmmm yes I think I have.

Cancer is a good word for it. Very fitting.

Started off as benign/irrelevant then it latches onto media, politicians, institutions (as opposed to major organs) and starts to grow.

The reason it's spread to a point where the damage is irreversible is due to white folk enabling it to by embracing it. Unforgivable.

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