Professor threatens students for use of the wrong words

How does one professors obnoxious rules on one campus mean that colleges no longer stimulate debate? This clown is a radical departure from what happens across the country. I have two kids in college and nothing remotely like this happens.
So you're pretending that this is the only case of PC or intolerance on a campus.

Sure, we can pretend anything, why not.
No. I am stating the obvious. That this single case proves nothing. How often are you on a college campus these days?
We agree. A single case proves nothing. An ongoing flurry of them do, but you're not going to admit to any of that.

I'm on campuses once in a while, but not to any degree, thanks for asking. I am paying attention, though.
Paying attention? No, you are not. This is one class. And, if you read the entire syllabus, there is nothing wrong with this class or the admonition to not use words that some in the class might find offensive. Tranny is offensive; colored is offensive; illegal is offensive. The class is not mandatory if some student were raised by someone like you and taught to arrogantly decide what shoul or should not offend others, they don't have to take the class. I have two in college. I visited a dozen different schools and studied what they had to offer my kids. I reviewed a couple dozen more schools and their curricula on line. the notion that education at the college level is some monolithic liberal entity is beyond stupid.

Conservatives try to propagate the lie of 'political correctness' because they fear open, unfettered debate where errant conservative dogma is challenged; conservatives try to propagate the lie of 'liberal colleges' because the facts and truth taught in colleges expose conservative dogma to be false.
HOW does one have open debate when they are denied the right to use everyday normal words for fear of reprisals?
Relate the OP's selection with the entire syllabus.

Have to use sensible language in a sensitive class subject.

Makes sense. Those who don't like it get to not like it. Don't enroll in the class.
Except for the fact that the LISTED words are NOT offensive.

You don't get to determine what is or is not offensive to other people.
Neither does the professor.
Yes, the professor does, in his class. And no one with any decency would not find tranny, or colored or illegal offensive.
So you find Male and Female offensive?
Relate the OP's selection with the entire syllabus.

Have to use sensible language in a sensitive class subject.

Makes sense. Those who don't like it get to not like it. Don't enroll in the class.
Except for the fact that the LISTED words are NOT offensive.

You don't get to determine what is or is not offensive to other people.
Neither does the professor.

He his class.
Not if a student sues for civil Liberty rights. You can not arbitrarily decide certain common everyday words are insulting and ban them in class room.

Of course you can.
Relate the OP's selection with the entire syllabus.

Have to use sensible language in a sensitive class subject.

Makes sense. Those who don't like it get to not like it. Don't enroll in the class.
Except for the fact that the LISTED words are NOT offensive.

You don't get to determine what is or is not offensive to other people.
Neither does the professor.

He his class.
Not if a student sues for civil Liberty rights. You can not arbitrarily decide certain common everyday words are insulting and ban them in class room.
Cite some law, counselor.
So you're pretending that this is the only case of PC or intolerance on a campus.

Sure, we can pretend anything, why not.
No. I am stating the obvious. That this single case proves nothing. How often are you on a college campus these days?
We agree. A single case proves nothing. An ongoing flurry of them do, but you're not going to admit to any of that.

I'm on campuses once in a while, but not to any degree, thanks for asking. I am paying attention, though.
Paying attention? No, you are not. This is one class. And, if you read the entire syllabus, there is nothing wrong with this class or the admonition to not use words that some in the class might find offensive. Tranny is offensive; colored is offensive; illegal is offensive. The class is not mandatory if some student were raised by someone like you and taught to arrogantly decide what shoul or should not offend others, they don't have to take the class. I have two in college. I visited a dozen different schools and studied what they had to offer my kids. I reviewed a couple dozen more schools and their curricula on line. the notion that education at the college level is some monolithic liberal entity is beyond stupid.

Conservatives try to propagate the lie of 'political correctness' because they fear open, unfettered debate where errant conservative dogma is challenged; conservatives try to propagate the lie of 'liberal colleges' because the facts and truth taught in colleges expose conservative dogma to be false.

It's no mistake that educated people.....and especially those trained in the practice of critical thinking.....lean left.

Nutters call it indoctrination. They fear what happens at colleges because they can't grasp these concepts.

Almost by definition, conservatives don't question dogma; they eat it like a dog swallowing any food given it, esp by its master.
Depends on when you went.

When I went to college in the late 70's, the campus was a stimulating, free-thinking, tolerant place. We were encouraged to challenge our own beliefs with the same passion that we challenged those of other people. We wanted to hear everyone's viewpoint. And this was in California, mind you.

Now, it's just the opposite. I don't know when this happened exactly, but it really is a shame. College should be a bastion of curiosity, debate and ideas, not this.
How does one professors obnoxious rules on one campus mean that colleges no longer stimulate debate? This clown is a radical departure from what happens across the country. I have two kids in college and nothing remotely like this happens.
So you're pretending that this is the only case of PC or intolerance on a campus.

Sure, we can pretend anything, why not.
No. I am stating the obvious. That this single case proves nothing. How often are you on a college campus these days?
We agree. A single case proves nothing. An ongoing flurry of them do, but you're not going to admit to any of that.

I'm on campuses once in a while, but not to any degree, thanks for asking. I am paying attention, though.
Paying attention? No, you are not. This is one class. And, if you read the entire syllabus, there is nothing wrong with this class or the admonition to not use words that some in the class might find offensive. Tranny is offensive; colored is offensive; illegal is offensive. The class is not mandatory if some student were raised by someone like you and taught to arrogantly decide what shoul or should not offend others, they don't have to take the class. I have two in college. I visited a dozen different schools and studied what they had to offer my kids. I reviewed a couple dozen more schools and their curricula on line. the notion that education at the college level is some monolithic liberal entity is beyond stupid.
Yes, that is the left wing perception of this: "No problem!"
So you're pretending that this is the only case of PC or intolerance on a campus.

Sure, we can pretend anything, why not.
No. I am stating the obvious. That this single case proves nothing. How often are you on a college campus these days?
We agree. A single case proves nothing. An ongoing flurry of them do, but you're not going to admit to any of that.

I'm on campuses once in a while, but not to any degree, thanks for asking. I am paying attention, though.
Paying attention? No, you are not. This is one class. And, if you read the entire syllabus, there is nothing wrong with this class or the admonition to not use words that some in the class might find offensive. Tranny is offensive; colored is offensive; illegal is offensive. The class is not mandatory if some student were raised by someone like you and taught to arrogantly decide what shoul or should not offend others, they don't have to take the class. I have two in college. I visited a dozen different schools and studied what they had to offer my kids. I reviewed a couple dozen more schools and their curricula on line. the notion that education at the college level is some monolithic liberal entity is beyond stupid.

Conservatives try to propagate the lie of 'political correctness' because they fear open, unfettered debate where errant conservative dogma is challenged; conservatives try to propagate the lie of 'liberal colleges' because the facts and truth taught in colleges expose conservative dogma to be false.
HOW does one have open debate when they are denied the right to use everyday normal words for fear of reprisals?
The PC Police want to control the conversation, and this tactic has been fabulously successful for them. And the one you're trying to communicate with won't even admit that the tactic even exists - he's one of the more dishonest of the PC Police.

Fortunately, more and more honest lefties have seen and admitted it:
The professor is responsible for the Syllabus.

The right wing PC can boo, but fuck em if they can't take a joke. Same with the PC.
Mac what % of college professors engage in p.c.?

Give us the hard facts on the case, Detective....

Thought so.
Depends on when you went.

When I went to college in the late 70's, the campus was a stimulating, free-thinking, tolerant place. We were encouraged to challenge our own beliefs with the same passion that we challenged those of other people. We wanted to hear everyone's viewpoint. And this was in California, mind you.

Now, it's just the opposite. I don't know when this happened exactly, but it really is a shame. College should be a bastion of curiosity, debate and ideas, not this.

And then you went home and watched TV, where married couples slept in separate beds...
So you're pretending that this is the only case of PC or intolerance on a campus.

Sure, we can pretend anything, why not.
No. I am stating the obvious. That this single case proves nothing. How often are you on a college campus these days?
We agree. A single case proves nothing. An ongoing flurry of them do, but you're not going to admit to any of that.

I'm on campuses once in a while, but not to any degree, thanks for asking. I am paying attention, though.
Paying attention? No, you are not. This is one class. And, if you read the entire syllabus, there is nothing wrong with this class or the admonition to not use words that some in the class might find offensive. Tranny is offensive; colored is offensive; illegal is offensive. The class is not mandatory if some student were raised by someone like you and taught to arrogantly decide what shoul or should not offend others, they don't have to take the class. I have two in college. I visited a dozen different schools and studied what they had to offer my kids. I reviewed a couple dozen more schools and their curricula on line. the notion that education at the college level is some monolithic liberal entity is beyond stupid.

Conservatives try to propagate the lie of 'political correctness' because they fear open, unfettered debate where errant conservative dogma is challenged; conservatives try to propagate the lie of 'liberal colleges' because the facts and truth taught in colleges expose conservative dogma to be false.
HOW does one have open debate when they are denied the right to use everyday normal words for fear of reprisals?
If you cannot discuss immigration without using illegal; or
Relate the OP's selection with the entire syllabus.

Have to use sensible language in a sensitive class subject.

Makes sense. Those who don't like it get to not like it. Don't enroll in the class.
Except for the fact that the LISTED words are NOT offensive.

You don't get to determine what is or is not offensive to other people.
Neither does the professor.
Yes, the professor does, in his class. And no one with any decency would not find tranny, or colored or illegal offensive.
So you find Male and Female offensive?
and where, asshole, did I say I did? Can you read did you not learn to read before you dropped out?
How does one professors obnoxious rules on one campus mean that colleges no longer stimulate debate? This clown is a radical departure from what happens across the country. I have two kids in college and nothing remotely like this happens.
So you're pretending that this is the only case of PC or intolerance on a campus.

Sure, we can pretend anything, why not.
No. I am stating the obvious. That this single case proves nothing. How often are you on a college campus these days?
We agree. A single case proves nothing. An ongoing flurry of them do, but you're not going to admit to any of that.

I'm on campuses once in a while, but not to any degree, thanks for asking. I am paying attention, though.
Paying attention? No, you are not. This is one class. And, if you read the entire syllabus, there is nothing wrong with this class or the admonition to not use words that some in the class might find offensive. Tranny is offensive; colored is offensive; illegal is offensive. The class is not mandatory if some student were raised by someone like you and taught to arrogantly decide what shoul or should not offend others, they don't have to take the class. I have two in college. I visited a dozen different schools and studied what they had to offer my kids. I reviewed a couple dozen more schools and their curricula on line. the notion that education at the college level is some monolithic liberal entity is beyond stupid.

Conservatives try to propagate the lie of 'political correctness' because they fear open, unfettered debate where errant conservative dogma is challenged; conservatives try to propagate the lie of 'liberal colleges' because the facts and truth taught in colleges expose conservative dogma to be false.

bull. freaking. shit.

Suppression of debate is the progressive playbook de jure, not the conservative/libertarian one.
Relate the OP's selection with the entire syllabus.

Have to use sensible language in a sensitive class subject.

Makes sense. Those who don't like it get to not like it. Don't enroll in the class.
Except for the fact that the LISTED words are NOT offensive.

You don't get to determine what is or is not offensive to other people.
Neither does the professor.

He his class.
Not if a student sues for civil Liberty rights. You can not arbitrarily decide certain common everyday words are insulting and ban them in class room.
Right. And if a Spanish language teacher in a Spanish class requires all students to speak Spanish in class, would you find that worthy of a lawsuit?
So you're pretending that this is the only case of PC or intolerance on a campus.

Sure, we can pretend anything, why not.
No. I am stating the obvious. That this single case proves nothing. How often are you on a college campus these days?
We agree. A single case proves nothing. An ongoing flurry of them do, but you're not going to admit to any of that.

I'm on campuses once in a while, but not to any degree, thanks for asking. I am paying attention, though.
Paying attention? No, you are not. This is one class. And, if you read the entire syllabus, there is nothing wrong with this class or the admonition to not use words that some in the class might find offensive. Tranny is offensive; colored is offensive; illegal is offensive. The class is not mandatory if some student were raised by someone like you and taught to arrogantly decide what shoul or should not offend others, they don't have to take the class. I have two in college. I visited a dozen different schools and studied what they had to offer my kids. I reviewed a couple dozen more schools and their curricula on line. the notion that education at the college level is some monolithic liberal entity is beyond stupid.

Conservatives try to propagate the lie of 'political correctness' because they fear open, unfettered debate where errant conservative dogma is challenged; conservatives try to propagate the lie of 'liberal colleges' because the facts and truth taught in colleges expose conservative dogma to be false.

bull. freaking. shit.

Suppression of debate is the progressive playbook de jure, not the conservative/libertarian one.
It is not suppression of debate, dumb fuck. It is a class on gender and other biases. The mere fact that some student wrote about this in a student paper where it was picked up by Fox New and other Right Wing outrage factories kind of proves that debate is thriving.
So you're pretending that this is the only case of PC or intolerance on a campus.

Sure, we can pretend anything, why not.
No. I am stating the obvious. That this single case proves nothing. How often are you on a college campus these days?
We agree. A single case proves nothing. An ongoing flurry of them do, but you're not going to admit to any of that.

I'm on campuses once in a while, but not to any degree, thanks for asking. I am paying attention, though.
Paying attention? No, you are not. This is one class. And, if you read the entire syllabus, there is nothing wrong with this class or the admonition to not use words that some in the class might find offensive. Tranny is offensive; colored is offensive; illegal is offensive. The class is not mandatory if some student were raised by someone like you and taught to arrogantly decide what shoul or should not offend others, they don't have to take the class. I have two in college. I visited a dozen different schools and studied what they had to offer my kids. I reviewed a couple dozen more schools and their curricula on line. the notion that education at the college level is some monolithic liberal entity is beyond stupid.

Conservatives try to propagate the lie of 'political correctness' because they fear open, unfettered debate where errant conservative dogma is challenged; conservatives try to propagate the lie of 'liberal colleges' because the facts and truth taught in colleges expose conservative dogma to be false.
HOW does one have open debate when they are denied the right to use everyday normal words for fear of reprisals?
So, you use Tranny, illegal, colored or negro in your everyday talk? I would imagine you do. Along with fag, ******, ****, **** etc.
No. I am stating the obvious. That this single case proves nothing. How often are you on a college campus these days?
We agree. A single case proves nothing. An ongoing flurry of them do, but you're not going to admit to any of that.

I'm on campuses once in a while, but not to any degree, thanks for asking. I am paying attention, though.
Paying attention? No, you are not. This is one class. And, if you read the entire syllabus, there is nothing wrong with this class or the admonition to not use words that some in the class might find offensive. Tranny is offensive; colored is offensive; illegal is offensive. The class is not mandatory if some student were raised by someone like you and taught to arrogantly decide what shoul or should not offend others, they don't have to take the class. I have two in college. I visited a dozen different schools and studied what they had to offer my kids. I reviewed a couple dozen more schools and their curricula on line. the notion that education at the college level is some monolithic liberal entity is beyond stupid.

Conservatives try to propagate the lie of 'political correctness' because they fear open, unfettered debate where errant conservative dogma is challenged; conservatives try to propagate the lie of 'liberal colleges' because the facts and truth taught in colleges expose conservative dogma to be false.

bull. freaking. shit.

Suppression of debate is the progressive playbook de jure, not the conservative/libertarian one.
It is not suppression of debate, dumb fuck. It is a class on gender and other biases. The mere fact that some student wrote about this in a student paper where it was picked up by Fox New and other Right Wing outrage factories kind of proves that debate is thriving.

It is suppression of debate, no matter how you progressive hacks try to play it off. The cure for speech you don't like is more speech, not a threat to fail a person for it.
These are her rules for discussion:
 Please be considerate of your peers, the course content, and myself. We all have differing opinions, beliefs, and practices. The course materials may challenge your personal beliefs or opinions, and this is an open space to discuss these disagreements in a civilized, academic manner. Any personal attacks against myself or another student will result in removal from the course for the remainder of the semester.

Avoid using anecdotal evidence in any debate. Since identities, such as gender or race, cannot be generalized to your personal experience, anecdotal evidence must be kept to a minimum. Understand that we are not discussing nor attacking individual experience, but rather the institutionalized and systemic issues of discrimination and prejudice.

Gross generalizations, stereotypes, and derogatory/oppressive language are not acceptable. Use of racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, classist, or generally offensive language in class or submission of such material will not be tolerated. (This includes “The Man,” “Colored People,” “Illegals/Illegal Aliens,” “Tranny” and so on - or referring to women/men as females or males) If I see it or hear it, I will correct it in class since it can be a learning moment for many students"

Conservatives cannot have a discussion without personal attacks, using their own personal anecdotes as evidence of a general practice and using gross generalizations, stereotypes and derogatory language. This thread is a perfect example. This story is anecdotal evidence; it is based on generalizations and stereotypes about college professors and involves blind condemnation and attacks on a college professor no one here posting knows anything about.
We agree. A single case proves nothing. An ongoing flurry of them do, but you're not going to admit to any of that.

I'm on campuses once in a while, but not to any degree, thanks for asking. I am paying attention, though.
Paying attention? No, you are not. This is one class. And, if you read the entire syllabus, there is nothing wrong with this class or the admonition to not use words that some in the class might find offensive. Tranny is offensive; colored is offensive; illegal is offensive. The class is not mandatory if some student were raised by someone like you and taught to arrogantly decide what shoul or should not offend others, they don't have to take the class. I have two in college. I visited a dozen different schools and studied what they had to offer my kids. I reviewed a couple dozen more schools and their curricula on line. the notion that education at the college level is some monolithic liberal entity is beyond stupid.

Conservatives try to propagate the lie of 'political correctness' because they fear open, unfettered debate where errant conservative dogma is challenged; conservatives try to propagate the lie of 'liberal colleges' because the facts and truth taught in colleges expose conservative dogma to be false.

bull. freaking. shit.

Suppression of debate is the progressive playbook de jure, not the conservative/libertarian one.
It is not suppression of debate, dumb fuck. It is a class on gender and other biases. The mere fact that some student wrote about this in a student paper where it was picked up by Fox New and other Right Wing outrage factories kind of proves that debate is thriving.

It is suppression of debate, no matter how you progressive hacks try to play it off. The cure for speech you don't like is more speech, not a threat to fail a person for it.
A classroom is not a free speech zone. A professor absolutely controls speech in her classroom. She can decide who speaks, when they will speak and the tone that is acceptable. That you want to say, "colored folks exaggerate their claims of discrimination" instead of "African Americans exaggerate their claims of discrimination" is not suppression of free speech. Free speech is protected in public forums. A classroom is not a public forums. There is no punishment for having a different opinion than the teacher; but for expressing it, repeatedly, in a manner that may be offensive to other students.
More of the Syllabus to put the OP into focus.

Course Description
This class will look the intersections of race, class, gender, and sexuality in film and media, and the social, political, economic, and cultural practices impact of these mediums. We will explore some of the complexities of these identities through the course texts, selected articles, group discussions, lectures, and film with attention to media and popular culture.

Using classic and contemporary films, as well as sample content from television and the internet, we will explore the boundaries, stipulations, and expectations which shape cultural expectations of sex, gender identity and expression, sexuality, and sexual orientation.

Learning Outcomes By the end of this semester, you should have the skills to:  Understand core concepts of: race, class, gender, sex, gender identity, sexuality, and sexual orientation in relation to social, political, economic, and cultural norms and practices.

 Have the ability to recognize these concepts in film, media, television, and online and identify the complications of these representations.

 Identify areas of systemic and institutionalized racism, prejudice, misogyny, classism, sexism, and discriminatory practices in the casting, production, distribution, and reception of various media samples, and make connections to your personal experiences.

 Recognize the intersectionality of race, class, ethnicity, sex, gender, sexual orientation, and ability in actors, their roles, and their on- & off-screen personas.

 Participate in discussions in a thoughtful and academic manner, with understanding of critical race theory, feminist, anti-racist, and allied social discourse.

 Engage in discussion surrounding contemporary political movements and trends in popular culture and social discourse which contribute to the systemic issues discussed in class.

 Distinguish and dismantle stereotypes, archetypes, assumptions, clichés, and widespread beliefs surrounding race, class, sexuality, gender, and identity.
That's fine but what does that have to do with the reality that a professor is attempting to reclassify non offensive (except to a very tiny minority) common words, phrases, usage as offensive and doing so by treats of academic punishment.
My response would be Da Tovaritch or Da Camraden, my next response would be to advise the Dean and demand it be changed, if that failed it would be the Board advising them of the possibility of a violation of civil liberties lawsuit.
Colored is offensive to most African Americans. Tranny is offensive to anyone. Illegal is offensive to many immigrants, here with permission or not. There is absolutely no violation of anyone's liberty to be required, in a classroom, to avoid offensive language. I have the right to use the word Fuck here, on this site. Others sites do not allow that. If a professor required that students not use profane language in a classroom, when the same profane language is protected in speech outside the classroom, is a that a violation of the student's rights?
These are her rules for discussion:
 Please be considerate of your peers, the course content, and myself. We all have differing opinions, beliefs, and practices. The course materials may challenge your personal beliefs or opinions, and this is an open space to discuss these disagreements in a civilized, academic manner. Any personal attacks against myself or another student will result in removal from the course for the remainder of the semester.

Avoid using anecdotal evidence in any debate. Since identities, such as gender or race, cannot be generalized to your personal experience, anecdotal evidence must be kept to a minimum. Understand that we are not discussing nor attacking individual experience, but rather the institutionalized and systemic issues of discrimination and prejudice.

Gross generalizations, stereotypes, and derogatory/oppressive language are not acceptable. Use of racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, classist, or generally offensive language in class or submission of such material will not be tolerated. (This includes “The Man,” “Colored People,” “Illegals/Illegal Aliens,” “Tranny” and so on - or referring to women/men as females or males) If I see it or hear it, I will correct it in class since it can be a learning moment for many students"

Conservatives cannot have a discussion without personal attacks, using their own personal anecdotes as evidence of a general practice and using gross generalizations, stereotypes and derogatory language. This thread is a perfect example. This story is anecdotal evidence; it is based on generalizations and stereotypes about college professors and involves blind condemnation and attacks on a college professor no one here posting knows anything about.

Illegal alien is not derogatory, stop trying to change what words mean or do.

Males and females is not derogatory. stop being such a prissy fuck.

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