Pro-Weed; why I'm libertarian instead of Republican


Gold Member
Feb 1, 2016
I admit I smoke a few puffs here and there, although the high is somewhat boring and doesn't do that much for me, it's a mild diversion But I believe weed should be legalized and sold in liquor stores under the same laws as alcohol (The Republican "War on Drugs" is a proven complete failure I reject) for very logical reasons:

1.) Tens of millions of law-abiding, functional Americans were smoking weed for decades in America, from all walks of life, regardless of the exact pot laws. Why waste jail space on something that isn't terribly important or harmful anyway?
2.) In every quantifiable way, pot is less destructive to society than alcohol; it doesn't cause violence, loss of control, melodramatic family dysfunctionality, or 50% of fatal car crashes in this country.
3.) The U.S. Constitution is written on hemp paper (wood paper would have disintegrated into dust by now), so in a physical way it's truly un-American to criminalize hemp with its 1001 industrial uses.
4.) It has the medical advantage of being the strongest, fastest anti-emetic known to medical science. Nothing will stop chronic vomiting better than THC.
5.) Nobody has ever died from a THC overdose because even though it feels somewhat narcotic, it doesn't really affect one's vital signs.
Obama is not President.
Don't you guys have any arguments at all, except
'What about Hillary/the Dems?'
Why are pot heads determined to compare marijuana to alcohol? Other than beer or wine it's illegal throughout the country to manufacture alcohol or even to possess a so-called "still" without a federal permit that's impossible to get. Marijuana is a gateway drug and every opioid abuser has started with marijuana. The so-called medical benefits of marijuana are exaggerated or outright bogus and as a matter of fact at a time when cigarette smoking is all but outlawed the lefties who control the media are virtually silent about the mental and physical health risks of chronically inhaling the smoke from a freaking weed. Look at those old Cheech/Chong movies. The mental effects of abusing marijuana aren't really exaggerated that much in the movie. It's all about money and all about tapping the resources of those young kids who are prospective customers.
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Just because I have a genocidal hatred of today's progressives, or should I say regressives - that DOES NOT MEAN I'm madly in love with the Republican party either. I'm not a mindless partisan robot lock-step with any party platform. The R. party has its share of fucking asshole ignorami, especially when it comes to their "reefer madness" IGNORANCE of the most harmless mild intoxicant known to man: weed! Which, unlike alcohol, DOESN'T KILL!
Why are pot heads determined to compare marijuana to alcohol? Other than beer or wine it's illegal throughout the country to manufacture alcohol or even to possess a so-called "still". Marijuana is a gateway drug and every opioid abuser has started with marijuana. The so-called medical benefits of marijuana are exaggerated or outright bogus. At a time when cigarette smoking is all but outlawed the lefties who control the media are virtually silent of the health risks of inhaling the smoke from a freaking weed. It's all about money and all about tapping the resources of those young kids who are prospective customers.
Every single solitary reason for banning pot is applicable to alcohol.

Hypocrisy is a duopoly cancer.
Why are pot heads determined to compare marijuana to alcohol? Other than beer or wine it's illegal throughout the country to manufacture alcohol or even to possess a so-called "still". Marijuana is a gateway drug and every opioid abuser has started with marijuana. The so-called medical benefits of marijuana are exaggerated or outright bogus. At a time when cigarette smoking is all but outlawed the lefties who control the media are virtually silent of the health risks of inhaling the smoke from a freaking weed. It's all about money and all about tapping the resources of those young kids who are prospective customers.

It is absolutely amazing that you know that. I guess we should just take your word?

Maybe a link to back that up?
Why are pot heads determined to compare marijuana to alcohol? Other than beer or wine it's illegal throughout the country to manufacture alcohol or even to possess a so-called "still" without a federal permit that's impossible to get. Marijuana is a gateway drug and every opioid abuser has started with marijuana. The so-called medical benefits of marijuana are exaggerated or outright bogus and as a matter of fact at a time when cigarette smoking is all but outlawed the lefties who control the media are virtually silent about the mental and physical health risks of chronically inhaling the smoke from a freaking weed. Look at those old Cheech/Chong movies. The mental effects of abusing marijuana aren't really exaggerated that much in the movie.It's all about money and all about tapping the resources of those young kids who are prospective customers.

You really believe pot smokers all act like Cheech and Chong?

Get real.
At this point with 8 states having legalized it, I think the Federal Government needs to decriminalize it. It can be dangerous with the high THC content strains being very potent, and the edibles present a new danger especially with kids thinking they are candy. It won't be all positive just like with alcohol. But expending the resources on fighting against the Marijuana tide is proving to be a waste.
Why are pot heads determined to compare marijuana to alcohol? Other than beer or wine it's illegal throughout the country to manufacture alcohol or even to possess a so-called "still" without a federal permit that's impossible to get. Marijuana is a gateway drug and every opioid abuser has started with marijuana. The so-called medical benefits of marijuana are exaggerated or outright bogus and as a matter of fact at a time when cigarette smoking is all but outlawed the lefties who control the media are virtually silent about the mental and physical health risks of chronically inhaling the smoke from a freaking weed. Look at those old Cheech/Chong movies. The mental effects of abusing marijuana aren't really exaggerated that much in the movie. It's all about money and all about tapping the resources of those young kids who are prospective customers.
Pretty sad isn't it.
Why are pot heads determined to compare marijuana to alcohol? Other than beer or wine it's illegal throughout the country to manufacture alcohol or even to possess a so-called "still" without a federal permit that's impossible to get. Marijuana is a gateway drug and every opioid abuser has started with marijuana. The so-called medical benefits of marijuana are exaggerated or outright bogus and as a matter of fact at a time when cigarette smoking is all but outlawed the lefties who control the media are virtually silent about the mental and physical health risks of chronically inhaling the smoke from a freaking weed. Look at those old Cheech/Chong movies. The mental effects of abusing marijuana aren't really exaggerated that much in the movie. It's all about money and all about tapping the resources of those young kids who are prospective customers.
Pretty sad isn't it.

Yes it is very sad how ignorant some folks can be.
Why are pot heads determined to compare marijuana to alcohol? Other than beer or wine it's illegal throughout the country to manufacture alcohol or even to possess a so-called "still" without a federal permit that's impossible to get. Marijuana is a gateway drug and every opioid abuser has started with marijuana. The so-called medical benefits of marijuana are exaggerated or outright bogus and as a matter of fact at a time when cigarette smoking is all but outlawed the lefties who control the media are virtually silent about the mental and physical health risks of chronically inhaling the smoke from a freaking weed. Look at those old Cheech/Chong movies. The mental effects of abusing marijuana aren't really exaggerated that much in the movie. It's all about money and all about tapping the resources of those young kids who are prospective customers.

States wh legal weed have less opioid deaths than no weed states.

Obama , GW , and Clinton admitted to smoking . So yes it’s a gateway drug ......TO BECOMING PRESIDENT!

From your link.

“Colorado transportation and public safety officials, however, say the rising number of pot-related traffic fatalities cannot be definitively linked to legalized marijuana.”

“Positive test results reflected in the NHTSA data do not indicate whether a driver was high at the time of the crash since traces of marijuana use from weeks earlier also can appear as a positive result.”

you can't ban something just because you don't like it.

Maroon 5 wouldn't exist if it were up to me, but i wouldn't ban them!

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