Pro-abortionists furious at Tim Tebow ad

I wonder if FauxHawk also wants to make masturbation illegal? Or perhaps he thinks we need a law to ban eating one's own feces?

If not, then he's definitely pro-shit eating and monkey spanking. :rolleyes:

Not at all, if you want to eat your own shit, by all means, its not infringing on anyone else's human rights.

Define human rights?

I'm pretty sure shooting up herion doesn't infringe on anyone else's human rights either. Do you support legalizing heroin?
That argument makes absolutely no sense. By definition, capital punishment cannot be murder. However, those who are pro death penalty, readily acknowledge that we are advocating for the death of criminals who commit heinous enough crimes that the community thinks he should face death. We aren't pretending we are for some other position while secretly holding our real position. When we say we are pro death penalty, we mean we are in favor of the death penalty.

First, I support the death Penalty and I am pro-Choice.

I made the statement for a highlight the idiocy of calling someone that is pro-choice pro-abortion because theyt voice opposition to what they see as a blatantly political statement during a slot that is by nature apolitical.

Now the pro-choice groups are claiming they are in favor of a woman being able to choose whether to have an abortion or not. Now if their position was actually based on a desire for a woman to make a choice, there would be absolutely no reason to be offended that someone who exercised their choice not to abort their child and was encouraging people not as well. In fact, they would be happy that the woman had the choice to.

Bullshit. We live in a time of extremes right now, and freedom of expression an speech covers even them. There is nothing inherently evil about voicing opposition to a polar opposite stance. If this were a planned parenthood add of any kind you would be up in arms, because you believe you argue from a higher moral absolute. So do they.

And none of you can STAND opposing viewpoints.

But that's not the case here. Here a woman exercised her choice, and they are offended by it. By their actions they are demonstrating that choice really isnt the issue at all. It's a mask to cover up their true position. And logically the only position they could really be advocating that would make them upset in this case is that they are, in fact, pro abortion and not just pro choice.

Bullshit again. No one is voicing opposition to the woman's choice, again, they are voicing opposition to a political statement during an apolitical television broadcast. I agree with them, I would not support ANY political add during the Superbowl, leftist or Right wing. You are injecting your ideological bent into this and twisting the facts in order to support a whiny and spurious argument.

As I said, if you were pro choice, you wouldnt be upset over someone making a choice for life. You'd only be upset over that if you were actually pro abortion. You can clearly see that your analogy just doesnt hold up under analysis. It sounds nice. But rhetoric doesn't equal reality.

I am fully pro-choice, and I am happy she made the decision she made because I personally find abortion to be abhorrent. My analogy holds up just fine because the extreme position of both sides is utter bullshit.

If Rhetoric does not equal reality why are you depending on it here?
Quick question for you anti-abortionists...........

Ever hear of a mother killing her kids? Ever hear of a family that committed sexual abuse towards a child?

I have.

Still think that a life of sexual slavery and eternal servitude is a good deal?

Personally? I wish that some of the things I've done could have been done away with.

Same with some others, I'm guessing. What makes your pain more "righteous" than others?
Pro-abortionists furious at Tim Tebow ad

What exactly is a pro-abortionist?

If an anti-abortionist is someone who is against abortion then a pro-abortionist would be . . . .

But the truth is that there are very few who are truly pro-abortion. Even the most devout pro-choicers who post here would prefer that abortion was almost non-existant. Their beliefs, if you really read them on the subject, is that the government should stay out of the decision. They are not pro-abortion but rather against governmental interference in this particular matter.

As a person with strong libertarian leanings, I must say that is hard to argue with.

The OP title is as dishonest on two levels. The first has already been shown but the second is trying to demonize the pro choice crowd by calling them "pro-abortionists." See, when your position is solid you don't need to rely on such forms of deception. When you do that it sends the message you are insecure on your own ground.

Yea, I am dishonest because I call a spade a spade. I don't play the word game that liberals do in re-inventing definitions for words. If you are FOR the ability of women to have abortions on demand then you are PRO-ABORTION. If they were truely pro-choice then they would support people who send out the message to make the OTHER choice....but they don't. They fight and protest pro-life movement every chance they get. They can call themselves whatever the fuck they want, I will call them for exactly how I perceive them, there is no deception or dishonesty in that at all.

Abortion is legal. Which is better?

A woman choosing to have or not have an abortion


The government making the choice for her.

I think this is where the "pro-choice = pro-abortion" line gets blurred by some.
Curious that the very people who protested and stopped the showing of the Reagan TV fictional documentary on commercial television would feel this way. What's good for the goose....
Abortion is legal. Which is better?

A woman choosing to have or not have an abortion


The government making the choice for her.

I think this is where the "pro-choice = pro-abortion" line gets blurred by some.

A woman will always have the "choice" of killing her baby or carrying it to full term. What we're talking about is whether or not one choice (killing) should be legal or illegal.

Government already forbids us from doing thousands of acts. Why is it when it comes to abortion people scream about the government "forcing" women to do something, but every other law we have somehow isn't forcing people to act in a certain way?
What is the big deal here?

The networks have no problem with Viagra, GoDaddy, Victoria's Secret, Budweiser, Miller, and host of other advertisers over the years with messages that might offend. Seems to me you run the ad. If there is some big controversy, make a space for the opposing point of view to air a commerical at the same price.

Go ahead and show the amputation of limbs prior to removal of the child from the womb. I'm sure many will be very supportive of the process and results.
Since so many people seem to be so hung up on "pro-abortionist", here is the dictionary definition:

Main Entry: pro·abor·tion
Pronunciation: \ˌprō-ə-ˈbȯr-shən\
Function: adjective
Date: 1972
: favoring the legalization of abortion

— pro–abor·tion·ist \-sh(ə-)nist\ noun

Proabortionist - Definition and More from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary
I wonder if FauxHawk also wants to make masturbation illegal? Or perhaps he thinks we need a law to ban eating one's own feces?

If not, then he's definitely pro-shit eating and monkey spanking. :rolleyes:

Not at all, if you want to eat your own shit, by all means, its not infringing on anyone else's human rights.

Define human rights?

I'm pretty sure shooting up herion doesn't infringe on anyone else's human rights either. Do you support legalizing heroin?

Main Entry: human rights
Function: noun plural
Date: 1766
: rights (as freedom from unlawful imprisonment, torture, and execution) regarded as belonging fundamentally to all persons
Not at all, if you want to eat your own shit, by all means, its not infringing on anyone else's human rights.

Define human rights?

I'm pretty sure shooting up herion doesn't infringe on anyone else's human rights either. Do you support legalizing heroin?

Main Entry: human rights
Function: noun plural
Date: 1766
: rights (as freedom from unlawful imprisonment, torture, and execution) regarded as belonging fundamentally to all persons

In the opinions of many, if not most, unborn fetuses are not "persons."

If you are going to debate an issue honestly, you should at least acknowledge what is opinion and what is fact.
As far as sperm, eggs, embryos and fetuses and children?

Well..........a sperm by itself is just one cell that can't do much, as it is specialized for only 1 function. Same with a female's egg. Neither one is "human".

Combine the 2? Still gonna have to wait awhile, as any decent doctor will tell you that the mass of cells is just a mass of cells until around the 40th day, when it finally develops a nervous system and can feel pain.

The mass of cells is not a "human" either. It's more of a growth (kinda like cancer), until the nervous system is developed.

After the 40 day mark and the development of a nervous system? THEN it's "human".

I see, so a fertilized egg in the womb is not of any species? It doesn't have any DNA?


And by the way, even when you're an adult you are nothing more than a "mass of cells".
In the opinions of many, if not most, unborn fetuses are not "persons."

If you are going to debate an issue honestly, you should at least acknowledge what is opinion and what is fact.

Did I ever state otherwise? I know many people's opinion is that an unborn fetus is not a person.

I stated that an unborn fetus is a human being, with its own unique human DNA. That is a fact, not an opinion.

No nothing like that. I wasn't debating Sarge, I was making a comment about you. mean like hurling insults and personal attacks about me? :lol::lol:

The difference is (and I knew I would have to explain this to the mentally challenged) I wasn't debating Sarge I was giving him my opinion about you , however you and curvelight and a few others hurl insults and personal attacks when you're losing an argument (which happens more often than not) and that's because you obviously lack the intelligence required to counter with substantive points and support those points with evidence. Have I made myself clear or do I need to draw you a picture?
Pro-abortionists furious at Tim Tebow ad

What exactly is a pro-abortionist?

Someone who is for allowing abortion on demand.
Then wouldn't it be more accurate to call them pro choice or pro on demand?

"Pro-abortionist' sayd to me someone who feels that sbortionist should be allowed to live and not be on certain fundamentalist's hit lists.

From reading the above posts, no one seems to have a clear and universally accepted definition of pro-abortionist. It's like the term "pro-life". It's used by anti and pro choice alike. To me and many others the forced birthers are anti-life but they claim they are.

I am pro life and I am pro choice. The terms are synonymous to me.

To insure clarity and fairness, I think that people should stick to the terms "pro-choice, limited pro-choice and anti-choice".
In the opinions of many, if not most, unborn fetuses are not "persons."

If you are going to debate an issue honestly, you should at least acknowledge what is opinion and what is fact.

Did I ever state otherwise? I know many people's opinion is that an unborn fetus is not a person.

I stated that an unborn fetus is a human being, with its own unique human DNA. That is a fact, not an opinion.

The DNA part is a fact. The "human being" part is still subjective.

But you're making progress. Keep it up. :thup:

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