Pro-abortion? Why?

Unless you are a pregnant woman, abortion is none of your business. Unless you have a biological stake in this conception, it's between her and her doctor, and her religion. You have no stake in this, no role to play here, and it's none of your business.

Maybe nobody told you, but said hypothetical child is half mine.

But I'll make a compromise with you. If you want want abortion rights, fine with me. But I want equal abortion rights for the male party - meaning he was equal right to absolve himself of responsibility before the child is born. You game?

You are offering something that already is the norm.
No, that's not the norm. The mother has total control; she can choose to have the child and force the father to pay support, or she can choose to kill the child before it is born. The father has NO choice in this. So "pro-choice" only applies to the mother.
Knowing that, you’d think men would be more careful.
True reality is that women CAN PREVENT pregnancy. Without abortion as birth control, that's what they would be doing. Before Roe v. Wade abortion was rare and so was unwanted pregnancy.

Um, no, actually it wasn't. Before Roe v. Wade, you had just as many abortions. Doctors performed them, wrote something else down on the chart. I know this is not what they tell you at talking snake U or whatever religious institution is feeding you this bullshit. I'm old enough to remember.

Women was fucking, and getting abortions.. All Roe did was end the hypocrisy.

Close abortion clinics.

Women will just go to illegal providers... then what? Cops aren't going to be bothered, they have better things to do.

Some doctors did perform abortions under the guise of D and C, but the number of abortions has exploded since Roe v. Wade.
I don't care what age you are, the who and where of performed abortions was not common knowledge or maybe you don't know just how many human beings are being aborted daily. Currently, abortion is the number one cause of death in the world.
True reality is that women CAN PREVENT pregnancy. Without abortion as birth control, that's what they would be doing. Before Roe v. Wade abortion was rare and so was unwanted pregnancy.

Um, no, actually it wasn't. Before Roe v. Wade, you had just as many abortions. Doctors performed them, wrote something else down on the chart. I know this is not what they tell you at talking snake U or whatever religious institution is feeding you this bullshit. I'm old enough to remember.

Women was fucking, and getting abortions.. All Roe did was end the hypocrisy.

Close abortion clinics.

Women will just go to illegal providers... then what? Cops aren't going to be bothered, they have better things to do.

Some doctors did perform abortions under the guise of D and C, but the number of abortions has exploded since Roe v. Wade.
I don't care what age you are, the who and where of performed abortions was not common knowledge or maybe you don't know just how many human beings are being aborted daily. Currently, abortion is the number one cause of death in the world.

I am sure that you will provide a link to back up that statement.
True reality is that women CAN PREVENT pregnancy. Without abortion as birth control, that's what they would be doing. Before Roe v. Wade abortion was rare and so was unwanted pregnancy.

Um, no, actually it wasn't. Before Roe v. Wade, you had just as many abortions. Doctors performed them, wrote something else down on the chart. I know this is not what they tell you at talking snake U or whatever religious institution is feeding you this bullshit. I'm old enough to remember.

Women was fucking, and getting abortions.. All Roe did was end the hypocrisy.

Close abortion clinics.

Women will just go to illegal providers... then what? Cops aren't going to be bothered, they have better things to do.

Some doctors did perform abortions under the guise of D and C, but the number of abortions has exploded since Roe v. Wade.
I don't care what age you are, the who and where of performed abortions was not common knowledge or maybe you don't know just how many human beings are being aborted daily. Currently, abortion is the number one cause of death in the world.
Actually not.

For a brief period of time abortions increased after Roe.

But since 1980 abortions have been steadily decreasing.

By 2014 fewer abortions were being performed than before Roe.

U.S. Abortion Rate Falls To Lowest Level Since Roe v. Wade
True reality is that women CAN PREVENT pregnancy. Without abortion as birth control, that's what they would be doing. Before Roe v. Wade abortion was rare and so was unwanted pregnancy.

Um, no, actually it wasn't. Before Roe v. Wade, you had just as many abortions. Doctors performed them, wrote something else down on the chart. I know this is not what they tell you at talking snake U or whatever religious institution is feeding you this bullshit. I'm old enough to remember.

Women was fucking, and getting abortions.. All Roe did was end the hypocrisy.

Close abortion clinics.

Women will just go to illegal providers... then what? Cops aren't going to be bothered, they have better things to do.

Some doctors did perform abortions under the guise of D and C, but the number of abortions has exploded since Roe v. Wade.
I don't care what age you are, the who and where of performed abortions was not common knowledge or maybe you don't know just how many human beings are being aborted daily. Currently, abortion is the number one cause of death in the world.
And abortion is not the 'number one' cause of death in the world:

“Of the 56.9 million deaths worldwide in 2016, more than half (54%) were due to the top 10 causes. Ischaemic heart disease and stroke are the world’s biggest killers, accounting for a combined 15.2 million deaths in 2016. These diseases have remained the leading causes of death globally in the last 15 years.”

The top 10 causes of death
If you feel strongly that abortion should be available to all women at all times, I'd like to know why you think this is important.

I am NOT interested in whether you think abortion is "moral" or "immoral", only in why you feel access to abortion as a health service is necessary.

This is not a "trick question", I want honest answers.

Flamers will be reported and ignored.
Why am I pro-abortion?
Because it’s a private matter and not your business.
Because we don’t need more unwanted kids, and planned parenthood should be a priority.
Because we as a society should spend our resources on helping unfortunate and/or unwanted kids already born, and there are millions of them.
Some doctors did perform abortions under the guise of D and C, but the number of abortions has exploded since Roe v. Wade.
I don't care what age you are, the who and where of performed abortions was not common knowledge or maybe you don't know just how many human beings are being aborted daily. Currently, abortion is the number one cause of death in the world.

Nobody dies from abortion because fetuses aren't people.

Um, yeah, back in the day, you knew who you could get an abortion from.

Just like prostitution is illegal, and there are at least six "Happy Ending" massage parlors within five miles of me.
Some doctors did perform abortions under the guise of D and C, but the number of abortions has exploded since Roe v. Wade.
I don't care what age you are, the who and where of performed abortions was not common knowledge or maybe you don't know just how many human beings are being aborted daily. Currently, abortion is the number one cause of death in the world.

Nobody dies from abortion because fetuses aren't people.

Um, yeah, back in the day, you knew who you could get an abortion from.

Just like prostitution is illegal, and there are at least six "Happy Ending" massage parlors within five miles of me.
A human fetus is a human being. There is no doubt that you also started life as a human fetus.
There weren't hundreds of thousands of abortions being performed each year when abortion was illegal.
Some doctors did perform abortions under the guise of D and C, but the number of abortions has exploded since Roe v. Wade.
I don't care what age you are, the who and where of performed abortions was not common knowledge or maybe you don't know just how many human beings are being aborted daily. Currently, abortion is the number one cause of death in the world.

Nobody dies from abortion because fetuses aren't people.

Um, yeah, back in the day, you knew who you could get an abortion from.

Just like prostitution is illegal, and there are at least six "Happy Ending" massage parlors within five miles of me.

Just like prostitution is illegal, and there are at least six "Happy Ending" massage parlors within five miles of me.

Yep, why are we not surprised.
That child is not yet alive .

World’s smallest baby survives and thrives after premature birth at an age when others are aborted
Some doctors did perform abortions under the guise of D and C, but the number of abortions has exploded since Roe v. Wade.
I don't care what age you are, the who and where of performed abortions was not common knowledge or maybe you don't know just how many human beings are being aborted daily. Currently, abortion is the number one cause of death in the world.

Nobody dies from abortion because fetuses aren't people.

Um, yeah, back in the day, you knew who you could get an abortion from.

Just like prostitution is illegal, and there are at least six "Happy Ending" massage parlors within five miles of me.
A human fetus is a human being. There is no doubt that you also started life as a human fetus.
There weren't hundreds of thousands of abortions being performed each year when abortion was illegal.

Obviously not old enough to remember that.....
If you feel strongly that abortion should be available to all women at all times
Let's get the terms straight, to avoid further quackery by you:

That's not "pro-abortion". It's "pro-choice".

Just as wanting to ban abortion is not, "pro-life", it's 'anti-choice". Pro-life is your standard for making your own decisions. "anti-choice" is you opposing others being able to make their own choice.

So, someone can be "anti-abortion", yet still, "pro-choice".
But pro choice would include any lightbulbs for instance.....or getting 40 oz sodas, it seems the left isn't big on allowing "choice"
so yes it's pro abortion, that and being a tranny are the only two choices the left wants people to make....
By the way . Most anti abortion people are also pro death penalty . So spare me the sanctimonious lectures on the sanctity of life .
So what did that child do to deserve death? Hardly the same thing as putting a murderer down.

That child is not yet alive .

You DONT have to kill the guy on death row . And he’s a living breathing human !
But the guy on death row deserves it, the child does not.
Oh and the definition of living......I'd love to hear this one.
A human fetus is a human being. There is no doubt that you also started life as a human fetus.

Yes, but it doesn't mean I was a human being when I wasn't a fetus. Just like I don't consider the miscarriage my mom had between my two sisters as a sibling.

There weren't hundreds of thousands of abortions being performed each year when abortion was illegal.

Um, yeah, actually, there were. The simplest way you can figure this out is that the birth rate didn't drop suddenly when Roe was passed. It actually went up slightly. That means that just as many unwanted pregnancies were ending in abortion.
Just like prostitution is illegal, and there are at least six "Happy Ending" massage parlors within five miles of me.

Yep, why are we not surprised.

Well, it's not like they are hiding. They have the big old sign up front. One of them, the one with white chicks, has been here as long as I have. The Asian ones open, stay around for a while, and get busted and then set up again somewhere else.

This is the problem when you have a law a lot of people don't think should be a law, and law enforcement can't be bothered with.

So really, if you anti-Choice nuts get your way, one of two things would happen.

You'll have a law that people will ignore, like they do in the Philippines and in Ireland before they overturned it. (And this country before Roe.)

Or you'd have to create a police state where medical privacy is a thing of the past, and you have a pregnancy police investigating every miscarriage as a murder.
But pro choice would include any lightbulbs for instance.....or getting 40 oz sodas, it seems the left isn't big on allowing "choice"
so yes it's pro abortion, that and being a tranny are the only two choices the left wants people to make....

So what you are arguing is that as long as someone is making money doing something they shouldn't be doing, you are fine with "Choice".
Just like prostitution is illegal, and there are at least six "Happy Ending" massage parlors within five miles of me.

Yep, why are we not surprised.

Well, it's not like they are hiding. They have the big old sign up front. One of them, the one with white chicks, has been here as long as I have. The Asian ones open, stay around for a while, and get busted and then set up again somewhere else.

This is the problem when you have a law a lot of people don't think should be a law, and law enforcement can't be bothered with.

So really, if you anti-Choice nuts get your way, one of two things would happen.

You'll have a law that people will ignore, like they do in the Philippines and in Ireland before they overturned it. (And this country before Roe.)

Or you'd have to create a police state where medical privacy is a thing of the past, and you have a pregnancy police investigating every miscarriage as a murder.

Well, just a guess, but if you discontinue frequenting these places they'd disappear on their own.

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