Pro-abortion? Why?

Some doctors did perform abortions under the guise of D and C, but the number of abortions has exploded since Roe v. Wade.
I don't care what age you are, the who and where of performed abortions was not common knowledge or maybe you don't know just how many human beings are being aborted daily. Currently, abortion is the number one cause of death in the world.

Nobody dies from abortion because fetuses aren't people.

Um, yeah, back in the day, you knew who you could get an abortion from.

Just like prostitution is illegal, and there are at least six "Happy Ending" massage parlors within five miles of me.
A human fetus is a human being. There is no doubt that you also started life as a human fetus.
There weren't hundreds of thousands of abortions being performed each year when abortion was illegal.
As a fact of law, an embryo/fetus is not a person entitled to Constitutional protections, where the woman’s protected liberties prohibit the state from seeking to compel her to have a child against her will.

And you’ve already been proven wrong with regard to abortions conducted before and after Roe.
Well, just a guess, but if you discontinue frequenting these places they'd disappear on their own.

Not that I do, but you miss the point. These places have plenty of customers... because guys want to get laid without hassles.

Abortions will happen because some women want to have sex but not babies.

Deal with it.

And in just about every state it's illegal, so it appears you need to deal with it...dumbass.
That child is not yet alive .

World’s smallest baby survives and thrives after premature birth at an age when others are aborted
If one believes abortion is ‘wrong,’ then don’t have an abortion.

The right to privacy protects the liberty of each American to decide for himself these issues, in accordance with his own good faith and good conscience – free from interference by the state.

‘Small government’ conservatives once believed in limited government and individual liberty; that conservatives have abandoned both illustrates the right’s hypocrisy and how authoritarian conservativism has become.
If you feel strongly that abortion should be available to all women at all times, I'd like to know why you think this is important.

I am NOT interested in whether you think abortion is "moral" or "immoral", only in why you feel access to abortion as a health service is necessary.

This is not a "trick question", I want honest answers.

Flamers will be reported and ignored.

I'm pro choice. Whether it's to have a child or not.

Because there are a lot of situations where if an abortion isn't performed the woman dies.

Such as an ectopic pregnancy. Over 65 thousand women in America face that each year.

There's only 2 possible outcomes to an ectopic pregnancy.

1. No abortion is performed and the woman dies.
2. An abortion is performed and the woman lives. Hopefully before the zygote ruptures. If that happens she dies or if she's very lucky and can get to a hospital quickly, she will have a chance to live but will be left infertile the rest of her life.

Or such as what happened to the sister in law of my best friend. The fetus didn't have a brain and the skull didn't cover the head. There is only 2 outcomes to that situation.

1. An abortion is performed.
2. An abortion isn't performed, the fetus is born then dies an agonizing dead within minutes of being born.

Or like what happened to my cousin's wife. She was in the last trimester of a very planned and wanted pregnancy. The cord got wrapped around the neck of the fetus and strangled it. She had a late term abortion to save her life and preserve her fertility. If she had not done that a bacteria called paratinitus would have killed her or left her infertile. She preserved her life and fertility and had 2 children.

Why do you people want to outlaw abortion? It doesn't make sense to me that you're not happy to have the freedom to live your life as you choose. That you need to take that same freedom from other people. I just don't understand why you believe you have the right to take such freedoms from people. Why aren't you happy to have that freedom and leave other people alone? Why do you believe you have the right to take that freedom from other people?
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The right to privacy protects the liberty of each American to decide for himself these issues, in accordance with his own good faith and good conscience – free from interference by the state.

‘Small government’ conservatives once believed in limited government and individual liberty; that conservatives have abandoned both illustrates the right’s hypocrisy and how authoritarian conservativism has become.
TO your point I say: Cull your own. Have at it.

But don't do it under the guise and psychological comfort of the neonate not being alive.
Ok, since folks insist I'll go there:
It's not a child, and it's not alive. To refer to a zygote or a fetus as a "child". It is potentially a child, but it is a fallacy to define it as a "child" who is able to live and breathe on their own.
This viewpoint is common but illogical. Is a newborn child able to live on their own, unassisted? How about a 2 year old? 8? How about an adult that needs additional oxygen, dialysis, a respirator, a feeding tube, or any other form of life support?

The idea that "it's not a child until it's born" is absurd. It IS a child - it's a child on life support, provided by the mother. Uninterrupted, it will remain a child. Aborted, it will die. If it wasn't alive you wouldn't feel compelled to "remove" it, and we wouldn't be having this discussion.

Ok if it's a child then let it actually be a child and do all the things that a child can do.

Remove it from the woman's body and let it breathe, eat, move and do all the things that a child can do.

But it can't do those things. If it's removed from the woman's body it can't breathe or eat on it's own. It can't cry or move on it's own or do the things a child can do.

So if you believe a zygote or embryo or fetus is a child then treat it as a child. But you don't want to do that because you know it's not a child and can't do all the things a living child can do.

Your argument that it's a child is wrong and you know it.
The right to privacy protects the liberty of each American to decide for himself these issues, in accordance with his own good faith and good conscience – free from interference by the state.

‘Small government’ conservatives once believed in limited government and individual liberty; that conservatives have abandoned both illustrates the right’s hypocrisy and how authoritarian conservativism has become.
TO your point I say: Cull your own. Have at it.

But don't do it under the guise and psychological comfort of the neonate not being alive.
You don’t understand.

You’re confusing the perception of life with facts of law – and you bring the law into the issue when you start advocating for the state to compel women to give birth against their will.

And the law maintains that prior to viability, the protected liberties of the woman outweigh the authority of the state.
Ok if it's a child then let it actually be a child and do all the things that a child can do.
Remove it from the woman's body and let it breathe, eat, move and do all the things that a child can do.
But it can't do those things. If it's removed from the woman's body it can't breathe or eat on it's own. It can't cry or move on it's own or do the things a child can do.
So if you believe a zygote or embryo or fetus is a child then treat it as a child. But you don't want to do that because you know it's not a child and can't do all the things a living child can do.
Your argument that it's a child is wrong and you know it.
If a newborn infant will also die if it is not cared for. Your argument is silly.
Ok if it's a child then let it actually be a child and do all the things that a child can do.
Remove it from the woman's body and let it breathe, eat, move and do all the things that a child can do.
But it can't do those things. If it's removed from the woman's body it can't breathe or eat on it's own. It can't cry or move on it's own or do the things a child can do.
So if you believe a zygote or embryo or fetus is a child then treat it as a child. But you don't want to do that because you know it's not a child and can't do all the things a living child can do.
Your argument that it's a child is wrong and you know it.
If a newborn infant will also die if it is not cared for. Your argument is silly.

A new born infant can breathe on its own. It can eat on its own. It can cry and make sounds on its own. It can move on it's own.

It's not silly. If you believe it's a child then treat it as a child. A child is outside the womb, it can eat, sleep, make sound, breathe and is a separate living being from the woman..

A zygote, embryo and fetus can't do those things so it's not a child. Which is why there are specific words to describe what it is. The fact that you don't want to believe that doesn't matter to the law and most intelligent human beings.

Your argument that a zygote, embryo or fetus is a child is silly and I just proved how silly it is.
If you feel strongly that abortion should be available to all women at all times, I'd like to know why you think this is important.

I am NOT interested in whether you think abortion is "moral" or "immoral", only in why you feel access to abortion as a health service is necessary.

This is not a "trick question", I want honest answers.

Flamers will be reported and ignored.

I'm pro choice. Whether it's to have a child or not.

Because there are a lot of situations where if an abortion isn't performed the woman dies.

Such as an ectopic pregnancy. Over 65 thousand women in America face that each year.

There's only 2 possible outcomes to an ectopic pregnancy.

1. No abortion is performed and the woman dies.
2. An abortion is performed and the woman lives. Hopefully before the zygote ruptures. If that happens she dies or if she's very lucky and can get to a hospital quickly, she will have a chance to live but will be left infertile the rest of her life.

Or such as what happened to the sister in law of my best friend. The fetus didn't have a brain and the skull didn't cover the head. There is only 2 outcomes to that situation.

1. An abortion is performed.
2. An abortion isn't performed, the fetus is born then dies an agonizing dead within minutes of being born.

Or like what happened to my cousin's wife. She was in the last trimester of a very planned and wanted pregnancy. The cord got wrapped around the neck of the fetus and strangled it. She had a late term abortion to save her life and preserve her fertility. If she had not done that a bacteria called paratinitus would have killed her or left her infertile. She preserved her life and fertility and had 2 children.

Why do you people want to outlaw abortion? It doesn't make sense to me that you're not happy to have the freedom to live your life as you choose. That you need to take that same freedom from other people. I just don't understand why you believe you have the right to take such freedoms from people. Why aren't you happy to have that freedom and leave other people alone? Why do you believe you have the right to take that freedom from other people?
Conservatives want to outlaw abortion because as authoritarians they seek to compel conformity and punish dissent.

Conservatives are frightened by dissent, choice, and expressions of individual liberty, as protected by the right to privacy.

By destroying the right to privacy conservatives will be free to use the authority of the state to enforce an authoritarian conservative political agenda hostile to all manner of personal life choices, not just the right to decide whether to have a child or not.

With the right to privacy gone, conservatives can enforce measures which disadvantage gay and transgender Americans, and any American who wishes to live his life in a manner conservatives don’t consider to be ‘normal,’ and punish those who refuse to conform.
Ok if it's a child then let it actually be a child and do all the things that a child can do.
Remove it from the woman's body and let it breathe, eat, move and do all the things that a child can do.
But it can't do those things. If it's removed from the woman's body it can't breathe or eat on it's own. It can't cry or move on it's own or do the things a child can do.
So if you believe a zygote or embryo or fetus is a child then treat it as a child. But you don't want to do that because you know it's not a child and can't do all the things a living child can do.
Your argument that it's a child is wrong and you know it.
If a newborn infant will also die if it is not cared for. Your argument is silly.

Caring for a newborn and the viability of an embryo/fetus are not the same thing.
A new born infant can breathe on its own. It can eat on its own. It can cry and make sounds on its own. It can move on it's own.

It's not silly. If you believe it's a child then treat it as a child. A child is outside the womb, it can eat, sleep, make sound, breathe and is a separate living being from the woman..

Caring for a newborn and the viability of an embryo/fetus are not the same thing.
If I take away whatever sustains you - food, water, oxygen - you die. If I take away dialysis from a kidney patient, they die. If I take away insulin from a diabetic, they die. If I take away a respirator from someone who can't breath on their own, they die. And if I interrupt life support to a child in the womb, it dies.

And the difference is even more severe when you consider that the life support a child in the womb receives is 100% natural. Aside from food/water/oxygen, the other examples I give are completely artificial, yet I don't hear you call for abolishing them...

You know you are wrong, and you know you are using silly analogies. You do this to bury your conscience.
Your right to pretend you care about lives outside your own ends at the entrance to my uterus.
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If you feel strongly that abortion should be available to all women at all times, I'd like to know why you think this is important.

I am NOT interested in whether you think abortion is "moral" or "immoral", only in why you feel access to abortion as a health service is necessary.

This is not a "trick question", I want honest answers.

Flamers will be reported and ignored.

democrats generally - 99% - follow AGW, which is Gaia worship, the idea that we have a sentient planet that is offended by us. Global warming is about the most primitive religion possible, the same shit as the morons who tossed virgins into volcanoes..

Abortion, as we have seen recently is infanticide, the goal of the left is to sacrifice infants, just as the evil Aztecs and other ancient savages did. democrats support infant sacrifice to the god of the retarded religion they follow. Abortion is the means of those sacrifices.
If you feel strongly that abortion should be available to all women at all times
Let's get the terms straight, to avoid further quackery by you:

That's not "pro-abortion". It's "pro-choice".

Just as wanting to ban abortion is not, "pro-life", it's 'anti-choice". Pro-life is your standard for making your own decisions. "anti-choice" is you opposing others being able to make their own choice.

So, someone can be "anti-abortion", yet still, "pro-choice".

So you support parents being able to choose the school that their educational dollar is spent at to educate their child, including private and religious schools?

Of course not, you are pro-abortion, not pro-choice. You promote abortion, not choice.
Nothing says 'Democrat' like murdering a newborn baby ... 'Ooooo, the ultimate power of life and death over innocents who can't fight back...' ... the ultimate Liberal 'rush'...


If you feel strongly that abortion should be available to all women at all times, I'd like to know why you think this is important.

I am NOT interested in whether you think abortion is "moral" or "immoral", only in why you feel access to abortion as a health service is necessary.

This is not a "trick question", I want honest answers.

Flamers will be reported and ignored.
Because I can see myself being a 19 year old girl with my whole life ahead of me and not being ready to have kids. Abortion is a very quick outpatient procedure.
Abortion, as we have seen recently is infanticide, the goal of the left is to sacrifice infants, just as the evil Aztecs and other ancient savages did. democrats support infant sacrifice to the god of the retarded religion they follow. Abortion is the means of those sacrifices.

Temporary psychosis? Or are you just channeling Alex for shits and grins?
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Nothing says 'Democrat' like murdering a newborn baby ... 'Ooooo, the ultimate power of life and death over innocents who can't fight back...' ... the ultimate Liberal 'rush'...


We see this is the gop talking point for 2020.

So why didn’t Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan and trump ban abortion when they had the chance? It must not be that important to them. They passed two tax bills but nothing to stop the murder of innocent babies.

You should feel let down and disappointed.

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