Prison show "60 Days In."


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
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This is a show on A&E.......7 regular citizens are sent into a county jail in Indiana for 60 days....the reported purpose is to help the new Sheriff see what the inmates and his staff are up to........

The 7 normal citizens received training on what to do, and how to behave and they all received cover stories...and only 3 people at the prison know they are civilians pretending to be first time criminals....

It is can tell that the need for an entertaining show was the reason for this, and not any real desire to investigate the do you know this? Because if a real investigation had been the intent, the sheriff could have recruited real, undercover police officers, men and women who actually go undercover and infiltrate active criminal groups, to go in and do this....instead of the school teacher, the military mom, and Mohamed Ali's lesser known daughter......

And also, the school teacher was obviously a nut job and should not have been anywhere near this program......

Anyone else see this show?
Why would we? And why would I take my eyes off my guns long enough to watch a show, they might disappear. Yes, reality tv is fake, we got it.
I watched it and found it rather disgusting. Some of those volunteer U/Cs are absolute weirdos -- especially that freakish lesbian cop. And I agree with you about that school-teacher. He definitely is bent and I'd wager he is into some really exotic sexual practices.

Had they known exactly what to expect I wonder how many would have volunteered to endure that disgusting experience. I don't recall any mention of compensation, cash or otherwise. Is there any inducement? Or are they doing it just for the experience?

If I had decided to volunteer for that bizarre journey for some peculiar reason I would have jumped ship on the first day -- probably within a few hours of seeing, hearing and smelling that creepy environment.

Those Correction personnel don't seem too happy with the program.
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