Prison reform for those with common sense


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
Our prison system allows violent criminals to be paroled after a certain amount of time, which is decided by a judge. A judge who doesn't know when the criminal will "fit for society." After a certain amount of time, they have to be released, whether they still have violent tendencies or not. This also include non violent criminals, like thieves.

My idea is to do away with the sentencing process, and replace it with a "you stay in prison, until you're fit for society" sentence. One size fits all.
FYI, this is the short version. So if I've left something out, don't rag on me. Try to think of how something would work before you ask the question or slander the idea.

Prisons would be set up on much larger area's and divided into 4 different groups.
D area: Violent criminals, Housed about the way they're set up now. Two people to a cell. Very little freedoms. 1/2 hour of outside time. Closely guarded from each other, drugs and just about everything. Hard work for at least 8 to 10 hours per day. 4 hours of education time. Schedule bed down (9 pm to 5:30 am)

C Area: Larger cells, with 2 to a cell. TV's, rec area's with longer rec time. Less strenuous work for 8 hours a day. .50cents per hour pay. 4 hours of education. 2 hour of rehab (with several inmates joining in) 2 hours of rec. Schedule bed down (10pm to 6am)

B: Area Apartments Like 2 bd 1 bath. Living room & TV. 6hr of work (about like area C. 6 hours of education. 2 hours of rehab with less inmates attending. 2 hours of rec. Same bedtime schedule.

A: Area: 1bd 1bth duplex type housing. Education 4hrs per day. 4 hours of work. Access to the outside of prison for work.

It starts out hard AF. Working, school, counseling, food, shower and sleep. No visitations. Phone calls twice a month to the outside world. Crappy food. Crappy living quarters. Mean AF guards. Nothing coming in or going out of this area that's not inspected by at least 2 guards. Area D is serious business. And it's a 3 strikes and your out, unless the offence is serious. Like murder, gang style beating of another inmate. Gangs are STRICTLY prohibited. During class, drone video's of NML (No mans land) to show what happens in NML. (I'll explain NML later)
No one progresses to C area, until a prisoner is ready for C area. Managing who moves up, will be based on reports from guards, counselors and educators. And a B average minimum. Basics being taught. But having the ability to go to Area C education, if prisoner is capable of more than basics.
Once moved to C area, prisoners are forced to focus more on rehab and education. And an easier job will be granted in C area. Since no prisoner will be able to be fully set free without at least an associates degree in education. Or a completion of a trade with at least a "top hand" achievement.
For the entire process, prisoners will be monitored, graded and counseled. So by the time they're released back into society, they're ready for it. And they understand not only why they were put there, but what it takes to live in a free society. How to recognize a bad situation and also how to just walk away from one. How to avoid situations with certain people, that will land them back in jail or prison.
And they'll have the education and knowledge to be at least somewhat successful in the free world.

Now, if someone screws up, they get sent back to the area they just came from. If it's a bad fuck up, they could be sent back to D area. And start all over again. 3 strikes, and it's NML.

<<<NML>>>Those that can't be rehabilitated, Upon start up, there will be some sort of shelter. But no lights, heat or A/C. People from the outside world can donate clothes, blankets and things. But they will be dropped into the "compound," where first come first serve get it. There are no guards. Upon start up, I'm not sure how these people will be fed. Maybe someone could throw in an idea about that. But after year from start up, they'll have to figure out how they're going to feed themselves. They're put on land with only a few things they need to survive. They're given seeds. They have access to water. Also, they're given lumber, plywood, shingles, tar paper, nails, hammers, saws, shovels, hoes and post hole diggers to build their own shelters. If they kill each other, then so be it. If they survive, then so be it. These people will never see the light of the free world again. They will never have contact with the outside world. There will be a "Trump" like wall all around the facility. One door going in. And a place to bring out their dead. It will truly be a no mans land.
If they plant a garden, and some lunatic destroys all their plants, that's on them for not guarding it. <<< See what I mean? It's their own world. Drones could fly over and video tape the severity of the NML, to show prisoners in D area (as a deterrent). Like when someone gets beaten to death by a gang. Video recordings to play for people during their counseling sessions. Or pictures of people who have starved to death, because others won't allow him to eat.
You know, gruesome stuff.
Remember, just in case you're one of those soft hearted kind of people, these are murderers, child molesters and other violent criminals who have already had 3 chances to become rehabilitated and fit for society. But failed each time. People that under the current system, would have probably be set free back into society to reek havoc on us decent folks again.

All of this would be extremely expensive at first. But not for long. There's ways of getting money from the private sector that'll help pay for a lot of it. All sorts of "for profit" manufacturing could go on inside a prison.
For example: A company that makes window unit A/C's. The company could pay the prison $10 to $15hr per prisoner. The prison system put's .50cent per hour into each prisoners release fund. (Money he/she can only get once released completely) And pays the prisoner say .25cents per hour for his/her needs (soap, shampoo etc etc etc The rest of the money goes to cover over head. Electricity, water, food, guards, counselors, doctors etc etc
In fact, there could be a few manufacturing companies inside each prison. Of course D, C, B & A area prisoners would be completely separated in those plants.

The end result would be less criminals returning to prison. By the time each prisoner is set free, he's either educated with a degree or has a good trade. Plus the "release fund" would help him/her get a place to live, food to eat and a chance to start a new life without welfare.
Let's do the math: .50 cents per hour X 60hrs per week: That comes out to be about $15,000 to $16,000 if the prisoner takes 10 years to complete the program. if 5 years, then it's half that. But still $6,000 is enough to get by on for a few months until you get sorted.

The important parts:
1. It pays for itself in the long run because prisoners will more than likely not return.
2. Private companies foot the bill for most of the costs.
3. Those who can't be rehabilitated won't be on death row for 15 years soaking up tax payer $$$$ on appeal after appeal. In fact, we can just do away with the death penalty all together. Which means, some child molesting MF can hopefully live a long long time in terror, torture and grief. Which is fitting for a child molester, if you ask me.
4. I think a 10 year max should be placed on all this. If a person cant straighten up and become fit for society in 10 years, he probably will never be. But in all honesty, those that can't be rehabilitated, will probably use up their 3 strikes within a couple of years.

Also, one more thing to note. There will still be city and county jails for those who aren't guilty of a violent crime. But even then, if they commit too many crimes, it can be up to a judge as to whether they're sent to prison. I think a limit of 90 days in a city or county jail should be set. Anything longer than that, then to a prison they go.

Anywho, please forgive my misspelled words. It's late and I'm pooped. And I don't think I can proof read this tonight. If you have a better idea that would make this system work better (like how to feed the people in NML's at start up), then by all means, post it.
I'm beginning to think we should only imprison the violent and dangerous, think up other ways to punish others--that hopefully involves making things right for those crimes.

There's no way to tell, in a highly controlled environment like prison, how someone will react once they're back in the real world. Inmates tend to be good bullshitters. Strict parole and immediate action if they violate again is the only way to keep us safe. Maybe if petty thiefs, addicts, undocumenteds, and the untreated mentally ill weren't taking up the beds and the court dockets, there could be more focus on the dangerous.
Some interesting thoughts but pretty sure entire fields of scientific study now exist that could be consulted to reduce the scope of such proposals. Prison labor tends to unfairly compete with private local interests and fuel corruption. "Torturing folks" shall remain a concern despite the popularity of some recent movies and TV series. Crime always being of major societal concern, dealing with it needs to be highly transparent and kept within the public sphere. We should get the security we're willing to pay for and no more. Those benefitting the most from society's handling of it should be expected to pay accordingly.

However,.. the idea of setting volunteer gun nuts with assault rifles loose on islands (instead of govt rotundas) to fight each other over scraps.. now there's an idea!
I'm beginning to think we should only imprison the violent and dangerous, think up other ways to punish others--that hopefully involves making things right for those crimes.

City and county jails are supposed to do that. But I think you're on to something. And it's making me think.
Thank you.

There's no way to tell, in a highly controlled environment like prison, how someone will react once they're back in the real world. Inmates tend to be good bullshitters. Strict parole and immediate action if they violate again is the only way to keep us safe. Maybe if petty thiefs, addicts, undocumenteds, and the untreated mentally ill weren't taking up the beds and the court dockets, there could be more focus on the dangerous.

What I like about my "concept" is how once a prisoner moves up a level, they achieve a goal that must be fully completed before they're released. And their situation improves as well. As in from D to C, bigger, nicer cells. From C to B. Out of a cell and into a living quarters that much like living in the free world. From a cell to an apartment. Labor for each increase gets easier. For some inmates, those who qualify, may even get desk jobs, instead of manual labor. It's all up to them and their abilities and talents.
The education levels at A, will be college levels. Trade school education will be a minimum of a top hand level. Some may qualify for supervisor positions. (those that possess good leadership qualities.
Those that do BS, will be found out. "You can fool some of the people all the time. And all the people some of the time. But you can't fool all the people all the time." W.C. Fields.

Due to the amount of counselling, monitoring, education and testing, with
1. The goal in mind (getting out with the tools needed to be "fit for society)
2. The achievements available to you while you're incarcerated.
3. How much you can achieve while incarcerated.
3. NML's in mind, which is a much more real deterrent than the death penalty.

IMO, has a psychological effect on someone that would push them to do better. In todays prisons, you have to fight on your own to stay clean, stay away from gangs in prison. And considering that todays prisons are filled with gangs, it makes it extremely hard, because of your own survival, to stay away from gang related actions. Those that "go it alone," can be subjected to the abuse of many people.
Going from D to C, relieves a lot of pressure, anxiety and worries, because you're out of that bad situation to a situation that safer.
Some interesting thoughts but pretty sure entire fields of scientific study now exist that could be consulted to reduce the scope of such proposals. Prison labor tends to unfairly compete with private local interests and fuel corruption. "Torturing folks" shall remain a concern despite the popularity of some recent movies and TV series. Crime always being of major societal concern, dealing with it needs to be highly transparent and kept within the public sphere. We should get the security we're willing to pay for and no more. Those benefitting the most from society's handling of it should be expected to pay accordingly.

However,.. the idea of setting volunteer gun nuts with assault rifles loose on islands (instead of govt rotundas) to fight each other over scraps.. now there's an idea!

This reminds me of that movie "Shawshank Redemption." Where the prison warden is getting bribes from a local business man because the warden is dipping into that line of work.
It's definitely something that needs to be thought out.

Some people bawk at what's commonly known as "private prisons." This concept is not a "private prison." They're still state employed guards, counsellors, wardens etc etc. Therefore, there can be no "kick backs" to judges and prosecutors for getting more prisoner.
The thing that makes this system 1,000 times better than our current system, is the greatly reduced amount of repeat offenders. So many times a prisoner comes out more violent, more of a thief or their hearts and minds have developed so many of the wrong things, that once released back into society, they're even less fit for society, than when they went in.
This system greatly increase the prisoners success rate after being released. They'll leave with all the necessary tools needed to achieve even greater success in the free world. Counselling & rehabilitation being THE most important ones. Plus learning a trade or an education in something that not only pays a decent wage in the free world. But is in the field of something they may enjoy a lot better than their previous line of work. (things like flipping burgers, working at a tire shop or some other BS line of work that has no future.

I looked up the numbers last night, it's 64%. So 64% of the time, we have to house, feed and support the same prisoners multiple times. Mainly because they're released back into society because their time was up. This is an injustice to not only the decent people of society. But an even greater one to the convict him/herself. In fact, it's quite inhumane in many instances.

A friend of mine who was sent up for too many DUI's, stated a child molester in prison (who wasn't there on a life without parole sentence) , told him that THE first thing he's going to do when he's released is find a young kid and fuck the shit out of him. How scary is that? That person is going to set back into our world, with that being the first thing he's looking for.
The thing that makes this system 1,000 times better than our current system, is the greatly reduced amount of repeat offenders. So many times a prisoner comes out more violent, more of a thief or their hearts and minds have developed so many of the wrong things, that once released back into society, they're even less fit for society, than when they went in.
This system greatly increase the prisoners success rate after being released. They'll leave with all the necessary tools needed to achieve even greater success in the free world. Counselling & rehabilitation being THE most important ones. Plus learning a trade or an education in something that not only pays a decent wage in the free world. But is in the field of something they may enjoy a lot better than their previous line of work. (things like flipping burgers, working at a tire shop or some other BS line of work that has no future.

I looked up the numbers last night, it's 64%. So 64% of the time, we have to house, feed and support the same prisoners multiple times. Mainly because they're released back into society because their time was up. This is an injustice to not only the decent people of society. But an even greater one to the convict him/herself. In fact, it's quite inhumane in many instances.

A friend of mine who was sent up for too many DUI's, stated a child molester in prison (who wasn't there on a life without parole sentence) , told him that THE first thing he's going to do when he's released is find a young kid and fuck the shit out of him. How scary is that? That person is going to set back into our world, with that being the first thing he's looking for.
He could do us all a favor and
Every state is different in how they handle long term prisoners as far as granting probation or parole.The US govt. can only mange the federal penial system.
Wait,.. that Moonglow fella said "penial" and your "balk" was fine. The smart chickens even "bawked" at crossing the street without first looking both ways..

Why, you oughta.. :meow:
This reminds me of that movie "Shawshank Redemption." Where the prison warden is getting bribes from a local business man because the warden is dipping into that line of work.
It's definitely something that needs to be thought out.

Some people bawk at what's commonly known as "private prisons." This concept is not a "private prison." They're still state employed guards, counsellors, wardens etc etc. Therefore, there can be no "kick backs" to judges and prosecutors for getting more prisoner.
False. I worked at a prison that was ran by a private company. I was employed by that company and the checks I got had the companies name on them.
False. I worked at a prison that was ran by a private company. I was employed by that company and the checks I got had the companies name on them.

What does that have to do with what happened to you? I'm talking about a whole new concept. The private industry is just to pay for the prison system, by profiting off the labor for their manufacturing or what ever business they do.
The business pays the state say $12h per employee. The state pays the prisoner say .50cents per hr. The company makes money, the tax payers save money. And the prisoner gets paid for his labor.

WTF is wrong with that?
I'm talking about a whole new concept. The private industry is just to pay for the prison system, by profiting off the labor for their manufacturing or what ever business they do.
The business pays the state say $12h per employee. The state pays the prisoner say .50cents per hr. The company makes money, the tax payers save money. And the prisoner gets paid for his labor.

WTF is wrong with that?
Wait, the federal minimum wage is $7.25?
That's some bleak shit
The federal minimum wage is $7.25
I'ma get rich, bitch, make that break, make that money

I only made $56 yesterday, yesterday
$56 again today, again today
That's so gross, that's a joke
Joke's on me, though, I'm the hoe
Suckin' that Micky D all damn week
Takin' a paycheck on my knees
Blowin' it, lovin' it, make that cheese, make it rain in this

I don't wanna go to work today
Feeling good, I don't wanna waste it
I don't wanna go to work today
Sun is out and I wanna taste it
I don't wanna go to work today
But I gotta get rich before the weekend
But you'll never get rich on minimum wage
What the f*ck was I thinking?

Minimum wage, minimum wage, minimum wage, yeah
Minimum wage, I'm gettin' paid minimum wage (Get down)...
What does that have to do with what happened to you? I'm talking about a whole new concept. The private industry is just to pay for the prison system, by profiting off the labor for their manufacturing or what ever business they do.
The business pays the state say $12h per employee. The state pays the prisoner say .50cents per hr. The company makes money, the tax payers save money. And the prisoner gets paid for his labor.

WTF is wrong with that?
I see you're only interested in spewing bullshit. Here the state doesn't pay them anything.
I see you're only interested in spewing bullshit. Here the state doesn't pay them anything.

It's an idea that pays for most all of the entire prison system.
Cheaper overhead for manufacturing companies, means more manufacturing here in the USA.
Private industry paying for the prison's, instead of the tax payers.
More prisons can be build, to help keep criminals off the street
Prisoners aren't released into society, until they're actually fit for society.

This is a concept in the making. I don't have all the details of every part of this.
It's an idea that pays for most all of the entire prison system.
Cheaper overhead for manufacturing companies, means more manufacturing here in the USA.
Private industry paying for the prison's, instead of the tax payers.
More prisons can be build, to help keep criminals off the street
Prisoners aren't released into society, until they're actually fit for society.

This is a concept in the making. I don't have all the details of every part of this.
Sure it will.

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