Prez Biden/Administration Still Trending On The Upside.


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2020
As of 4/22 prez Biden & admin is riding @ 52.9% positive according to the RCP presidential poll below. The negative 41.2% leaves a positive approval gap of 11+% for prez Biden which is pretty darn good considering the way that last potus contest went. If the Biden admin & both upper & lower Houses can avoid pulling off a Venezuela they may make a 2nd term. The downside is that the polls are about as politically rigged as rigged can get. I noticed that there is a good 5+% void missing between the approval vs disapproval data. I also failed to locate a margin of error calculation for this poll.

Why can’t you see their sample break downs? Oh right because the other polls like this have a democrat +36 or higher sample to get the numbers. In other words if they only poll enough left wingers they can get people like you to believe you’re in the majority.
As of 4/22 prez Biden & admin is riding @ 52.9% positive according to the RCP presidential poll below. The negative 41.2% leaves a positive approval gap of 11+% for prez Biden which is pretty darn good considering the way that last potus contest went. If the Biden admin & both upper & lower Houses can avoid pulling off a Venezuela they may make a 2nd term. The downside is that the polls are about as politically rigged as rigged can get. I noticed that there is a good 5+% void missing between the approval vs disapproval data. I also failed to locate a margin of error calculation for this poll.

Same math that says 80 million voted for the crook.
As of 4/22 prez Biden & admin is riding @ 52.9% positive according to the RCP presidential poll below. The negative 41.2% leaves a positive approval gap of 11+% for prez Biden which is pretty darn good considering the way that last potus contest went. If the Biden admin & both upper & lower Houses can avoid pulling off a Venezuela they may make a 2nd term. The downside is that the polls are about as politically rigged as rigged can get. I noticed that there is a good 5+% void missing between the approval vs disapproval data. I also failed to locate a margin of error calculation for this poll.

Only because of the Soviet media !
The economy will crash next year and then what

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