President Walker 2016

Who should Walker pick as his running mate in 2016?

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Problem for Walker is nobody knows who he is, he lacks charisma to stand out in a crowd of 15 candidates and risks getting lost in the shuffle

I don't see any issue that makes him stand out

Shit SJ

You were so should have listened to me
Walker all the way. He is the best qualified in all senses of the word.
He needs a Washington insider as VP, someone who can negotiate Congress. I'd say Kay Bailey Hutchison is about perfect.

Got to hand it to The Rabbi as he shows why he is one of USMBs top prognosticators.

Dick Morris has nothing on you Rabbi
Problem for Walker is nobody knows who he is, he lacks charisma to stand out in a crowd of 15 candidates and risks getting lost in the shuffle

I don't see any issue that makes him stand out


Maybe the Koch brothers?

Ironically it appears that Walker is getting out of the race because the money dried up.
Walker had a serious chance just a few months ago, but the Trump circus and show has sucked all of the oxygen out of the room.
He never had a chance. Trump, or no Trump.

Before Trump, this was a Bush vs. Clinton fight. The whole reason Trump is succeeding is because deep down inside, the people are repulsed by the idea of having to choose between another Bush and another Clinton.

Walker was not enough of a contrast to Bush. He was just another whitebread in a whole loaf of whitebreads.

First of all I have always felt in the end it would be Bush, and despite Trump, in the end I still think it will be Bush.

But, I never expected Walker to fold this early on, and I do believe that if Trump would have never came into the picture that walker would have been a serious challenge to Bush, and certainly would have been around for a few primaries.
Scott Walker is a vicious scum bag and I am elated by his evisceration...

I love him even more now knowing you hate him this much.
He won three elections in four years despite you piece of shit libs throwing everything but the kitchen sink at him !
He'll be around for a while longer as a governor, and hopefully back on the national scene some years from now. Unlike your candidates for prez, walker is not a dinosaur. ENJOY ! :beer:
Walker had a serious chance just a few months ago, but the Trump circus and show has sucked all of the oxygen out of the room.
Boy, it really did.

It's starting to look like the only two politicians with a chance are Bush and Rubio, and they're even a longshot.

I still just cannot see Trump actually getting the nomination, I really think in the end the money and infrastructure will flow to Bush. We'll see though.
Walker had a serious chance just a few months ago, but the Trump circus and show has sucked all of the oxygen out of the room.
Boy, it really did.

It's starting to look like the only two politicians with a chance are Bush and Rubio, and they're even a longshot.

I still just cannot see Trump actually getting the nomination, I really think in the end the money and infrastructure will flow to Bush. We'll see though.
Then the next president will be a democrat or even a third party chalkenger. It won't be Bush.
I know Trump has been gaining popularity lately but at this point in the race I'm gonna stick with Walker for a lot of reasons. But assuming he gets the nomination (which I believe he will), who should he pick as his running mate? Who would you choose for Walker?
Here we are just two months after the OP was written and Walker is out.

But we already all knew S.J. is a dumbshit.
Seems like I recall a few of you liberals making predictions at the beginning too, like Trump would be out of the race by now. I also predicted YESTERDAY than Walker would be the next one to drop out. Today he dropped out. I have a 50% accuracy rating so far. What is your's? Oh, that's right, you don't have the guts to make a call.
When asked what his qualifications were for president, Scott cited his training as a Boy Scout.

I think this may be the end of the line for Walker politically. It's one thing to get beat. It's another thing to quit before the first vote is cast.

"He looks like an over-dressed beat cop". Rolling Stone Magazine's brutal kick in the nuts of Scott Walker.

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