President Trump Quietly Rolling Back Obama-Era Gun Controls (WINNING!)


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
I can see snowflake heads exploding all across America.

President Trump Quietly Rolling Back Obama-Era Gun Controls

While rolling back onerous Obama-era environmental and business regulations, President Donald Trump has also been quietly dropping gun controls which were either put in place or at least prolonged by the Obama administration.

On February 28 Breitbart News reported that Trump signed the repeal of Obama’s Social Security gun ban; a ban which empowered the Social Security administration to strip away the Second Amendment rights of Social Security beneficiaries without due process. Days later, Trump’s Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke squashed Obama’s lead ammunition ban for federal lands and waters.

According to McClatchy, Trump’s administration has been quietly working to do away with other Obama-era firearm regulations as well.
YEah, let's give certifiable mentally ill people, so mental they are considered disabled, let's give them guns!

Smooth move Trump ! Go suck more NRA dick .
See, even Timmy realizes that gun control leads to much greater violence as with Chicago and LA.
Look up the numbers of gun deaths per 100,000 Gun control and gun violence deaths have a nearly 1 correlation.
YEah, let's give certifiable mentally ill people, so mental they are considered disabled, let's give them guns!

Smooth move Trump ! Go suck more NRA dick .
let's give certifiable mentally ill
Who certified them?

Social security. They now get a check because they are so fucking crazy that they are unemployable. That's who you want to have guns .

and what qualifies Social Security to make Mental Health decisions?

Years of experience in medical studies?

Person can't fill out his own taxes, can't handle his own finances, so he's not allowed to defend himself?
Look up the numbers of gun deaths per 100,000 Gun control and gun violence deaths have a nearly 1 correlation.

Making shit up again ?

Look at states wh tough laws vs gun nut states . And please, compare apples to apples. Not New York to Vermont . Similar states .

But we digress from the op topic .
YEah, let's give certifiable mentally ill people, so mental they are considered disabled, let's give them guns!

Smooth move Trump ! Go suck more NRA dick .
let's give certifiable mentally ill
Who certified them?

Social security. They now get a check because they are so fucking crazy that they are unemployable. That's who you want to have guns .

and what qualifies Social Security to make Mental Health decisions?

Years of experience in medical studies?

Person can't fill out his own taxes, can't handle his own finances, so he's not allowed to defend himself?

SS takes the advice of the doctors treating the applicants. By the way, SS doesn't go looking for people .

Crazy Billybob files a claim wh Ss saying "hey , I'm so fucked up in head , here's my records . Give me money because I'm so psycho I can't work and support myself ."

That's the guy YOU want to give a gun!
YEah, let's give certifiable mentally ill people, so mental they are considered disabled, let's give them guns!

Smooth move Trump ! Go suck more NRA dick .
let's give certifiable mentally ill
Who certified them?

Social security. They now get a check because they are so fucking crazy that they are unemployable. That's who you want to have guns .

and what qualifies Social Security to make Mental Health decisions?

Years of experience in medical studies?

Person can't fill out his own taxes, can't handle his own finances, so he's not allowed to defend himself?

SS takes the advice of the doctors treating the applicants. By the way, SS doesn't go looking for people .

Crazy Billybob files a claim wh Ss saying "hey , I'm so fucked up in head , here's my records . Give me money because I'm so psycho I can't work and support myself ."

That's the guy YOU want to give a gun!
SS takes the advice of the doctors treating the applicants.

They do?

They talk to doctors and the doctors tell them the person is incapable of defending themselves?
who fed you that line of bullshit?
SS takes the advice of the doctors treating the applicants. By the way, SS doesn't go looking for people .

Crazy Billybob files a claim wh Ss saying "hey , I'm so fucked up in head , here's my records . Give me money because I'm so psycho I can't work and support myself ."

That's the guy YOU want to give a gun!
Does "Crazy Bob" surrender his 1st Amendment rights because of his Social Security disability? No? So then why do you insist he surrender his 2nd Amendment rights?
Sorry, being on SSI doesn't mean you magically give up your Consitutional rights. The government was using the VA as well infringe on the 2nd Amendment rights of vets. Rand Paul had a bill trying to rectify that injustice, but I am not sure of its progress.
Sorry, being on SSI doesn't mean you magically give up your Consitutional rights. The government was using the VA as well infringe on the 2nd Amendment rights of vets. Rand Paul had a bill trying to rectify that injustice, but I am not sure of its progress.
By timmys standards, we should prohibit everyone that dropped acid from owning firearms.

No telling when they may have a flashback
timmys life story

Sorry, being on SSI doesn't mean you magically give up your Consitutional rights. The government was using the VA as well infringe on the 2nd Amendment rights of vets. Rand Paul had a bill trying to rectify that injustice, but I am not sure of its progress.
By timmys standards, we should prohibit everyone that dropped acid from owning firearms.

No telling when they may have a flashback

Oh, gosh. I would be boned several times over. lol

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