President Trump has delivered on every last detail


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
I explicitly remember when President Trump outlined how he preferred to be “unpredictable” and the advantages of it, in many discussion on the campaign trail. As with everything else, he has been proven correct.
For the first time in, oh… decades, really, the world has absolutely no idea what we’re doing in Asia. The once PREDICTABLE United States has suddenly become UNPREDICTABLE, and that’s scaring the crap out of countries like China, South Korea, Japan and — most of all — North Korea.

Punch first, negotiate later
After 8 long years of the limp-wristed Barack Insane Obama, President Trump is exactly what this nation needed.
What made him do it now in such a dramatic and secretive fashion? What made the President of China accept this highly unprecedented visit at this point in time? One word. Fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of what comes next is causing some seriously dramatic changes in Asia. North Korea has agreed to meet the US President for the first time EVER. They have no idea whether we’re coming or going, and — at the same time — sanctions are crippling the country.

China is realizing they’re being put on the sidelines of a potential US/North Korea agreement, and they’re getting freaked out. At the same time, you can bet your britches Trump’s tariffs are being used to corner China into some kind of agreement they don’t like.
President Trump has the U.S. on top and in complete and total control once again. It appears that he was the leader the U.S. desperately needed on the heels of the Obama disaster.

Punch first, negotiate later
He promised to “drain the swamp” and he is delivering on that in a very big way. The corruption in the EPA and the politicization of the EPA was repulsive. So glad to see they are cleaning up the correction and relying on real science finally.
Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt may be just a lawyer, but so far he has done more to bring sound science to the EPA than any scientist ever affiliated with the agency.
This repulsive organization shouldn’t even exist as the people (by way of the U.S. Constitution) never gave the federal government authority over the environment. But until a president comes in and shuts the damn thing down, the least the American people deserve is an organization that is free from corruption and relying on actual science rather than political activists posing as scientists.

EPA Chief Puts Science Back Into Environmental Protection
President Trump has delivered on every promise...
But one year into the Trump administration, the facts on the ground—in Syria and Iraq—have changed dramatically. The Islamic State, also known as ISIS, lost control of Mosul, the second-largest city in Iraq, in July 2017. Three months later, ISIS’ capital—the Syrian city of Raqqa—fell. Many fighters retreated to Deir ez-Zor in the country’s east. In November 2017, that too fell. The “caliphate” that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi announced with such fanfare in the summer of 2014 was in tatters.
It is so nice to have the adults in charge once again.

Did Trump Really Beat ISIS? Here Are the Facts
He promised to “drain the swamp”
Yeah he drained the swamp right into his administration.

He also promised cheaper and better health insurance than Obamacare. It’s supposed to be beautiful and cover everyone. Remember?
He also promised cheaper and better health insurance than Obamacare. It’s supposed to be beautiful and cover everyone. Remember?
I do remember! And he did his part...he repealed the Obamacare mandate. The Republicans have failed to deliver legislation to his desk.

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