President Trump dares judge in Alvin Bragg case to jail him for violating gag order

Welll, M58, as a Don Trump skeptic (it's a quality of 'character' thing, for me) one of the concerns I would have is that if.....if....he came across as understanding how responsible adult decorum works, and used measured thoughtful language, well, he could easily win.
Yep. I have agreements with him/them on some policy, and I've been watching them blowing it in the last few elections.

But since my primary interest in this whole disaster is sociological and not political, I keep wondering: Why doesn't his flock understand that the way a person communicates can be just as important as what they are communicating? Why doesn't this occur to them for even a moment? Is that too complicated a concept?

I've been told here (by Rawley) that "well YOU would be mad TOO", which completely misses the point. If I were mad about something and wanted to communicate it, I would do so in a way that was something above a middle school playground. It would come naturally to me. I don't think Trump has that capacity, and it matters. And now it has spread with bone-headed "leaders" like MTG and Boebert.

Why doesn't this matter to the flock? It affects their success.
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Yep. I have agreements with him/them on some policy, and I've been watching them blowing it in the last few elections.

But since my primary interest in this whole disaster is sociological and not political, I keep wondering: Why doesn't his flock understand that the way a person communicates can be just as important as what they are communicating? Why doesn't this occur to them for even a moment? Is that too complicated a concept?

I've been told here (by Rawley) that "well YOU would be mad TOO", which completely misses the point. If I were mad about something and wanted to communicate it, I would do so in a way that was something above a middle school playground. It would come naturally to me. I don't think Trump has that capacity, and it matters. And now it has spread with bone-headed "leaders" like MTG and Boebert.

Why doesn't this matter to the flock? It affects their success.
I think you are missing a point yourself here.

Trump's popularity isn't achieved despite his lack of decorum. He's popular because he lacks decorum.

It's why demagoguery works. Instead of couching your style of communication in order to minimize friction. The intent is to maximize friction in order to appeal to emotion.

It comes across as "genuine", and is the very core of his appeal. It's ludicrous to think that a polite Trump would get more votes because of decorum and that his "policies" would win the day. Trump would be perceived as simply another politician, a politician with extremely limited communication skills to boot.
I think you are missing a point yourself here.

Trump's popularity isn't achieved despite his lack of decorum. He's popular because he lacks decorum.

It's why demagoguery works. Instead of couching your style of communication in order to minimize friction. The intent is to maximize friction in order to appeal to emotion.

It comes across as "genuine", and is the very core of his appeal. It's ludicrous to think that a polite Trump would get more votes because of decorum and that his "policies" would win the day. Trump would be perceived as simply another politician, a politician with extremely limited communication skills to boot.
Good stuff.

I do understand that, and I can see that he is playing to a rage that is deeper and more intense that I can grasp. OR, that his primitive style of communication fits that rage. So you make an important point.

What I'm saying/thinking is that it has limited utility. My guess (just a guess) is that, as Chillicothe inferred, it hurts him and his party electorally.

I'm curious: Do you think it would hurt him with his base if he had the ability to raise his level of communication, to at least an average adult level? Would it turn them off? Would that be a tradeoff?
Good stuff.

I do understand that, and I can see that he is playing to a rage that is deeper and more intense that I can grasp. OR, that his primitive style of communication fits that rage. So you make an important point.

What I'm saying/thinking is that it has limited utility. My guess (just a guess) is that, as Chillicothe inferred, it hurts him and his party electorally.

I'm curious: Do you think it would hurt him with his base if he had the ability to raise his level of communication, to at least an average adult level? Would it turn them off? Would that be a tradeoff?
It wouldn't work... period. That's my very firm belief.

At the moment, by far Trump strongest asset is that he can say whatever the fuck he wants without being held accountable.

He can do that because his supporters will simply excuse it by saying he was misquoted by the evil libs and that he actually means something else. Being clearer in your communication takes that away. It would force his supporters to deal with the substance of what he says. Something that's hard to do if you have any type of moral compass.
I think you are missing a point yourself here.

Trump's popularity isn't achieved despite his lack of decorum. He's popular because he lacks decorum.

It's why demagoguery works. Instead of couching your style of communication in order to minimize friction. The intent is to maximize friction in order to appeal to emotion.

It comes across as "genuine", and is the very core of his appeal. It's ludicrous to think that a polite Trump would get more votes because of decorum and that his "policies" would win the day. Trump would be perceived as simply another politician, a politician with extremely limited communication skills to boot.
See, I don't know about that. Out of every 10 people, about 3 aren't even registered to vote. Of the remaining 7, about 2 of them don't cast a ballot. So that would leave 5 or 6 out of every 10 who cast a ballot. If they see the blob kissing a baby or pretending to be remorseful, that may gain him some traction. He may have an issue with some of his knuckle-draggers staying home if he does but it won't get Biden any votes.
See, I don't know about that. Out of every 10 people, about 3 aren't even registered to vote. Of the remaining 7, about 2 of them don't cast a ballot. So that would leave 5 or 6 out of every 10 who cast a ballot. If they see the blob kissing a baby or pretending to be remorseful, that may gain him some traction. He may have an issue with some of his knuckle-draggers staying home if he does but it won't get Biden any votes.
Those "knuckle-draggers" are his most dedicated fans. For all the rest it's a transactional agreement. For them it's cult like devotion.
What I'm saying/thinking is that it has limited utility. My guess (just a guess) is that, as @Chillicothe inferred, it hurts him and his party electorally.
As to it's utility. In my opinion history shows that it can be at least as powerful as a more traditional style of communication as practiced by most politicians. Albeit in more authoritarian styles of government, (in my opinion precisely the direction he wants to take the US.)

Mussolini was a demagogue who ruled from 1922 until he was finally deposed in 1943. Hitler did for a decade. Both were incredibly popular if not revered by a majority of the populace at points during their reign.

As for the US. At the moment PURELY going by current popular opinion Trump's style might hurt him. On the other hand there's nothing to suggest that American's are anymore immune to the appeal of a demagogue then for instance the Germans were.

You kind of alluded to it in your rage comment. Trump's success is directly linked to the level of rage. A rage that has kept him competitive long after events and scandals that would sink any traditional politician.

It's a huge mistake to think that his support has peaked and that the adults will inevitable take over.

Rage isn't rational. Neither are most people.
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Given that the "campaign" is already boring, and given that neither candidate is fit for the job as some of us see it, we hope they do throw him in the hoosegow, just to shake things up for entertainment. In fact, the very best thing would be if they also arrested Biden and the two were in the same cell.
When people act counter to their best interests, the results become harder to predict.
True. So it's important to understand the mechanisms by which people get conned into doing so.

That's why I'm answering the OP. To point out that just because we don't share the internal logic of Trump supporters, doesn't mean their isn't one.
Mussolini was a demagogue who ruled from 1922 until he was finally deposed in 1943. Hitler did for a decade. Both were incredibly popular if not revered by a majority of the populace at points during their reign.

As for the US. At the moment PURELY going by current popular opinion Trump's style might hurt him. On the other hand there's nothing to suggest that American's are anymore immune to the appeal of a demagogue then for instance the Germans were.
Yeah. I've mentioned here that I suddenly have a much better grasp of what happened in Europe, 90 years ago. It's been a very instructive time, unfortunately.

No way this could happen here. No way. So now we'll find if we realized that it CAN happen here, only too late.
I'd like to see a judge call Trump into the courtroom and tell him the following:

"Mr. Trump, it is clear that you have no intention, or ability, to follow the standards rules of behavior or legal orders in my courtroom. Because we cannot have a situation in which certain citizens are treated differently by the law, I'm going to give you one warning.

"I have personally contacted the City Jail and instructed them to make all provisions for your arrest and detainment in the system. This, of course, will have to allow for your security detail to remain intact. I am providing you and your lawyers with specific written protocols, step by step, on how this would be carried out.

"If you break one more rule that I hand down in this case, those protocols will be in effect, the system will be ready, and you will be immediately arrested for contempt and jailed for at least one day, and I withold the right to make that stay longer. You will be treated the same way we treat any other prisoner".

"Have I made myself perfectly clear to you and your attorneys?"

I don't think that's asking too much. Most people don't get that kind of warning.

Ah look, it's Mac the Schoolmarm again
Yeah. I've mentioned here that I suddenly have a much better grasp of what happened in Europe, 90 years ago. It's been a very instructive time, unfortunately.

No way this could happen here. No way. So now we'll find if we realized that it CAN happen here, only too late.

And now Gigi compares Trump to Hitler, again. When Gigi of course failed the biggest test of Mass Hysteria: Covid 2020.

Cry harder.
The Trump-haters believe this would mean President Trump would be thrown into the general population or something. In reality it would look like a secure wing with amenities, and he'd have secret service around him at all times.

Meanwhile his polling numbers would still go up.

BREAKING: President Trump dares judge in Alvin Bragg case to jail him for violating gag order​

"I am willing to sacrifice my Freedom for that worthy cause." - Donald J. Trump

"On Saturday, Donald Trump expressed that he would consider it a "great honor" to face imprisonment if he violated a gag order, signaling a heightened level of criticism directed towards New York Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan and other judicial figures involved in the Alvin Bragg trial in New York.

On Monday, Merchan, the judge presiding over Trump's hush money trial scheduled to commence on April 15, broadened his gag order against Trump to encompass not only the judge's family but also the family of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

Posting on his Truth Social account, Trump wrote, "Now, we have Merchan, who is not allowing me to talk, thereby violating the Law and the Constitution, all at once. It is so bad what he is trying to get away with - How was he even chosen for this case??? I heard he fought like hell to get it, and all of the rest of them also! If this Partisan Hack wants to put me in the "clink" for speaking the open and obvious TRUTH, I will gladly become a Modern Day Nelson Mandela - It will be my GREAT HONOR. We have to Save our Country from these Political Operatives masquerading as Prosecutors and Judges, and I am willing to sacrifice my Freedom for that worthy cause. We are a Failing Nation, but on November 5th, we will become a Great Nation again. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!"

BREAKING: President Trump dares judge in Alvin Bragg case to jail him for violating gag order
There is no president Trump.
Yeah. I've mentioned here that I suddenly have a much better grasp of what happened in Europe, 90 years ago. It's been a very instructive time, unfortunately.

No way this could happen here. No way. So now we'll find if we realized that it CAN happen here, only too late.
There really is not realistic comparison between today's U.S. and Italy or Germany of those times. That does not mean that superficial people cannot be led astray in America today. That is a human foible that is always a danger. What seems most disturbing is that more and more "populism" is dominating politics and less and less substance. It is all emotion, impressions and other such silliness. America has cornered itself into two sides, which only serve to maintain one another, and is thus at the mercy of the merciless.

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