President Trump and the GOP keep working. List of things accomplished today. MAGA!


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
1. The Dow Jones hit a record high.
2. Trump and the GOP appointed 13 more federal judges today.
3. A member of the House of Representatives, Jeff Van Drew, switched parties today from Democrat to Republican.
4. Proposed a rule that would expand the list of crimes, including some misdemeanors, for which a migrant can be barred from being granted asylum in the U.S.
5. The senate has more or less vowed to acquit Trump.

So much winning!

The main thing is that Trump doesn't tire from it all, and starts working his way out.

Would be like an alcoholic after going straight for so long time, and yet wanting to fall off the wagon somehow, but not letting it be knownst to anyone that this is what he wants really. Hope not, but you never know.
1. The Dow Jones hit a record high.
2. Trump and the GOP appointed 13 more federal judges today.
3. A member of the House of Representatives, Jeff Van Drew, switched parties today from Democrat to Republican.
4. Proposed a rule that would expand the list of crimes, including some misdemeanors, for which a migrant can be barred from being granted asylum in the U.S.
5. The senate has more or less vowed to acquit Trump.

So much winning!


Trump is a winner

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