President Obama Grants 153 Commutations and 78 Pardons to Individuals Deserving of a Second Chance

Tonight, on VICE news (quickly becoming my favorite news channel), they interviewed one of those people who had their sentence commuted. The lady was arrested because her boyfriend was a drug dealer and she was accused of dealing, had 5 grams of coke on her, and she was also the person that kept the books.

She had never been arrested before, but because of the mandatory minimum sentencing, and because she had more than 3 felonies, her first sentence was 3 life terms plus 20 years. Like I said, this was the first time she was arrested.

She served 23 years and 8 months, and is now out because of clemency by Obama.
LADY, huh? Otay.

Lady denotes someone of the female persuasion. Would you have preferred that I use some other term? Sorry, I don't speak stupid.
You have to go to a modern college to learn how to be that stupid.
President Obama Grants 153 Commutations and 78 Pardons to Individuals Deserving of a Second Chance
Source: WH blog and HuffPost
Today, President Obama granted clemency to 231 deserving individuals — the most individual acts of clemency granted in a single day by any president in this nation’s history. With today’s 153 commutations, the President has now commuted the sentences of 1,176 individuals, including 395 life sentences. The President also granted pardons to 78 individuals, bringing his total number of pardons to 148. Today’s acts of clemency — and the mercy the President has shown his 1,324 clemency recipients — exemplify his belief that America is a nation of second chances.

The 231 individuals granted clemency today have all demonstrated that they are ready to make use — or have already made use — of a second chance. While each clemency recipient’s story is unique, the common thread of rehabilitation underlies all of them. For the pardon recipient, it is the story of an individual who has led a productive and law-abiding post-conviction life, including by contributing to the community in a meaningful way. For the commutation recipient, it is the story of an individual who has made the most of his or her time in prison, by participating in educational courses, vocational training, and drug treatment. These are the stories that demonstrate the successes that can be achieved — by both individuals and society — in a nation of second chances.

Today’s grants signify the President’s continued commitment to exercising his clemency authority through the remainder of his time in office. In 2016 alone, the President has granted clemency to more than 1,000 deserving individuals. The President continues to review clemency applications on an individualized basis to determine whether a particular applicant has demonstrated a readiness to make use of his or her second chance, and I expect that the President will issue more grants of both commutations and pardons before he leaves office. The mercy that the President has shown his 1,324 clemency recipients is remarkable, but we must remember that clemency is a tool of last resort and that only Congress can achieve the broader reforms needed to ensure over the long run that our criminal justice system operates more fairly and effectively in the service of public safety.

Obama Commutes 153 Sentences, Pardons 78, In Clemency Push | The Huffington Post
President Barack Obama shortened sentences of 153 federal prisoners on Monday as part of a clemency push before he leaves office in a few weeks.

Obama has now commuted the sentences of 1,176 people during his presidency, and has pardoned 148. The announcement came as the president and his family were in Hawaii for a holiday vacation.

“The 231 individuals granted clemency today have all demonstrated that they are ready to make use — or have already made use — of a second chance,” White House counsel Neil Eggleston wrote in a blog post Monday. “While each clemency recipient’s story is unique, the common thread of rehabilitation underlies all of them. For the pardon recipient, it is the story of an individual who has led a productive and law-abiding post-conviction life, including by contributing to the community in a meaningful way. For the commutation recipient, it is the story of an individual who has made the most of his or her time in prison, by participating in educational courses, vocational training, and drug treatment.”

Those whose sentences were commuted on Monday, granting them early release, were convicted on drug crimes. Some will be released in 2017 and 2018, while others will have to wait several years before their release date. Obama also granted pardons to 78 individuals on Monday.

Read more: President Obama Grants 153 Commutations and 78 Pardons to Individuals Deserving of a Second Chance

You're not a party of small government until you change the reality that our laws in this nation are making us the most imprisoned nation on earth. How are we free? How are you going to change this reality?
And they wonder why crime is skyrocketing.

It's not.

Crime rates are at a 50-year low.
President Obama Grants 153 Commutations and 78 Pardons to Individuals Deserving of a Second Chance
Source: WH blog and HuffPost
Today, President Obama granted clemency to 231 deserving individuals — the most individual acts of clemency granted in a single day by any president in this nation’s history. With today’s 153 commutations, the President has now commuted the sentences of 1,176 individuals, including 395 life sentences. The President also granted pardons to 78 individuals, bringing his total number of pardons to 148. Today’s acts of clemency — and the mercy the President has shown his 1,324 clemency recipients — exemplify his belief that America is a nation of second chances.

The 231 individuals granted clemency today have all demonstrated that they are ready to make use — or have already made use — of a second chance. While each clemency recipient’s story is unique, the common thread of rehabilitation underlies all of them. For the pardon recipient, it is the story of an individual who has led a productive and law-abiding post-conviction life, including by contributing to the community in a meaningful way. For the commutation recipient, it is the story of an individual who has made the most of his or her time in prison, by participating in educational courses, vocational training, and drug treatment. These are the stories that demonstrate the successes that can be achieved — by both individuals and society — in a nation of second chances.

Today’s grants signify the President’s continued commitment to exercising his clemency authority through the remainder of his time in office. In 2016 alone, the President has granted clemency to more than 1,000 deserving individuals. The President continues to review clemency applications on an individualized basis to determine whether a particular applicant has demonstrated a readiness to make use of his or her second chance, and I expect that the President will issue more grants of both commutations and pardons before he leaves office. The mercy that the President has shown his 1,324 clemency recipients is remarkable, but we must remember that clemency is a tool of last resort and that only Congress can achieve the broader reforms needed to ensure over the long run that our criminal justice system operates more fairly and effectively in the service of public safety.

Obama Commutes 153 Sentences, Pardons 78, In Clemency Push | The Huffington Post
President Barack Obama shortened sentences of 153 federal prisoners on Monday as part of a clemency push before he leaves office in a few weeks.

Obama has now commuted the sentences of 1,176 people during his presidency, and has pardoned 148. The announcement came as the president and his family were in Hawaii for a holiday vacation.

“The 231 individuals granted clemency today have all demonstrated that they are ready to make use — or have already made use — of a second chance,” White House counsel Neil Eggleston wrote in a blog post Monday. “While each clemency recipient’s story is unique, the common thread of rehabilitation underlies all of them. For the pardon recipient, it is the story of an individual who has led a productive and law-abiding post-conviction life, including by contributing to the community in a meaningful way. For the commutation recipient, it is the story of an individual who has made the most of his or her time in prison, by participating in educational courses, vocational training, and drug treatment.”

Those whose sentences were commuted on Monday, granting them early release, were convicted on drug crimes. Some will be released in 2017 and 2018, while others will have to wait several years before their release date. Obama also granted pardons to 78 individuals on Monday.

Read more: President Obama Grants 153 Commutations and 78 Pardons to Individuals Deserving of a Second Chance

You're not a party of small government until you change the reality that our laws in this nation are making us the most imprisoned nation on earth. How are we free? How are you going to change this reality?
And they wonder why crime is skyrocketing.

It's not.

Crime rates are at a 50-year low.
True,and we have more prisoners than any other country.
Well, we only have about 5 percent of the world's population, but we have 20 percent of the world's incarcerations.

Mandatory minimum sentences need to go. Same with the privatization of our prison systems.

That's because people get away with murder and every other crime in third world shitholes. Nice to see progressives admitting they want America to become a lawless land. Even with those high incarcerations, we still have very high violent crime rates, because we release those thugs back onto the streets early. Time to start locking thugs up for far longer and make our streets safe.

Actually, crime rates are at historic lows.......................

Try again.

So then you admit our "high incarceration" policy is working? You are contradicting yourself.

We have up to 12 times the murder rate versus European countries. That's what I meant by having high crime rates. Comparing our crime rates to ourselves doesn't put things into perspective.
Infographic: The US murder rate compared to other countries

Try again.
Tonight, on VICE news (quickly becoming my favorite news channel), they interviewed one of those people who had their sentence commuted. The lady was arrested because her boyfriend was a drug dealer and she was accused of dealing, had 5 grams of coke on her, and she was also the person that kept the books.

She had never been arrested before, but because of the mandatory minimum sentencing, and because she had more than 3 felonies, her first sentence was 3 life terms plus 20 years. Like I said, this was the first time she was arrested.

She served 23 years and 8 months, and is now out because of clemency by Obama.
LADY, huh? Otay.

White Knights like GayBikerSailor to the rescue. She isn't a multiple felon and drug dealer, she's a Lady!
Tonight, on VICE news (quickly becoming my favorite news channel), they interviewed one of those people who had their sentence commuted. The lady was arrested because her boyfriend was a drug dealer and she was accused of dealing, had 5 grams of coke on her, and she was also the person that kept the books.

She had never been arrested before, but because of the mandatory minimum sentencing, and because she had more than 3 felonies, her first sentence was 3 life terms plus 20 years. Like I said, this was the first time she was arrested.

She served 23 years and 8 months, and is now out because of clemency by Obama.
LADY, huh? Otay.

Lady denotes someone of the female persuasion. Would you have preferred that I use some other term? Sorry, I don't speak stupid.
You have to go to a modern college to learn how to be that stupid.
Don't give up on promoting ignorance.
One has to wonder why Matthew is so pleased when Obama comes out on the side of criminals, against that of law-abiding citizens.

Then, again, no, one doesn't really need to wonder. It's obvious enough.

Obama allowed illegals to kill and rape American citizens is it really any surprise he let so many out of prison? How many were his home boys?
Well, getting private companies out of the prison business would be a good start. Private companies that run prisons don't have any incentive to rehabilitate the inmates because every warm body they keep there, they get paid for, so career criminals are good for business.

Privately run prisons don't pass laws or sentences numbnutz

Sent from my iPhone using

Private prisons contribute to recidivism because they don't do anything to help the prisoners better themselves. That is part of the problem.

Bullshit. Most prisoners don't want to change what they do. I've worked in a prison and have seen people who have sheets as long as your arm. These folks have been in and out of jail for decades and don't give a rats ass about changing anything.

Oh and its not the prison or the tax payers responsibility to better anyone in prison. They have tried that shit for decades and it doesn't work.
Tonight, on VICE news (quickly becoming my favorite news channel), they interviewed one of those people who had their sentence commuted. The lady was arrested because her boyfriend was a drug dealer and she was accused of dealing, had 5 grams of coke on her, and she was also the person that kept the books.

She had never been arrested before, but because of the mandatory minimum sentencing, and because she had more than 3 felonies, her first sentence was 3 life terms plus 20 years. Like I said, this was the first time she was arrested.

She served 23 years and 8 months, and is now out because of clemency by Obama.
LADY, huh? Otay.

Lady denotes someone of the female persuasion. Would you have preferred that I use some other term? Sorry, I don't speak stupid.
You have to go to a modern college to learn how to be that stupid.
Don't give up on promoting ignorance.
Don't give up on promoting ignorance.
Says someone who calls males females.
You lefties are the most ignorant and confused group in all of human history.
Matthew, how do you know they deserve it?
Because he has his head firmly inserted up Chicago Jesus's ass.
More fake news

What makes this fake? Did Obama do this or not?
How do you know all those people deserved it?
49 of them were for firearm offenses.
Lefty Hypocriticus Maximus
Probably illegal guns, so they don't give a fuck..
Every one of these is a Democrat.

The BIGOT never stops. It is always about the Democrats.

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