President DeSantis would fire FBI Director Wray on day one.

Unfortunately, DeSantis would replace Wray with a clone of Wray, because Karl Rove is a big fan of Chris Wray and is a clone of Chris Wray...
Trey Gowdy - "Why, if I was back in Congress, I'd be talking about removing Wray from day one!".
Whatever dude. People like you run their mouths without ever showing they know what they’re talking about.

Go read a book, moron.
I read in the news every day how partisan the FBI and DOJ are as fools like you try to convince me there is no partisanship

What an asinine loser you are
Excellent interview from the other day with Trey Gowdy.

The governor jumped all over every question.

So, DeSantis is going to remove the guy who was appointed by the orange rapist? Ok.

As for his other rant about the DOJ... does DeSantis realize that we always get a new AG with a new administration?

This DeSantis guy is really not cut out for the big time, is he?
So, DeSantis is going to remove the guy who was appointed by the orange rapist? Ok.

As for his other rant about the DOJ... does DeSantis realize that we always get a new AG with a new administration?

This DeSantis guy is really not cut out for the big time, is he?
Most American people see DeSantis for who he is wife is a Democrat who voted for Biden and she loves loves him.
I read in the news every day how partisan the FBI and DOJ are as fools like you try to convince me there is no partisanship

What an asinine loser you are
You read opinion masquerading as news.

I never said there was no partisanship. Not everyone is perfect. There are people behaving in a partisan fashion going both ways throughout government. When it’s identified, it’s punished.

You’d seek to institutionalize that partisanship to return it back to the system where partisanship was rewarded.
The big problem is who his donors are and who is endorsing him.
If the Bush family is backing him it's a non-starter, because they're part of the same people backing Biden.
Trump needs to be on his best game now.
I think DeSantis is just the thing to push him to that next level.

Stop fighting him.....Trump can outshine him just sticking to his guns . I think he should go ahead and pick a running mate.....Byron Donalds would be great ..... maybe even someone provocative like Tulsi Gabbard.😁
I would certainly hope so.....Along with anyone that was appointed by the last three POTUSs.....A clean sweep.

Then go after the "ticks"(appointees that got .gov jobs in the various agencies).....Transfer them all to AK and let them rot or quit.
I have a friend in CIA.
98% of them are doing it right......John Brennan and a few others should be in Gitmo.
Yeah, great, then those that are doing it right, should be taking out the ones that arent...if you know what i mean....

In the military if you screwed over your men, you never lead them into battle, for you wouldnt know in which direction the fire is coming from.....
The problem is, who is the ultimate authority?

Then, who will police the ultimate authority?

Would that then make them the ultimate authority?

If so, how do you police them?

These institutions, therefore, naturally become corrupt and become their own mini government.

And to think, i always thought it was the people who were in charge and should hold the authorities accountable....
Yeah, great, then those that are doing it right, should be taking out the ones that arent...if you know what i mean....

In the military if you screwed over your men, you never lead them into battle, for you wouldnt know in which direction the fire is coming from.....
They all have signed NDA's.
That's one of the biggest abuses of power by the US government which is using secrecy agreements to keep people quiet..... media figures included.

Look what they did to those three FBI with whistleblowers and the journalists who testified just recently and that's just the tip of the iceberg..... ones we know about.

The "whistleblower protection act" is a joke.
They will destroy you. .. in some cases worse.

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