President Biden Use Your Authority to Increase Vaccine Production!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Although the pharmaceutical industry and especially Pfizer, BioNtech and Moderna have done a great job developing and producing Covid 19 vaccines they haven't done their absolute best and that is what America needs. Similarly, the Biden Administration is acting very bureaucratic on getting the American people the supply of vaccines we need; by this I mean the Biden Administration is accepting the top executives in Pfizer and Moderna representations that they are doing the best they can to produce these hard to produce vaccines. I am not downplaying the difficulty of producing these messenger RNA vaccines, producing the precise mRNA, dealing with the fragility of this mRNA material and producing the lipids that carry the mRNA and avoiding contamination problems, etc. and I realize that under the best conditions it would take many many months to hire contract manufacturers and take them from the stage of starting from scratch to being able to ship vaccine doses. But I believe that the White House could create a better vaccine generating system for America here what I am driving at is President Biden should go out and find a retired Pharmaceutical Industry top executive that knows his or her way around the industry from A to Z and has the make-up of a General Russel Honore a "no nonsense get the job done" type and tell the heads of Pfizer and Moderna that this person is my Director of Covid 19 Vaccine Procurement and on these vaccine purchase contracts the U.S. government has open with you guys you are going to give this Director unfettered access to everything in your respective corporations related to development and production of these vaccines and when and where he sees he can boost vaccine production you will follow his instructions to the letter and do so as fast as you can. Now I am going to take care of your corporations in these matters I am going to authorize our vaccine purchase contracts to be amended so that for the changes in your operation and the operation of your subcontractors that the director orders or that arise out of his or her orders the U.S. government will pick-up one hundred percent of the cost for you and for your subcontractor the focus that the American people need now is to get these vaccines to them as quickly as humanly possible because the costs to America of not having the vaccines is devastating America the White House doesn't want you economically hurt at all so we have made the aforementioned change to the contract but vaccine production needs to speed up and this seems to be the best way to bring it about. This Director should be told that the powers of the Defense Production Act are at his disposal just draw up the paperwork on how you need to use the power and the President will sign it. The Director especially with Moderna which isn't a pharmaceutical behemoth like Pfizer when on the inside may see that vaccine output could be increased by increasing lipid production or by increasing the capacity to dispense the vaccine in vials, etc.; maybe it won't be earth shattering increases in production but even little improvements will save lives and help get America past this pandemic nightmare!

This is the state of things Pfizer and Moderna have each committed to producing a hundred million doses of the vaccine by the end of March and another one hundred million by the end of June; Pfizer CEO says his corporation will deliver 1.2 million by the end of March and 2 million by the end of May however both corporations don't seem to be producing weekly volumes that would meet these commitments. In any event, it seems like the plan's timeline will take to the end of June to really make headway in vaccinating Americans and getting the pandemic under control. This means that from now thru the end of June America will be flailing around with things like high rates of people dying from this virus, consumers not acting normally thereby hurting the economy, schools not reopening or fully reopening meaning America's kids falling behind from an education standpoint, etc.. America's got to do better, the White House has got to do better it is not acceptable that they do not use the Defense Production Act to speed up vaccine production it is not acceptable that they just deliver the American people's fate here over to Pfizer and Moderna executives!
Although the pharmaceutical industry and especially Pfizer, BioNtech and Moderna have done a great job developing and producing Covid 19 vaccines they haven't done their absolute best and that is what America needs. Similarly, the Biden Administration is acting very bureaucratic on getting the American people the supply of vaccines we need; by this I mean the Biden Administration is accepting the top executives in Pfizer and Moderna representations that they are doing the best they can to produce these hard to produce vaccines. I am not downplaying the difficulty of producing these messenger RNA vaccines, producing the precise mRNA, dealing with the fragility of this mRNA material and producing the lipids that carry the mRNA and avoiding contamination problems, etc. and I realize that under the best conditions it would take many many months to hire contract manufacturers and take them from the stage of starting from scratch to being able to ship vaccine doses. But I believe that the White House could create a better vaccine generating system for America here what I am driving at is President Biden should go out and find a retired Pharmaceutical Industry top executive that knows his or her way around the industry from A to Z and has the make-up of a General Russel Honore a "no nonsense get the job done" type and tell the heads of Pfizer and Moderna that this person is my Director of Covid 19 Vaccine Procurement and on these vaccine purchase contracts the U.S. government has open with you guys you are going to give this Director unfettered access to everything in your respective corporations related to development and production of these vaccines and when and where he sees he can boost vaccine production you will follow his instructions to the letter and do so as fast as you can. Now I am going to take care of your corporations in these matters I am going to authorize our vaccine purchase contracts to be amended so that for the changes in your operation and the operation of your subcontractors that the director orders or that arise out of his or her orders the U.S. government will pick-up one hundred percent of the cost for you and for your subcontractor the focus that the American people need now is to get these vaccines to them as quickly as humanly possible because the costs to America of not having the vaccines is devastating America the White House doesn't want you economically hurt at all so we have made the aforementioned change to the contract but vaccine production needs to speed up and this seems to be the best way to bring it about. This Director should be told that the powers of the Defense Production Act are at his disposal just draw up the paperwork on how you need to use the power and the President will sign it. The Director especially with Moderna which isn't a pharmaceutical behemoth like Pfizer when on the inside may see that vaccine output could be increased by increasing lipid production or by increasing the capacity to dispense the vaccine in vials, etc.; maybe it won't be earth shattering increases in production but even little improvements will save lives and help get America past this pandemic nightmare!

This is the state of things Pfizer and Moderna have each committed to producing a hundred million doses of the vaccine by the end of March and another one hundred million by the end of June; Pfizer CEO says his corporation will deliver 1.2 million by the end of March and 2 million by the end of May however both corporations don't seem to be producing weekly volumes that would meet these commitments. In any event, it seems like the plan's timeline will take to the end of June to really make headway in vaccinating Americans and getting the pandemic under control. This means that from now thru the end of June America will be flailing around with things like high rates of people dying from this virus, consumers not acting normally thereby hurting the economy, schools not reopening or fully reopening meaning America's kids falling behind from an education standpoint, etc.. America's got to do better, the White House has got to do better it is not acceptable that they do not use the Defense Production Act to speed up vaccine production it is not acceptable that they just deliver the American people's fate here over to Pfizer and Moderna executives!
Can you sum this god damned thing in 3 sentences please. Who the hell but your mom would read all that horse shit
Uh, under President Trump the vaccines were developed in record time and before President Trump left office they were averaging 1 million vaccinations a day.

Many months ago Biden said he had a plan. His plan was to do what Trump had been doing.

Shortly, J&J will apply for approval of their single-dose vaccine.
First off, the vaccines are being produced plenty fast enough, and I expect that within just a few years, most Americans will receive it. Pestering the pharmaceutical concerns with all kinds of new regulations and oversight won't speed it up at all. They are already at warp speed, because Trump LIFTED a lot of the regulation to get them moving on this and indeed they have.

The only problem right now is that the media has stirred up enough covid-hysteria that people are rushing and trying to cut in line to get the shot immediately.

It really isn't necessary. Be patient, in 6-8 months, different vaccines will be everywhere.
Although the pharmaceutical industry and especially Pfizer, BioNtech and Moderna have done a great job developing and producing Covid 19 vaccines they haven't done their absolute best and that is what America needs. Similarly, the Biden Administration is acting very bureaucratic on getting the American people the supply of vaccines we need; by this I mean the Biden Administration is accepting the top executives in Pfizer and Moderna representations that they are doing the best they can to produce these hard to produce vaccines. I am not downplaying the difficulty of producing these messenger RNA vaccines, producing the precise mRNA, dealing with the fragility of this mRNA material and producing the lipids that carry the mRNA and avoiding contamination problems, etc. and I realize that under the best conditions it would take many many months to hire contract manufacturers and take them from the stage of starting from scratch to being able to ship vaccine doses. But I believe that the White House could create a better vaccine generating system for America here what I am driving at is President Biden should go out and find a retired Pharmaceutical Industry top executive that knows his or her way around the industry from A to Z and has the make-up of a General Russel Honore a "no nonsense get the job done" type and tell the heads of Pfizer and Moderna that this person is my Director of Covid 19 Vaccine Procurement and on these vaccine purchase contracts the U.S. government has open with you guys you are going to give this Director unfettered access to everything in your respective corporations related to development and production of these vaccines and when and where he sees he can boost vaccine production you will follow his instructions to the letter and do so as fast as you can. Now I am going to take care of your corporations in these matters I am going to authorize our vaccine purchase contracts to be amended so that for the changes in your operation and the operation of your subcontractors that the director orders or that arise out of his or her orders the U.S. government will pick-up one hundred percent of the cost for you and for your subcontractor the focus that the American people need now is to get these vaccines to them as quickly as humanly possible because the costs to America of not having the vaccines is devastating America the White House doesn't want you economically hurt at all so we have made the aforementioned change to the contract but vaccine production needs to speed up and this seems to be the best way to bring it about. This Director should be told that the powers of the Defense Production Act are at his disposal just draw up the paperwork on how you need to use the power and the President will sign it. The Director especially with Moderna which isn't a pharmaceutical behemoth like Pfizer when on the inside may see that vaccine output could be increased by increasing lipid production or by increasing the capacity to dispense the vaccine in vials, etc.; maybe it won't be earth shattering increases in production but even little improvements will save lives and help get America past this pandemic nightmare!

This is the state of things Pfizer and Moderna have each committed to producing a hundred million doses of the vaccine by the end of March and another one hundred million by the end of June; Pfizer CEO says his corporation will deliver 1.2 million by the end of March and 2 million by the end of May however both corporations don't seem to be producing weekly volumes that would meet these commitments. In any event, it seems like the plan's timeline will take to the end of June to really make headway in vaccinating Americans and getting the pandemic under control. This means that from now thru the end of June America will be flailing around with things like high rates of people dying from this virus, consumers not acting normally thereby hurting the economy, schools not reopening or fully reopening meaning America's kids falling behind from an education standpoint, etc.. America's got to do better, the White House has got to do better it is not acceptable that they do not use the Defense Production Act to speed up vaccine production it is not acceptable that they just deliver the American people's fate here over to Pfizer and Moderna executives!

Obviously both Pfizer and Moderna are running at full capacity to fuifill their promise to produce 100 million doses by March. Joey Xi can't push that any further.
What he needs to do is establish vaccination center in the Blue cities... Something Governors and Mayors in Blue cities have screwed the pooch.
Good examples are Philadelphia and New York city. Where vaccine has not been handled properly and hadto be destroyed.
Although the pharmaceutical industry and especially Pfizer, BioNtech and Moderna have done a great job developing and producing Covid 19 vaccines they haven't done their absolute best and that is what America needs. Similarly, the Biden Administration is acting very bureaucratic on getting the American people the supply of vaccines we need; by this I mean the Biden Administration is accepting the top executives in Pfizer and Moderna representations that they are doing the best they can to produce these hard to produce vaccines. I am not downplaying the difficulty of producing these messenger RNA vaccines, producing the precise mRNA, dealing with the fragility of this mRNA material and producing the lipids that carry the mRNA and avoiding contamination problems, etc. and I realize that under the best conditions it would take many many months to hire contract manufacturers and take them from the stage of starting from scratch to being able to ship vaccine doses. But I believe that the White House could create a better vaccine generating system for America here what I am driving at is President Biden should go out and find a retired Pharmaceutical Industry top executive that knows his or her way around the industry from A to Z and has the make-up of a General Russel Honore a "no nonsense get the job done" type and tell the heads of Pfizer and Moderna that this person is my Director of Covid 19 Vaccine Procurement and on these vaccine purchase contracts the U.S. government has open with you guys you are going to give this Director unfettered access to everything in your respective corporations related to development and production of these vaccines and when and where he sees he can boost vaccine production you will follow his instructions to the letter and do so as fast as you can. Now I am going to take care of your corporations in these matters I am going to authorize our vaccine purchase contracts to be amended so that for the changes in your operation and the operation of your subcontractors that the director orders or that arise out of his or her orders the U.S. government will pick-up one hundred percent of the cost for you and for your subcontractor the focus that the American people need now is to get these vaccines to them as quickly as humanly possible because the costs to America of not having the vaccines is devastating America the White House doesn't want you economically hurt at all so we have made the aforementioned change to the contract but vaccine production needs to speed up and this seems to be the best way to bring it about. This Director should be told that the powers of the Defense Production Act are at his disposal just draw up the paperwork on how you need to use the power and the President will sign it. The Director especially with Moderna which isn't a pharmaceutical behemoth like Pfizer when on the inside may see that vaccine output could be increased by increasing lipid production or by increasing the capacity to dispense the vaccine in vials, etc.; maybe it won't be earth shattering increases in production but even little improvements will save lives and help get America past this pandemic nightmare!

This is the state of things Pfizer and Moderna have each committed to producing a hundred million doses of the vaccine by the end of March and another one hundred million by the end of June; Pfizer CEO says his corporation will deliver 1.2 million by the end of March and 2 million by the end of May however both corporations don't seem to be producing weekly volumes that would meet these commitments. In any event, it seems like the plan's timeline will take to the end of June to really make headway in vaccinating Americans and getting the pandemic under control. This means that from now thru the end of June America will be flailing around with things like high rates of people dying from this virus, consumers not acting normally thereby hurting the economy, schools not reopening or fully reopening meaning America's kids falling behind from an education standpoint, etc.. America's got to do better, the White House has got to do better it is not acceptable that they do not use the Defense Production Act to speed up vaccine production it is not acceptable that they just deliver the American people's fate here over to Pfizer and Moderna executives!
Can you sum this god damned thing in 3 sentences please. Who the hell but your mom would read all that horse shit
1. The OP thinks that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are all there is and wants to use the Defense Production Act to have qualified big pharma make more doses. That is stupid because it takes months to build, test, and certify new vaccine production.
2. Johnson and Johnson is a few weeks away from having their 1-shot vaccine approved and to begin producing 1-billion doses by the end of 2021. That is the ball game. Better hope and pray that the JNJ vaccine works. Otherwise the 2-vaccines will be giving 2nd doses instead of 1st doses.

So the OP is not aware of what the Trump admin had in the pipeline. Several big pharma companies' vaccines failed, like Merck. Others are producing therapies, like Regeneron. There are still many ongoing vaccines and therapies in the pipeline. You're welcome.

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