President Barack Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

Conservative reaction to all things Obama: de-legitimize it as quickly as possible!

Presidency? Call for a birth certificate!

Health care reform? Call it "Socialism" and offer no viable alternatives.

Nobel Prize? Call it a sham and scream about more "Socialist" cabals!

Like a rabid dog, the Conservatives would rather piss on their beds than take a moment of retrospective thinking to determine why their failures are never rewarded.

Seems to me the conservative reactions you describe or not out of line. Fact is Obama has not released his birth certificate not to be confused with a certificate of live birth. Health care reform as outlined by Obama is socialism. The Nobel Prize? You tell me what
precisely has Obama done to earn one. Oh and can you prove that rapid dogs would rather piss on their beds?
Nobel Prize? Call it a sham and scream about more "Socialist" cabals!

It jumped the shark when they gave it to Arafat the terrorist
Let's see who else won the Nobel Peace Prize, shall we?

Winners of the Nobel Peace Prize

There are winners who are decidedly not "terrorists" here, aren't there?

Well, there's that Commie Pinko Mother Theresa on the list, and that Darkie troublemaker Nelson Mandela - who was imprisoned for being a terrorist! So there ya go! :cool:
It jumped the shark when they gave it to Arafat the terrorist
Let's see who else won the Nobel Peace Prize, shall we?

Winners of the Nobel Peace Prize

There are winners who are decidedly not "terrorists" here, aren't there?

Well, there's that Commie Pinko Mother Theresa on the list, and that Darkie troublemaker Nelson Mandela - who was imprisoned for being a terrorist! So there ya go! :cool:

and the others ?
It jumped the shark when they gave it to Arafat the terrorist
Let's see who else won the Nobel Peace Prize, shall we?

Winners of the Nobel Peace Prize

There are winners who are decidedly not "terrorists" here, aren't there?

Well, there's that Commie Pinko Mother Theresa on the list, and that Darkie troublemaker Nelson Mandela - who was imprisoned for being a terrorist! So there ya go! :cool:
Well there you go.An embarrassment to say the least.
Let's see who else won the Nobel Peace Prize, shall we?

Winners of the Nobel Peace Prize

There are winners who are decidedly not "terrorists" here, aren't there?

Well, there's that Commie Pinko Mother Theresa on the list, and that Darkie troublemaker Nelson Mandela - who was imprisoned for being a terrorist! So there ya go! :cool:
Well there you go.An embarrassment to say the least.

OMG....I know Conservative Yanks don't do irony or sarcasm very well, but surely you ain't that dumb....:eek:

err, scratch that - I do believe you are!
Conservative reaction to all things Obama: de-legitimize it as quickly as possible!

Presidency? Call for a birth certificate!

Health care reform? Call it "Socialism" and offer no viable alternatives.

Nobel Prize? Call it a sham and scream about more "Socialist" cabals!

Like a rabid dog, the Conservatives would rather piss on their beds than take a moment of retrospective thinking to determine why their failures are never rewarded.

Seems to me the conservative reactions you describe or not out of line. Fact is Obama has not released his birth certificate not to be confused with a certificate of live birth. Health care reform as outlined by Obama is socialism. The Nobel Prize? You tell me what
precisely has Obama done to earn one. Oh and can you prove that rapid dogs would rather piss on their beds?
The birthers are just as ridiculous as the 9/11 truthers. Shots in the dark to hopefully show this man is not white enough or Christian enough or "like us" enough to legitimately hold the office of President of the United States.

Health care reform as seen by the Conservatives is no reform at all. It permits the insurance companies to further plunder our economy, because, in the Conservative 'logic', they deserve to make a profit, no matter how much that profit costs consumers.

And a diplomatic approach to world crisis as opposed to shoot first and look for WMDs later may just help America lead the world rather than threaten it.
Ok, Im going with just fucking die you idiot.

IOW, you haven't a clue. Was just checking. Thanks for cluing me in!

No really
The economy was well fucked before he came to power, as for freedom, in what ways? What has he introduced in way of legislation that has curtailed your freedoms?
upon reflection he has screwed US over with his personal money printing machine that is going to crush America with debt .

Its His debt he owns it, lock, stock ,and barrel .

How's he going to crush America with Debt? Where's Toro when you need him!
Gee...I wonder if he would have won if he heeded to his generals request for more troops in A-Stan....seeing as one of the reasons he won the prize was becuase of his speeches about "peace"....

Gee....I wonder if maybe the million dollar prize and the prestige with the prize has anything to do with him waiting weeks to make such a decision.

Gee...I wonder if there is any connection between the fact that he decided to have his meeting to make the decision AFTER the prize was awarded.....literally HOURS after the prize was awarded.

Gee...I wonder how many of our heros would still be alive today if he made the decision weeks ago as he should have....

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Gee...I wonder if hew would have won if he heeded to his generals request for more troops in A-Stan....seeing as pone of the reasons he won the prize was becuase of his speeches about "peace"....

Gee....I wonder if maybe the million dollar prize and the prestige with the prize has anything to do with him waiting weeks to make such a decision.

Gee...I wonder if there is any connection between the fact that he decided to have his meeting to make the decision AFTER the prize was awarded.....literally HOURS after the prize was awarded.

Gee...I wonder how many of our heros would still be alive today if he made the decision weeks ago as he should have....

Your boy started this war and fought it for seven years. He failed as usual.

Obama inherited this crisis and now he's responsible for losing?

Gee...I wonder if the word "accountability" is in the Conservative lexicon?
It jumped the shark when they gave it to Arafat the terrorist
Let's see who else won the Nobel Peace Prize, shall we?

Winners of the Nobel Peace Prize

There are winners who are decidedly not "terrorists" here, aren't there?

Well, there's that Commie Pinko Mother Theresa on the list, and that Darkie troublemaker Nelson Mandela - who was imprisoned for being a terrorist! So there ya go! :cool:


Imprisioned for leading revolt against an illegal white government in, get this, Africa.

Darkie? Does a reasonable person even say that anymore?

Imprisioned for leading revolt against an illegal white government in, get this, Africa.

Darkie? Does a reasonable person even say that anymore?

For chrissakes see post 167. Conservatives not getting it I understand, but your a lib for crying out loud!! :eusa_whistle:

Then again, I do live in a country that had this on the giggle box the other night..

[ame=]YouTube - Hey Hey Its Saturday Reunion - Harry Connick Jr black face jackson jive[/ame]

and people laughed....hhhhmmm
I think we might want to use an Obama Administration technic and rename the word peace.

Let's call the award The Nobel Appeasement Prize: Awarded to the biggest suckup and apologist out there.

Who's being appeased? Have the US troops been pulled out of Afghanistan/Iraq? Who exactly is he appeasing? Maybe he just not a "shoot first and ask questions later" kinda guy. Maybe gunboat diplomacy has gone the way of the Dodo....

At the end of the day, the US has a nuclear arsenal...'nuff said.
I'm done with you Next to Bozona you have to be the user least worthy of attention
He was nominated back in February .Days after taking office
All he had done , has done ,and will do is talk and fuck up Americas economy and freedom.

The economy was well fucked before he came to power, as for freedom, in what ways? What has he introduced in way of legislation that has curtailed your freedoms?

Don't confuse him with facts.
The economy was well fucked before he came to power, as for freedom, in what ways? What has he introduced in way of legislation that has curtailed your freedoms?
upon reflection he has screwed US over with his personal money printing machine that is going to crush America with debt .

Its His debt he owns it, lock, stock ,and barrel .

How's he going to crush America with Debt? Where's Toro when you need him!

dunno where he is now, but he said on the other thread that the "printing money" was the only thing that could have been done to avoid the next great depression..... at least if I understood him correctly.

don't you love the lying revisionists who forget it's Bush's debt.
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Of course, we KNOW this is not Obama's fault so HE can NOT be blamed for this appearing rushed decision to nominate him by the committee....I am certain some of you will find a way to blame obama for the committee's seemingly rushed choice.

Though I do believe the panel was only nominating people at the time, and months afterwards could have been used to make their decision on the winner and not just the first 10 days of Obama being in office.

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