President Barack Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

He was nominated back in February .Days after taking office
All he had done , has done ,and will do is talk and fuck up Americas economy and freedom.

The economy was well fucked before he came to power, as for freedom, in what ways? What has he introduced in way of legislation that has curtailed your freedoms?

Don't confuse him with facts.

See my last to him. Fucking moron...
upon reflection he has screwed US over with his personal money printing machine that is going to crush America with debt .

Its His debt he owns it, lock, stock ,and barrel .

How's he going to crush America with Debt? Where's Toro when you need him!

dunno where he is now, but he said on the other thread that the "printing money" was the only thing that could have been done to avoid the next great depression..... at least if I understood him correctly.

don't you love the lying revisionists who forget it's Bush's debt.
Well that would make Toro an idiot as well if he want to reiterate and hold that stance
fiat money hyperinflation - Google Search
Congratulations to our President...
It is great news for all Americans to have our international initiatives recognized.

Wait a minute??

Some people are irate that President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize

Are they Taliban? No
Are they Communists? No
Are they AlQaeda? No

They happen to be republicans who once again are rooting for America to fail
How's he going to crush America with Debt? Where's Toro when you need him!

dunno where he is now, but he said on the other thread that the "printing money" was the only thing that could have been done to avoid the next great depression..... at least if I understood him correctly.

don't you love the lying revisionists who forget it's Bush's debt.
Well that would make Toro an idiot as well if he want to reiterate and hold that stance
fiat money hyperinflation - Google Search

Actually, Toro knows more about economics than anyone on this board. So that would make *you* the idiot.

Just sayin'.

Me? When I have real experts on a subject to get perspective from, I appreciate it....

but then again, that's why you're engaging in posturing and revisionist history. Try learning from people who actually know a subject area better than you do. It works wonders.
Congratulations to our President...
It is great news for all Americans to have our international initiatives recognized.

Wait a minute??

Some people are irate that President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize

Are they Taliban? No
Are they Communists? No
Are they AlQaeda? No

They happen to be republicans who once again are rooting for America to fail

Whose "irate"?
I'm betting all the pros and cons have already been covered in detail in earlier posts, so I'll just say that I believe this decision irreparably tarnishes the image of the Nobel.

Never in the field of politics has so much been given for so little so quickly.
Rightwinger Wrote:
Congratulations to our President...
It is great news for all Americans to have our international initiatives recognized.

Wait a minute??

Some people are irate that President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize

Are they Taliban? No
Are they Communists? No
Are they AlQaeda? No

They happen to be republicans who once again are rooting for America to fail

I don't see anyone irate - except possibly you, who seem to be falling back on the saddest of political rhetoric "Republicans are rooting for America to fail" simply because many have questioned why the President of the United States was the best choice to win this award.

What I do see are a lot of people questioning how a man who never did anything of great international significance prior to becoming President managed to receive a nomination for and then go on to win the Nobel Peace Prize for 14 days of which he did nothing of international significance but talk.

Come on, RightWinger...please be honest. Does a person deserve to be placed in the same category of "peace bringer" as Nelson Mandela, Doctors Without Borders, Jody Williams (who worked to ban and clear anti-personel land mines), etc. because he talked about wanting peace....for two weeks in which he talked about wanting the world to work together? How many people have spoken about the need for peace and cooperation for far longer than two weeks? How many of those people have received a nomination for a Nobel Peace Prize for their words?

If you are able to be even the slightest bit intellectually honest you will see that Obama simply did not deserve this award. It was given to him for other reasons, political reasons, and those reasons are really what we should be discussing. It has nothing whatsoever to do with wanting this country to fail (and only the lamest of partisan hacks would seriously suggest that it does), and everything to do with questioning why a global committee would award such an honor for so little an action...and questioning what they truly want in return.
Of course, we KNOW this is not Obama's fault so HE can NOT be blamed for this appearing rushed decision to nominate him by the committee....I am certain some of you will find a way to blame obama for the committee's seemingly rushed choice.

Though I do believe the panel was only nominating people at the time, and months afterwards could have been used to make their decision on the winner and not just the first 10 days of Obama being in office.

I'm sorry but I have to disagree with you. A person does not get nominated for a prize before he or she has earned the right to win the prize. The nomination and prize are to be awarded after the deed has been done.

I'm not saying that the President's effort should never be recognized, but they should not have been recognized before they were actually done. IMHO.

And no, I do not blame President Obama for this.

Of course, we KNOW this is not Obama's fault so HE can NOT be blamed for this appearing rushed decision to nominate him by the committee....I am certain some of you will find a way to blame obama for the committee's seemingly rushed choice.

Though I do believe the panel was only nominating people at the time, and months afterwards could have been used to make their decision on the winner and not just the first 10 days of Obama being in office.

I'm sorry but I have to disagree with you. A person does not get nominated for a prize before he or she has earned the right to win the prize. The nomination and prize are to be awarded after the deed has been done.

I'm not saying that the President's effort should never be recognized, but they should not have been recognized before they were actually done. IMHO.

And no, I do not blame President Obama for this.


He gave a "hope" to American people, and rest of the world maybe saw some of that "hope". We fell for it, so did world.

Reminder... Yasser Arafat won it too.
hey, great things are expected of a lot of people, lets give them all a nobel prize before they actually accomplish them

and they will need to start making a shit load of gold medals for all the olympics, since a lot is expected of all the athletes that attend so they should ALL get gold medals

Obama was nominated a mere two weeks after being sworn in. Exactly what was his nomination based on -- what he promised he was going to do, what he might do? This reminds me of Obama's speech about 'precrime prolonged detention'. You might commit xx crime in the future so let's lock you up and throw away the key now. I see no difference between Obama being given this 'prize' (he didn't win anything) and Obama's 'precrime' crap. It's all bullshit.

Hmmm, my kid is a TV/Film major, she may make an Oscar winning film someday, I'm going to go give her a statue now cause you know, she might do something fabulous someday. :rolleyes:

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