Preposterous Lies of the Left


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

"Sexual assault has long been a pervasive issue on college campuses. An Association of American Universities survey conducted in 2019 found that nationwide 25.9% of undergraduate women reported they’d been sexually assaulted during their time in college. KU and Mizzou, which participated in the survey, reported similar numbers."

If you had a daughter and voluntarily sent her into a situation where there was a 1/4 chance that she would be RAPED, you would be guilty of child endangerment.

But this statistic is a preposterous lie. No rational human would believe it. Either there was a grotesque failure in the sampling (self-selected), or the definition of "sexual assault" was expanded to include anything that any female might have found discomfiting.

Are wimmin's activists too stupid to realize that making such obviously phony complaints does not help their cause? Or are colleges so "woke" that they will take drastic action in response to these lies?

Here's one for the Suggestion Box: Prosecute the offenders. If they are guilty, nail them to the figurative cross. But don't condemn all fraternities, or ALL MEN ON CAMPUS because one woman makes an accusation that she was "sexually assaulted," whatever that means. But of course that would be a rational reaction to what has occurred, and expecting rational behavior from wimmin's activists is a stretch.
But this statistic is a preposterous lie. No rational human would believe it. Either there was a grotesque failure in the sampling (self-selected), or the definition of "sexual assault" was expanded to include anything that any female might have found discomfiting.
Most women I know can tell about a time where someone acted inappropriately and sexually assaulted them through inappropriate touching or harassing them.
Doesn’t always result in rape
If rapery is truly epidemic in Pennsylvania among college kids, its essential to send special victims detectives and prosecutors out to the college towns to clean it up. Building new penitentiaries to hold the miscreants is also important, although I understand that Pittsburgh has a large, unused prison.

The last thing you want to do is to kick them out of school and send them "home". That would put broads who are living in non college-towns in danger- people's mothers and grandmothers and sisters who aren't in a college town and don't deserve to be subject to this kind of despicable assault.
Females in the Service face the same threat
Since there are less men than ever enrolled in US colleges and universities.......exactly who would be doing all this alleged raping?

The media has gone from bad to worse. There is a method to their madness. They plan far ahead and know that planting these seeds now will bear fruit in their Socialist / Communist plans later.

The destroyers of America have elaborate plans.......we have none
No one really thinks so.

Otherwise, they'd be looking to send these alleged perps to a penal colony or the gallows instead of just trying to force them out of school.

"Sexual Assault" on fascist college campuses includes "unwanted looks, comments, or touching." Brush a girls arm as she passes in the hallway and it's "sexual assault." Look at her boobs from across the room and it's "sexual assault." Say "hi sexy" and it's "sexual assault."

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