Diamond Member
A recent article in Ms. magazine describes pregnancy as more like a disease than a natural part of a woman’s life.
The headline states: “Pregnancy and Childbirth Endanger Women’s Lives and Health: ‘Pregnancy Is Not a Benign Condition.’”
Reading the piece, the message becomes clear—the abortion industry will say whatever it has to say to convince women that abortion is a necessary. It will use fearmongering and scare tactics to persuade society of the need for abortion on demand.
The article in Ms. magazine dehumanizes pregnancy by labeling it a “health risk.” And to be clear, women should be made aware of the health risks associated with pregnancy, and what they can do to protect themselves and their unborn babies.
Women likewise should know all the information about the risks that abortion poses. We can and should protect both the life of the mother and that of her unborn child, because both lives are sacred.
The abortion industry will continue to pedal its product to women in crisis, at the same time growing its bottom line.
Here's an excerpt from the applicable article:
“Pregnancy is not a benign condition,” said Dr. Warren M. Hern, director of the Boulder Abortion Clinic. “Women die from pregnancy.”
In 2019, 754 women died from pregnancy-related causes in the U.S. Another 50,000 to 60,000 women each year suffer severe harm to their health due to pregnancy, labor and childbirth.
“They die from hemorrhage, infection, pre-eclampsia (which can lead to fatal seizures), obstructed labor, amniotic fluid embolism, thromboembolism, a ruptured uterus, retained placenta, hydatidiform mole, choriocarcinoma,” Hern explained, “and many other causes that fill the obstetrics textbooks.”
The United States has the worst rate of maternal deaths in the developed world and has been increasing in recent years. The maternal mortality rate for 2019 (20.1 deaths per 100,000 live births) was significantly higher than the rate for 2018 (17.4), and almost twice the rate of the U.K. (9.2).
“Pregnancy itself poses a ‘serious health risk,’” said Hern. “A woman’s life and health are at risk from the moment that a pregnancy exists in her body, whether she wants to be pregnant or not.”
Even if uncomplicated, pregnancy takes a tremendous toll on the human body. Pregnancy can cause nausea, fatigue, tender and swollen breasts, constipation, body aches, dizziness, sleep problems, heartburn and indigestion, hemorrhoids, itching, leg cramps, numb or tingling hands, swelling, urinary frequency or leaking, varicose veins, and carpal tunnel syndrome. Pregnancy takes over the entire body, affecting your cardiovascular system, kidneys, respiratory system, gastrointestinal system, skin, hormones, liver and metabolism. It increases blood volume by about 50 percent and depletes calcium out of the pregnant woman’s bones.
Here's a thought: if it's so dangerous then why aren't you telling young women to use safe sex or keep their legs together. Why doesn't PP and the democratic party push a bill through Congress to provide free contraceptives? Answer: because it's a political weapon to use against the GOP and a means of keeping single women voting for the democrats. Not to mention the cash cow for the democrats and PP.
The headline states: “Pregnancy and Childbirth Endanger Women’s Lives and Health: ‘Pregnancy Is Not a Benign Condition.’”
Reading the piece, the message becomes clear—the abortion industry will say whatever it has to say to convince women that abortion is a necessary. It will use fearmongering and scare tactics to persuade society of the need for abortion on demand.
The article in Ms. magazine dehumanizes pregnancy by labeling it a “health risk.” And to be clear, women should be made aware of the health risks associated with pregnancy, and what they can do to protect themselves and their unborn babies.
Women likewise should know all the information about the risks that abortion poses. We can and should protect both the life of the mother and that of her unborn child, because both lives are sacred.
The abortion industry will continue to pedal its product to women in crisis, at the same time growing its bottom line.

Far Left Attempts to Dehumanize Pregnancy
The abortion industry will continue to pedal its product to women in crisis, while growing its own bottom line.
Here's an excerpt from the applicable article:
“Pregnancy is not a benign condition,” said Dr. Warren M. Hern, director of the Boulder Abortion Clinic. “Women die from pregnancy.”
In 2019, 754 women died from pregnancy-related causes in the U.S. Another 50,000 to 60,000 women each year suffer severe harm to their health due to pregnancy, labor and childbirth.
“They die from hemorrhage, infection, pre-eclampsia (which can lead to fatal seizures), obstructed labor, amniotic fluid embolism, thromboembolism, a ruptured uterus, retained placenta, hydatidiform mole, choriocarcinoma,” Hern explained, “and many other causes that fill the obstetrics textbooks.”
The United States has the worst rate of maternal deaths in the developed world and has been increasing in recent years. The maternal mortality rate for 2019 (20.1 deaths per 100,000 live births) was significantly higher than the rate for 2018 (17.4), and almost twice the rate of the U.K. (9.2).
“Pregnancy itself poses a ‘serious health risk,’” said Hern. “A woman’s life and health are at risk from the moment that a pregnancy exists in her body, whether she wants to be pregnant or not.”
Even if uncomplicated, pregnancy takes a tremendous toll on the human body. Pregnancy can cause nausea, fatigue, tender and swollen breasts, constipation, body aches, dizziness, sleep problems, heartburn and indigestion, hemorrhoids, itching, leg cramps, numb or tingling hands, swelling, urinary frequency or leaking, varicose veins, and carpal tunnel syndrome. Pregnancy takes over the entire body, affecting your cardiovascular system, kidneys, respiratory system, gastrointestinal system, skin, hormones, liver and metabolism. It increases blood volume by about 50 percent and depletes calcium out of the pregnant woman’s bones.

Pregnancy and Childbirth Endanger Women’s Lives and Health: “Pregnancy Is Not a Benign Condition”
During oral arguments in Dobbs v. Jackson, Justice Amy Coney Barrett suggested now that all 50 states have “safe haven” laws that allow mothers to relinquish parental rights after birth, the burdens of parenthood discussed in Roe and Casey are irrelevant, and the decisions are obsolete. Putting...

Here's a thought: if it's so dangerous then why aren't you telling young women to use safe sex or keep their legs together. Why doesn't PP and the democratic party push a bill through Congress to provide free contraceptives? Answer: because it's a political weapon to use against the GOP and a means of keeping single women voting for the democrats. Not to mention the cash cow for the democrats and PP.