Predictive Policing. A disaster in Chicago.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
A common complaint from the White Wing of the Trumper faction is the murder rate in Chicago. Well. I have read an article that puts it into perspective. It turns out the murder rate exploded after the police in Chicago took a year to release the video in the Laquan McDonald shooting. The cop wasn’t charged until well after that.

Predictive Policing got at least one guy shot. And who knows how many more?

The idea behind Community Policing is a cop walking the beat. The neighborhood knows the cop. He knows them. The idea behind predictive policing is identifying places or people who have a high probability of being involved in a crime.

It is at best an educated guess. Perhaps a Scientific Wild Assed Guess. But the best computer algorithms can’t predict the path of a hurricane. Predicting the probable criminal activity of an individual is even more unlikely.

In other threads I’ve said that the investigations into police take too long. And the McDonald case shows I am right. In the tune they took to “investigate” and finally charge the cop. Well let’s put it this way. A cop killer would have been charged, tried, convicted, and sentenced in about that time.

No. I am not saying railroad the cop. But you can’t tell me that an investigation takes a year or more. Or in the case of John Geer, more than two years.

What those delays say is that the cops are trying to cover the event up. Give it enough time to sweep it under the rug.

For the White Wing, when the cop is finally charged after the delay. Well it was totally politics or something.

For the affected community. The system that convicts them in weeks or months needs a year or more to investigate one of their own. It is unfair and they know it.
Compstat really is just a way to hide the bias. If you put most of your enforcement efforts on the north side of town, then there will be more arrests on the north side than the south side which makes it look like the north side is worse and the south side is better. Reverse that, and you will reverse the results.

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