Prediction on DNC vs. RNC Coverage


May 23, 2014
biased liberal media called Trumps speech and RNC Convention as a whole "dark", "angry", "negative." Before one syllable is even spoken I will predict how media will view DNC Convention. It will be "moving", "uplifting", "inclusive", "positive." Liberal media is in bag to elect Hillary. It's why they push Ferguson lie and cops die.

You guys will swear you didn’t watch a moment yet know every word said there (or think you do anyway)….

You guys will complain about the coverage but you’re not watching….

You guys will say nobody else watched…..

There will be 700 references to Ms. Clinton’s appearance from right wing nut jobs; none of them gentlemanly (unless that is one of the comments itself) and you’ll still wonder why women who think for themselves do not support the GOP.
Well since they onely have Hitlery I would guess the DNC convention will be a bore and a half.

After all, you can't make a stupid, careless incompetent old bag look good. No matter how hard you try.

What's that old saying, "Lipstick on a pig?" LOL

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