Prediction: November Electoral Vote - Clinton 429 - Trump 109

I predict Hillary Clinton will come away with a landslide victory in the November 8th election against Trump. Hillary Clinton will win 429 Electoral Votes to Trumps 109.

These are the only states Trump will win on November 8:

North Dakota
South Dakota
South Carolina
West Virginia

Trumps largest margin of Victory will be in West Virginia.

The Mormans of Utah will not support Trump.

Remains to be seen. Alaska will most definitely be in the Drumpf column as will Utah with or without the Latter Day Saints support. I would put Louisiana in his column as well. You could be right about the rest if Hillary avoids stepping in it. Arizona will be a challenge for HRC

Latest polling in Arizona by the "Behavior Research Center" has Hillary ahead with 42% to Trumps 35%.
I predict Hillary Clinton will come away with a landslide victory in the November 8th election against Trump. Hillary Clinton will win 429 Electoral Votes to Trumps 109.

These are the only states Trump will win on November 8:

North Dakota
South Dakota
South Carolina
West Virginia

Trumps largest margin of Victory will be in West Virginia.

The Mormans of Utah will not support Trump.

Remains to be seen. Alaska will most definitely be in the Drumpf column as will Utah with or without the Latter Day Saints support. I would put Louisiana in his column as well. You could be right about the rest if Hillary avoids stepping in it. Arizona will be a challenge for HRC

Latest polling in Arizona by the "Behavior Research Center" has Hillary ahead with 42% to Trumps 35%.

It always seems like AZ will turn blue then it swings red at the last moment....I hope you're right.
Hillary couldn't beat a unkown black man with a Muslim name. Deez nuts would have beat Hillary. Trump has a following, Hillary has poor book sells

Hitlery doesn't have white American males and Bill Cosby Clinton sabatoged her Black Lives Matter votes. So, the only card left to play is the gender and illegals card.

That's funny. Whoever you supported in 2008 and 2012 lost to the guy who lost to Obama. Ha, suck it.
I predict Hillary Clinton will come away with a landslide victory in the November 8th election against Trump. Hillary Clinton will win 429 Electoral Votes to Trumps 109.

These are the only states Trump will win on November 8:

North Dakota
South Dakota
South Carolina
West Virginia

Trumps largest margin of Victory will be in West Virginia.

The Mormans of Utah will not support Trump. have Trump losing to Hillary in Georgia and Tennessee??? And Arkansas, Louisiana and North Carolina??? And Florida? don't know the South well do ya?

If Hillary beats Trump that badly in the South....I'll bark along with her

You don't know the South if you think Hillary is popular there.

She does not need to be popular, all she has to do is beat Trump. Thats it. The latest polls have Hillary beating Trump in North Carolina.

Remember Bill Clinton, her husband, won Louisiana, Arkansas, Tennessee, and Kentucky, each time he ran for President.

Trump is going to get slaughtered. I'm a Republican myself and have voted straight Republican in every election since 1992. This year I'll be voting for Hillary Clinton to prevent Trump from getting anywhere near the White House and to send a message to the people who foolishly have supported Trump for the Republican nomination. Thats right, many harcore Republicans that have given their time volunteering in the past and giving money, will be voting for Hillary Clinton this year in order to STOP TRUMP.

The NEVER TRUMP movement is going to hand Hillary a landslide victory over Trump!
I predict Hillary Clinton will come away with a landslide victory in the November 8th election against Trump. Hillary Clinton will win 429 Electoral Votes to Trumps 109.

These are the only states Trump will win on November 8:

North Dakota
South Dakota
South Carolina
West Virginia

Trumps largest margin of Victory will be in West Virginia.

The Mormans of Utah will not support Trump.

Remains to be seen. Alaska will most definitely be in the Drumpf column as will Utah with or without the Latter Day Saints support. I would put Louisiana in his column as well. You could be right about the rest if Hillary avoids stepping in it. Arizona will be a challenge for HRC

Latest polling in Arizona by the "Behavior Research Center" has Hillary ahead with 42% to Trumps 35%.

It always seems like AZ will turn blue then it swings red at the last moment....I hope you're right.

I'm a Republican and enjoy the fact that Arizona is typically a red state. But Trump makes this election different. I have never voted for a Democrat before, but will be supporting Hillary Clinton this year.

Trump is only ahead in Mississippi by 3 points and loses in Utah to both Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.
She'll have a hard time winning oh, NC, FL, ....even PA is in play now.

She leads in all of those states over Trump. She actually only trailed Kasich by two points in Ohio. I'm not sure how many states she will win, but she will win more than Obama did in 2008. Georgia and NC will likely go to Clinton.
Sounds a lot like the primary predictions.....

The Primary's were based on a relatively small group of voters compared to the general election.

Yes, Barry Goldwater won the 1964 Republican nomination, only to get slaughtered in the general election against Johnson. Trump is likely a repeat of Barry Goldwater in 1964!
I predict Hillary Clinton will come away with a landslide victory in the November 8th election against Trump. Hillary Clinton will win 429 Electoral Votes to Trumps 109.

These are the only states Trump will win on November 8:

North Dakota
South Dakota
South Carolina
West Virginia

Trumps largest margin of Victory will be in West Virginia.

The Mormans of Utah will not support Trump. have Trump losing to Hillary in Georgia and Tennessee??? And Arkansas, Louisiana and North Carolina??? And Florida? don't know the South well do ya?

If Hillary beats Trump that badly in the South....I'll bark along with her

You don't know the South if you think Hillary is popular there.

She does not need to be popular, all she has to do is beat Trump. Thats it. The latest polls have Hillary beating Trump in North Carolina.

Remember Bill Clinton, her husband, won Louisiana, Arkansas, Tennessee, and Kentucky, each time he ran for President.

Trump is going to get slaughtered. I'm a Republican myself and have voted straight Republican in every election since 1992. This year I'll be voting for Hillary Clinton to prevent Trump from getting anywhere near the White House and to send a message to the people who foolishly have supported Trump for the Republican nomination. Thats right, many harcore Republicans that have given their time volunteering in the past and giving money, will be voting for Hillary Clinton this year in order to STOP TRUMP.

The NEVER TRUMP movement is going to hand Hillary a landslide victory over Trump!

Interesting. In Maryland, a mostly idiot,, I mean democrat state, I know a good number of democrats that are going to vote Trump just to keep Hillary away from the white house.
It is going to be interesting.
I still say Hillary will get it because it was promised to her and our votes dont really count at all.
If the election were held today, Hillary would get around 400 Evs
By taking Red States Arizona, Georgia and Utah as well as all the swing states

But by Election Day, a tidal wave will hit Red States Tennesee , Kentucky, Indiana giving Hillary well over 400
I predict Hillary Clinton will come away with a landslide victory in the November 8th election against Trump. Hillary Clinton will win 429 Electoral Votes to Trumps 109.

These are the only states Trump will win on November 8:

North Dakota
South Dakota
South Carolina
West Virginia

Trumps largest margin of Victory will be in West Virginia.

The Mormans of Utah will not support Trump.

Wow, a leftist predicting a massive victory for your candidate, stop the presses ...
Sounds a lot like the primary predictions.....

The Primary's were based on a relatively small group of voters compared to the general election.

Yes, Barry Goldwater won the 1964 Republican nomination, only to get slaughtered in the general election against Johnson. Trump is likely a repeat of Barry Goldwater in 1964!

Using the past to predict the future is sketchy at best...
If Hillary wins then this country deserves to live under dictators (the Federal Government) telling you how and where to live, how and what you can eat, who can bake cakes and who can't, states you live in are sued with you picking up the bill, UNELECTED bureaucrats in Federal agencies making up the rules for your life. Freedom was something a long time ago and over rated anyway
I predict Hillary Clinton will come away with a landslide victory in the November 8th election against Trump. Hillary Clinton will win 429 Electoral Votes to Trumps 109.

These are the only states Trump will win on November 8:

North Dakota
South Dakota
South Carolina
West Virginia

Trumps largest margin of Victory will be in West Virginia.

The Mormans of Utah will not support Trump.

Wow, a leftist predicting a massive victory for your candidate, stop the presses ...
You can add all the pollsters and political pundits

Trump and Hillary do not start the race with an equal chance to win. Hillary starts needing only 27 electoral votes to reach 270. Given Trumps alienation of women and Hispanics, that 270 will be easily surpassed and by a wide margin
If Hillary wins then this country deserves to live under dictators (the Federal Government) telling you how and where to live, how and what you can eat, who can bake cakes and who can't, states you live in are sued with you picking up the bill, UNELECTED bureaucrats in Federal agencies making up the rules for your life. Freedom was something a long time ago and over rated anyway
<God, is this woman ever stupid>
Sounds a lot like the primary predictions.....

The Primary's were based on a relatively small group of voters compared to the general election.

Yes, Barry Goldwater won the 1964 Republican nomination, only to get slaughtered in the general election against Johnson. Trump is likely a repeat of Barry Goldwater in 1964!

Using the past to predict the future is sketchy at best...
Those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it

It will be like Groundhog Day for Republicans
I predict Hillary Clinton will come away with a landslide victory in the November 8th election against Trump. Hillary Clinton will win 429 Electoral Votes to Trumps 109.

These are the only states Trump will win on November 8:

North Dakota
South Dakota
South Carolina
West Virginia

Trumps largest margin of Victory will be in West Virginia.

The Mormans of Utah will not support Trump.

try making a prediction when you are sober, that cheap vodka has destroyed too many brain cells.
Sounds a lot like the primary predictions.....

The Primary's were based on a relatively small group of voters compared to the general election.

Yes, Barry Goldwater won the 1964 Republican nomination, only to get slaughtered in the general election against Johnson. Trump is likely a repeat of Barry Goldwater in 1964!

Using the past to predict the future is sketchy at best...
Those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it

It will be like Groundhog Day for Republicans

I thought you were a republican---------------just another lie. no surprise.
Sounds a lot like the primary predictions.....

The Primary's were based on a relatively small group of voters compared to the general election.

Yes, Barry Goldwater won the 1964 Republican nomination, only to get slaughtered in the general election against Johnson. Trump is likely a repeat of Barry Goldwater in 1964!

Using the past to predict the future is sketchy at best...
Those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it

It will be like Groundhog Day for Republicans

I thought you were a republican---------------just another lie. no surprise.
Yes, I am still registered Republican
Sounds a lot like the primary predictions.....

The Primary's were based on a relatively small group of voters compared to the general election.

Yes, Barry Goldwater won the 1964 Republican nomination, only to get slaughtered in the general election against Johnson. Trump is likely a repeat of Barry Goldwater in 1964!

Using the past to predict the future is sketchy at best...
Those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it

It will be like Groundhog Day for Republicans

You might want to tell the RINOs that.

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