Predict who you think is behind the Boston Terror Bombings

I don't know why I'd want it to be an American. Maybe, you have me confused with a liberal. I actually was leaning towards an American Muslim who was sympathetic towards terrorist causes. But reading Pap's post; I'm guessing it was a Saudi.


You just described an American!

Are you stoned? You made one solitary insinuation and I defied it. How is that supposed to be beating a dead horse?

Well my fainting smilie didn't work. Deal with it~
This has Islamic shithole written all over it. The way the bomb was rigged with marble to create more shraple is an Islamic tactic.
The modus operandi, that is, the use of multiple bombs in a public place, with the intent to cause extensive damage, suggests Al-Qaeda or probably a small cell of home grown Islamic Al-Qaeda inspired extremists from the area.

This is all speculation of course.

An expert on Al-Qaeda said that it did not appear to be their style and was more likely domestic.

You wish.
From the way the police are begging for anyone whom had video from yesterday to come forward, gives me the impression they have nothing to go on at the moment.
Obama said we will find out why the attack happened. They only care about why when it is Islamist or left wing. Nobody cares about the root causes of right wing terrorism
While domestic terrorists from far right to far left certainly cheered the bombings, I think the crimes were perped by foreign bad guys and bad girls.
They only care about why when it is Islamist or left wing. Nobody cares about the root causes of right wing terrorism

Me, too. I don't care about the root cause of right-wing terrorism!! Are you saying we are supposed to be sympathetic about gun nut shooters and terrorists and their grievances????

I just care about getting all the terrorists, no matter who, in prison or preferably dead.
They only care about why when it is Islamist or left wing. Nobody cares about the root causes of right wing terrorism

Me, too. I don't care about the root cause of right-wing terrorism!! Are you saying we are supposed to be sympathetic about gun nut shooters and terrorists and their grievances????

I just care about getting all the terrorists, no matter who, in prison or preferably dead.

How many right wing bombings have there been?
Atlanta and OKC and some abortion clinices.

Yeah, and Ruby Ridge and David Koresh. And the recent killings of high-level law enforcement men and one wife in the West. Those are believe to be rightwingers.

There's some rightwing violence, all right. It's still possible till they find out for sure.

Also it COULD be a nut who wants to make the point that so many gun nuts make, that people can be killed en masse by other weapons than assault rifles --- we see this point made over and over on these very threads, so it could be someone doing it in wetware.

Wouldn't surprise me at all.
The bomber is someone who has no proper respect for human life.

Anything else right now is just divisive propaganda.

Nutjobs who have some kind of grudge and this day/place is in someway symbolic to them.

But why is it symbolic? Is it symbolic because it was Tax Day, or Patriots' Day or simply because there would be a lot of people on the sidewalks near by? My gut reaction is Islamic terrorists. I've been conditioned to expect that these horrific acts are the work of Muslims.
What was your first reaction?
Islamic terrorist or crazy white person.

Hate me if you like but we'll see...
I'll go with two greed-crazed white people:

"The Balfour Declaration (dated 2 November 1917) was a letter from the United Kingdom's Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour to Baron Rothschild (Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild), a leader of the British Jewish community, for transmission to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland."

Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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