Preacher: Meatless Burgers Are Satanic Plot To Create ‘Race Of Soulless Creatures’


Platinum Member
Jun 11, 2015
The commie infested, queer loving liberal NE USA
Wow !! As one who does not eat red meat and loves meatless burgers, I am in shock and despair !! Not really. Give me a break. Of all of crazy shit that these people say, this is the most bizarre yet, at least this week . Lets look at this more closely :
Christian TV Host: Meatless Burgers Are Satanic Plot To Create ‘Race Of Soulless Creatures’

Christian TV Host Rick Wiles claims that meatless burgers are a Satanic plot meant to rewrite human DNA and create a “race of soulless creatures.”

Really Rick, since when does what we eat "rewrite out DNA"? The "soulless creature" is even harder to comprehend. This guy is either psychotic, or he is in the cattle ranch business, and I don't think that he has a cattle ranch.

It gets worse:

When you go to your favorite fast food restaurant, you are going to be eating a fake hamburger. You’re going to go to the grocery store and buy a pound of fake hamburger or a fake steak, and you won’t know that it was grown in some big corporation’s laboratory. This is the nightmare world that they are taking us into. They’re changing God’s creation. Why? Because they want to be God.

You won't know?? Yes you will, we have a system of food lableing in this country. What is not clear is whether he is talking about plant based vegie burgers -made from plants that are indeed Gods creation- or meat that is grown in the laboratory -which is in the early stages of development, and admittedly a little weird, but it's still meat.

Here is my favorite part:

God is an environmentalist. He takes this very seriously. He created this planet, he created the universe and he’s watching these Luciferians destroy this planet, destroy the animal kingdom, destroy the plant kingdom, change human DNA.

Ricky. Meat production as we know it is a big part of what is destroying the planet, as well as visiting cruelty on the animal kingdom. And I really don't think that eating more plant based foods will destroy the plant kindome. The fact is that eating what the earth provides directly - as opposed to first feed it to animals- is the best way to sustain the planet and feed a growing population.
You know, I kinda like the idea of these meatless burgers. Haven't tried one yet, but I'm thinking I will soon.

Hey, Progressive Pat, got any recommendations on what brands are best and taste the most like meat?
They are soylent green.

Wow !! As one who does not eat red meat and loves meatless burgers, I am in shock and despair !! Not really. Give me a break. Of all of crazy shit that these people say, this is the most bizarre yet, at least this week . Lets look at this more closely :
Christian TV Host: Meatless Burgers Are Satanic Plot To Create ‘Race Of Soulless Creatures’

Christian TV Host Rick Wiles claims that meatless burgers are a Satanic plot meant to rewrite human DNA and create a “race of soulless creatures.”

Really Rick, since when does what we eat "rewrite out DNA"? The "soulless creature" is even harder to comprehend. This guy is either psychotic, or he is in the cattle ranch business, and I don't think that he has a cattle ranch.

It gets worse:

When you go to your favorite fast food restaurant, you are going to be eating a fake hamburger. You’re going to go to the grocery store and buy a pound of fake hamburger or a fake steak, and you won’t know that it was grown in some big corporation’s laboratory. This is the nightmare world that they are taking us into. They’re changing God’s creation. Why? Because they want to be God.

You won't know?? Yes you will, we have a system of food lableing in this country. What is not clear is whether he is talking about plant based vegie burgers -made from plants that are indeed Gods creation- or meat that is grown in the laboratory -which is in the early stages of development, and admittedly a little weird, but it's still meat.

Here is my favorite part:

God is an environmentalist. He takes this very seriously. He created this planet, he created the universe and he’s watching these Luciferians destroy this planet, destroy the animal kingdom, destroy the plant kingdom, change human DNA.

Ricky. Meat production as we know it is a big part of what is destroying the planet, as well as visiting cruelty on the animal kingdom. And I really don't think that eating more plant based foods will destroy the plant kindome. The fact is that eating what the earth provides directly - as opposed to first feed it to animals- is the best way to sustain the planet and feed a growing population.
I wonder how he reacted when the wheel was invented.
Wow !! As one who does not eat red meat and loves meatless burgers, I am in shock and despair !! Not really. Give me a break. Of all of crazy shit that these people say, this is the most bizarre yet, at least this week . Lets look at this more closely :
Christian TV Host: Meatless Burgers Are Satanic Plot To Create ‘Race Of Soulless Creatures’

Christian TV Host Rick Wiles claims that meatless burgers are a Satanic plot meant to rewrite human DNA and create a “race of soulless creatures.”

Really Rick, since when does what we eat "rewrite out DNA"? The "soulless creature" is even harder to comprehend. This guy is either psychotic, or he is in the cattle ranch business, and I don't think that he has a cattle ranch.

It gets worse:

When you go to your favorite fast food restaurant, you are going to be eating a fake hamburger. You’re going to go to the grocery store and buy a pound of fake hamburger or a fake steak, and you won’t know that it was grown in some big corporation’s laboratory. This is the nightmare world that they are taking us into. They’re changing God’s creation. Why? Because they want to be God.

You won't know?? Yes you will, we have a system of food lableing in this country. What is not clear is whether he is talking about plant based vegie burgers -made from plants that are indeed Gods creation- or meat that is grown in the laboratory -which is in the early stages of development, and admittedly a little weird, but it's still meat.

Here is my favorite part:

God is an environmentalist. He takes this very seriously. He created this planet, he created the universe and he’s watching these Luciferians destroy this planet, destroy the animal kingdom, destroy the plant kingdom, change human DNA.

Ricky. Meat production as we know it is a big part of what is destroying the planet, as well as visiting cruelty on the animal kingdom. And I really don't think that eating more plant based foods will destroy the plant kindome. The fact is that eating what the earth provides directly - as opposed to first feed it to animals- is the best way to sustain the planet and feed a growing population.
The loonies are coming out of the woodwork, aren't they?
Ya ya ya… Besides the Christian crazy cultist... That's crazy... But ya the rest of it is just thoroughly AMerica. I Don't know anything to do about it. We like hiding what we eat. We make these factory things... I'd like to go to france one day maybe, and see it all right, no ice! No ice at all, why would drinks need ice... Some waiter puts a whole duck cooked , into a strainer with a squeezer handle for a long time, served in its own like duck blood sauce...
You know, I kinda like the idea of these meatless burgers. Haven't tried one yet, but I'm thinking I will soon.

Hey, Progressive Pat, got any recommendations on what brands are best and taste the most like meat?
Sure. I usually get Morning Star Farms . They make an awesome Spicy Black Bean Burger. They also have Grillers Prime Burgers, Chicken Patties, breakfast sausages and bacon. Then there is Bocca Burgers which has a nice variety. They are all very firm and "meat like" but it's been a while since I've had actual meat so a meat eater may not be so easily fooled. There are other brands like Dr. Prager's that are less process but not as firm . Tasty thought. Whatever you do, not order a veg. burger in a diner. I also have heard of something called in impossible burger which is supposed to be really like meat complete with red "blood" but they are controversial. Some health concerns have been raised.
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I'd show him this article and watch his head explode. I've actually had an experimental treatment to help with C-Diff. I kept getting infections and every time I took antibiotics for them it would give me C-Diff. Well each time you get C-Diff, it exponentially raises the chance you get it again the next treatment of antibiotics. Once you have had C-Diff about 5 times you will get it again every time. The medicine it takes to treat C-Diff is SUPER EXPENSIVE. The last one I was taking cost $4,500 for a 14 pill 7-day supply. I ended up having what is called fecal transplant surgery. They have a center where people come and they donate their poop so that it can be tested several different times to make sure it is healthy. They they then start taking that poop and chemically breaking it done so that they can get the healthy bacteria and they freeze it. Then they insert that healthy bacteria into the sick person's gut and it then multiplies so that it can overtake the C-Diff and give that person a healthy gut... but that means they now also have another person's DNA in them. The downside being you can't take normal antibiotics anymore, despite having a healthy gut again.
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Wow !! As one who does not eat red meat and loves meatless burgers, I am in shock and despair !! Not really. Give me a break. Of all of crazy shit that these people say, this is the most bizarre yet, at least this week . Lets look at this more closely :
Christian TV Host: Meatless Burgers Are Satanic Plot To Create ‘Race Of Soulless Creatures’

Christian TV Host Rick Wiles claims that meatless burgers are a Satanic plot meant to rewrite human DNA and create a “race of soulless creatures.”

Really Rick, since when does what we eat "rewrite out DNA"? The "soulless creature" is even harder to comprehend. This guy is either psychotic, or he is in the cattle ranch business, and I don't think that he has a cattle ranch.

It gets worse:

When you go to your favorite fast food restaurant, you are going to be eating a fake hamburger. You’re going to go to the grocery store and buy a pound of fake hamburger or a fake steak, and you won’t know that it was grown in some big corporation’s laboratory. This is the nightmare world that they are taking us into. They’re changing God’s creation. Why? Because they want to be God.

You won't know?? Yes you will, we have a system of food lableing in this country. What is not clear is whether he is talking about plant based vegie burgers -made from plants that are indeed Gods creation- or meat that is grown in the laboratory -which is in the early stages of development, and admittedly a little weird, but it's still meat.

Here is my favorite part:

God is an environmentalist. He takes this very seriously. He created this planet, he created the universe and he’s watching these Luciferians destroy this planet, destroy the animal kingdom, destroy the plant kingdom, change human DNA.

Ricky. Meat production as we know it is a big part of what is destroying the planet, as well as visiting cruelty on the animal kingdom. And I really don't think that eating more plant based foods will destroy the plant kindome. The fact is that eating what the earth provides directly - as opposed to first feed it to animals- is the best way to sustain the planet and feed a growing population.
The loonies are coming out of the woodwork, aren't they?
Yup. This one takes the cake as they say
You know, I kinda like the idea of these meatless burgers. Haven't tried one yet, but I'm thinking I will soon.

Hey, Progressive Pat, got any recommendations on what brands are best and taste the most like meat?
Salad rolls are OK.

So I have a question... does this preacher understand that every person with a pacemaker, cochlear implant, or other device are a cyborg?
You know, I kinda like the idea of these meatless burgers. Haven't tried one yet, but I'm thinking I will soon.

Hey, Progressive Pat, got any recommendations on what brands are best and taste the most like meat?
PS . I first started to move away from meat in the 70's They had "health food " stores then which have since been put out of business after supermarkets realized that people wanted healthy and vegetarian alternative to the crap that they were selling. Anyway, the only vegies burgers that were available came in a can and it was grey, looked and tasted like clay. You had to form them into patties and fry the shit out of them to brown them. But, they were still gray on the inside! Yuck!
Wow !! As one who does not eat red meat and loves meatless burgers, I am in shock and despair !! Not really. Give me a break. Of all of crazy shit that these people say, this is the most bizarre yet, at least this week . Lets look at this more closely :
Christian TV Host: Meatless Burgers Are Satanic Plot To Create ‘Race Of Soulless Creatures’

Christian TV Host Rick Wiles claims that meatless burgers are a Satanic plot meant to rewrite human DNA and create a “race of soulless creatures.”

Really Rick, since when does what we eat "rewrite out DNA"? The "soulless creature" is even harder to comprehend. This guy is either psychotic, or he is in the cattle ranch business, and I don't think that he has a cattle ranch.

It gets worse:

When you go to your favorite fast food restaurant, you are going to be eating a fake hamburger. You’re going to go to the grocery store and buy a pound of fake hamburger or a fake steak, and you won’t know that it was grown in some big corporation’s laboratory. This is the nightmare world that they are taking us into. They’re changing God’s creation. Why? Because they want to be God.

You won't know?? Yes you will, we have a system of food lableing in this country. What is not clear is whether he is talking about plant based vegie burgers -made from plants that are indeed Gods creation- or meat that is grown in the laboratory -which is in the early stages of development, and admittedly a little weird, but it's still meat.

Here is my favorite part:

God is an environmentalist. He takes this very seriously. He created this planet, he created the universe and he’s watching these Luciferians destroy this planet, destroy the animal kingdom, destroy the plant kingdom, change human DNA.

Ricky. Meat production as we know it is a big part of what is destroying the planet, as well as visiting cruelty on the animal kingdom. And I really don't think that eating more plant based foods will destroy the plant kindome. The fact is that eating what the earth provides directly - as opposed to first feed it to animals- is the best way to sustain the planet and feed a growing population.

Why are you so obsessed?
Wow !! As one who does not eat red meat and loves meatless burgers, I am in shock and despair !! Not really. Give me a break. Of all of crazy shit that these people say, this is the most bizarre yet, at least this week . Lets look at this more closely :
Christian TV Host: Meatless Burgers Are Satanic Plot To Create ‘Race Of Soulless Creatures’

Christian TV Host Rick Wiles claims that meatless burgers are a Satanic plot meant to rewrite human DNA and create a “race of soulless creatures.”

Really Rick, since when does what we eat "rewrite out DNA"? The "soulless creature" is even harder to comprehend. This guy is either psychotic, or he is in the cattle ranch business, and I don't think that he has a cattle ranch.

It gets worse:

When you go to your favorite fast food restaurant, you are going to be eating a fake hamburger. You’re going to go to the grocery store and buy a pound of fake hamburger or a fake steak, and you won’t know that it was grown in some big corporation’s laboratory. This is the nightmare world that they are taking us into. They’re changing God’s creation. Why? Because they want to be God.

You won't know?? Yes you will, we have a system of food lableing in this country. What is not clear is whether he is talking about plant based vegie burgers -made from plants that are indeed Gods creation- or meat that is grown in the laboratory -which is in the early stages of development, and admittedly a little weird, but it's still meat.

Here is my favorite part:

God is an environmentalist. He takes this very seriously. He created this planet, he created the universe and he’s watching these Luciferians destroy this planet, destroy the animal kingdom, destroy the plant kingdom, change human DNA.

Ricky. Meat production as we know it is a big part of what is destroying the planet, as well as visiting cruelty on the animal kingdom. And I really don't think that eating more plant based foods will destroy the plant kindome. The fact is that eating what the earth provides directly - as opposed to first feed it to animals- is the best way to sustain the planet and feed a growing population.

Why are you so obsessed?
Obsessed about what? Burgers?

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