Pp shooter identifies as a woman in voter records

IDK The OP has it in the comment. I asked my husband and he said unless they have had surgery they are treated as male and supposed to be separated if imprisoned. He's not sure on reports and such but he said if they identify as female they would probably allude to that in the report.

So when do you plan to admit there's not a speck of evidence that the shooter is a tranny or gay, and that you jumped on to that crazy train only so you don't have to admit he's a regular conservative Christian guy?

Best to jump off that crazy train now, given how it's headed over the cliff. That crazy lie just isn't sustainable. You'll have to drop it eventually, so sooner is better than later.

Seriously kooks, just stop. This is a new pathetic low you're hitting.
So 90% of mass murders are liberal, you really want to go there?


--- didn't think so.
Just look on here, most of the mass shooters are liberal. Sorry just speaking the truth. What your kind has to go back to mc viegh for an example. Sorry liberalism is a mental disorder.

So you don't have one.

I already noted that. Are you actually trying to lose the same point twice?
IDK The OP has it in the comment. I asked my husband and he said unless they have had surgery they are treated as male and supposed to be separated if imprisoned. He's not sure on reports and such but he said if they identify as female they would probably allude to that in the report.

So when do you plan to admit there's not a speck of evidence that the shooter is a tranny or gay, and that you jumped on to that crazy train only so you don't have to admit he's a regular conservative Christian guy?

Best to jump off that crazy train now, given how it's headed over the cliff. That crazy lie just isn't sustainable. You'll have to drop it eventually, so sooner is better than later.

Seriously kooks, just stop. This is a new pathetic low you're hitting.
So 90% of mass murders are liberal, you really want to go there?


--- didn't think so.
Just look on here, most of the mass shooters are liberal. Sorry just speaking the truth. What your kind has to go back to mc viegh for an example. Sorry liberalism is a mental disorder.

So you don't have one.

I already noted that. Are you actually trying to lose the same point twice?
What political affiliation was the last 4?
So when do you plan to admit there's not a speck of evidence that the shooter is a tranny or gay, and that you jumped on to that crazy train only so you don't have to admit he's a regular conservative Christian guy?

Best to jump off that crazy train now, given how it's headed over the cliff. That crazy lie just isn't sustainable. You'll have to drop it eventually, so sooner is better than later.

Seriously kooks, just stop. This is a new pathetic low you're hitting.
So 90% of mass murders are liberal, you really want to go there?


--- didn't think so.
Just look on here, most of the mass shooters are liberal. Sorry just speaking the truth. What your kind has to go back to mc viegh for an example. Sorry liberalism is a mental disorder.

So you don't have one.

I already noted that. Are you actually trying to lose the same point twice?
What political affiliation was the last 4?

I believe you're supposed to be telling the class. Now you want to copy off my paper?
So 90% of mass murders are liberal, you really want to go there?


--- didn't think so.
Just look on here, most of the mass shooters are liberal. Sorry just speaking the truth. What your kind has to go back to mc viegh for an example. Sorry liberalism is a mental disorder.

So you don't have one.

I already noted that. Are you actually trying to lose the same point twice?
What political affiliation was the last 4?

I believe you're supposed to be telling the class. Now you want to copy off my paper?
All were supposedly conservative, but turned out to be liberal.
So ................ no links.

Dishonest partisan hack dismissed. For the third time no less.

Mass murders are not political acts anyway, unless they're terrorism. They're psychological meltdowns.
So ................ no links.

Dishonest partisan hack dismissed. For the third time no less.

Mass murders are not political acts anyway, unless they're terrorism. They're psychological meltdowns.
If an abortion clinic bombing kills people, is that terrorism?

What about abortion clinic bombings that kill no one, is that terrorism?

What about killing just one doctor who performs abortions? is that terrorism?
On the plus side, at least all the conservatives have been shamed out of repeating their insane claims that the guy was a tranny.

On the minus side, they're still running cover for the conservative terrorist training program by declaring this guy wasn't an outcome of it.

And back in the real world ....

News from The Associated Press
The man who police say staged a deadly shooting attack on a Planned Parenthood clinic that offers abortion services said "no more baby parts" after his arrest, a law enforcement official said Saturday.

Robert Dear, Suspected Colorado Shooter, Was A Loner Who “Never Smiled”
“We went into the house, a real shit-hole, and within a few minutes he just gave us these pamphlets and said, ‘Hey, if you ever want to talk, take a look at this stuff,’” said Post. The pamphlets, he remembers, called for President Obama’s impeachment and had “all sorts of crap against Obama.”

So, he's a conservative. And he's kind of nuts as well, but that just makes all the PP-haters even more culpable. They know crazy people like him are out there, and that their big lies will set them off. And they still do it, because the PP-haters actively want more right-wing terrorist attacks, and work to make them happen.
So the gender of the shooter was LGBT (transgender). Does anyone find it incongruous that the LGBT cult supports women's right to choose? This shooting appears manufactured to "make it appear as if a right wing nutter did the crime". Too bad someone found out the white male shaved head perp had a history with the LGBT movement (identified as female of record when he is a male instead)
PP-haters actively want more right-wing terrorist attacks, and work to make them happen.

The only thing worse than a liar is a Fucking liar

Excellent. At least one conservative has now realized that lying about PP for the purpose of inspiring terrorists is not something any decent person should be doing.

Now, if we can only get the rest on board. Looks like I've got more shaming to do.
can one that is a male, have criminal records stating they are female? Would LAW enforcement allow that??? Something doesn't seem right about that....If I were law enforcement, never would FEMALE be the gender listed for a male criminal.... AND what jail/prison did they send him to, a male prison or female....if his criminal record states he's female???

What have I missed?

That the OP lied and made it up.

He's never even been in jail.

The voting record is from a commercial genealogy site and claims it's records could be wrong (clerical error). He may also have checked the wrong box on the form.
This is the "New Normal" Obama should really be worrying about: American is turning into a nation of nutjobs. Just wait until the Snowflake Bullies graduate!
PP-haters actively want more right-wing terrorist attacks, and work to make them happen.

The only thing worse than a liar is a Fucking liar

Excellent. At least one conservative has now realized that lying about PP for the purpose of inspiring terrorists is not something any decent person should be doing.

Now, if we can only get the rest on board. Looks like I've got more shaming to do.

Sidebar: Now that OBAMACARE provides free birth control for everyone, what purpose does PP actually serve?
Transgender and a cop killer. If this freak only happens to be muslim it will be a liberal darling trifecta.
No way, he's most likely a Christian. I've heard that he grew up in Appalachia or something. People there don't even know what a Muslim is. They think muslim is a type of whiskey or something.
So ................ no links.

Dishonest partisan hack dismissed. For the third time no less.

Mass murders are not political acts anyway, unless they're terrorism. They're psychological meltdowns.
If an abortion clinic bombing kills people, is that terrorism?

What about abortion clinic bombings that kill no one, is that terrorism?

What about killing just one doctor who performs abortions? is that terrorism?

Absolutely. That's all terrorism. We're not referring to that.

The drone-poster there (all he ever posts is echoes of what the echosphere tells him) was trying to make the point that mass murders are done by "liberals". Not the current one, the "last several". I challenged him to document that, and of course, the echosphere not having spoon-fed him that particular basis, he ran away.
Transgender and a cop killer. If this freak only happens to be muslim it will be a liberal darling trifecta.
No way, he's most likely a Christian. I've heard that he grew up in Appalachia or something. People there don't even know what a Muslim is. They think muslim is a type of whiskey or something.

He's from South Carolina.

From an interview with his ex-wife:

>> "He was an independent art dealer with a degree in public administration from a Midwestern college, she said, who struck deals with artists, mostly Southern ones, who painted Charleston, S.C., street scenes, Old South plantation tableaus, magnolias and pictures of the Citadel campus. He tended to buy the rights to paintings, commission 1,000 or so prints, then market and sell the prints and keep the proceeds.

"He was born in Charleston and grew up in Louisville, Ky., but he had strong ties to South Carolina. His father was a graduate of the Citadel, Charleston's famous public military college. Robert Lewis Dear Sr., the father, died in 2004. He was a Navy veteran who served in World War II and worked 40 years for the Liggett & Myers Tobacco Company. ...

"He was generally conservative, but not obsessed with politics. He kept guns around the house for personal protection and hunting, and he taught their son to hunt doves, as many Southern fathers do. He believed that abortion was wrong, but it was not something that he spoke about much. 'It was never really a topic of discussion,' she said." << -- What We Know...
can one that is a male, have criminal records stating they are female? Would LAW enforcement allow that??? Something doesn't seem right about that....If I were law enforcement, never would FEMALE be the gender listed for a male criminal.... AND what jail/prison did they send him to, a male prison or female....if his criminal record states he's female???

What have I missed?

That the OP lied and made it up.

He's never even been in jail.

The voting record is from a commercial genealogy site and claims it's records could be wrong (clerical error). He may also have checked the wrong box on the form.

Exactly. Trannysteve (the OP) made that part up. There are records of his being arrested but no convictions, and none of those records say anything about "female". This is basically a desperation deflection to move the spotlight.
So ................ no links.

Dishonest partisan hack dismissed. For the third time no less.

Mass murders are not political acts anyway, unless they're terrorism. They're psychological meltdowns.
If an abortion clinic bombing kills people, is that terrorism?

What about abortion clinic bombings that kill no one, is that terrorism?

What about killing just one doctor who performs abortions? is that terrorism?

Yes to all three:

'Definitions of Terrorism in the U.S. Code

18 U.S.C. § 2331 defines "international terrorism" and "domestic terrorism" for purposes of Chapter 113B of the Code, entitled "Terrorism”:

"Domestic terrorism" means activities with the following three characteristics:

Involve acts dangerous to human life that violate federal or state law;

Appear intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination. or kidnapping; and

Occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the U.S...'

Terrorism Definition

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