Power the U.S. With Solar Panels!

As soon as the Sun sets, those trillions of dollars in solar panels become useless.
We don't yet have the technology OR resources to store enough energy generated by all those panels for overnight use, much less if you factor in sub-optimal weather conditions for solar panels.

This is a climate alarmists fantasy.
Solar power has a place, but it is not a replacement for traditional fuels (coal, natural gas, oil)
In time we may discover better storage solutions, but today this kind of solar or wind power solution remains in the Sci-Fi discussion chat rooms with warp drive engines.

One last thing.....those trillions of dollars in solar panels.....they slowly lose their efficiency over time.
What they produce in year 2 is less than in year 1, and what they produce in year 3 is less than what they produced in year 2 and so on and so on.

Oh....and imagine a massive hailstorm across that area or any other natural or man made disaster. Lights out.

There are so many ways to store excess electricity from solar panels you must just be a die hard denier. You also speak of spending trillions of dollars. How about the trillions of dollars spent in filling up all the cars and heating or cooling all of the structures out there. And how about the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Think of the cost to the environment over that. And I wouldn't knowingly eat anything caught in the Gulf of mexico any more.
That's your claim to make. Show the math and don't forget to look at natural gas too and factor in the annual reserves added last year for oil and gas. Because a quick look showed that the world replaced last years production of each with new reserves.

Unsustainable. Get it?
The question is not "how do we make renewable provide all the power now being used?", it is "how do we make do with the renewable power available?"

No. The question is why we aren't going with FREE electricity from solar panels in a BIG way.
There are so many ways to store excess electricity from solar panels you must just be a die hard denier. You also speak of spending trillions of dollars. How about the trillions of dollars spent in filling up all the cars and heating or cooling all of the structures out there. And how about the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Think of the cost to the environment over that. And I wouldn't knowingly eat anything caught in the Gulf of Mexico any more.

There are so many ways to store excess electricity from solar panels

That is good to know.

How could we store enough excess electricity from solar panels to power Chicago
for a cold, snowy week in January?
There are so many ways to store excess electricity from solar panels

That is good to know.

How could we store enough excess electricity from solar panels to power Chicago
for a cold, snowy week in January?

First of all, we would still need power transmission lines going from areas where the sun is shining to where it is cloudy. But even on cloudy days, solar panels still produce electricity. Just not as much. So there wouldn't need to be as much power transmitted to areas where it may be cloudy. Next, within the part of the city where there are tall buildings, obviously you aren't going to be able to have many solar panels. Electricity would have to be transmitted in from areas where there are many solar panels.
Because solar panels aren't free.

Are you high?! You may as well call it perpetual motion. Solar panels last up to 40 years. It takes 1 to 4 years for them to produce the same amount of energy it took to create them. That is everything from mining the ore they are made of to the finished product. So you would be getting around 36 years of absolutely free electricity.
If production is replaced every year with new reserves - which it has been - by definition it is sustainable until that no longer is the case.

It's just math.

Could your reply be due to all those weed shops springing up? If we keep using fossil fuels, most likely by 2050 most of the life on this planet will become extinct! Now, do you understand the term, "unsustainable?"
There are so many ways to store excess electricity from solar panels

That is good to know.

How could we store enough excess electricity from solar panels to power Chicago
for a cold, snowy week in January?
Vanadium flow batteries. Water towers. Eveready AA cells. It's only a matter of scale. The Navy had a smallish dry sub that it could lauch from the top of a submarine carryng a few special forces types. I suspect they were a bit rushed with the project but when it came time to come up with a power supply, one of the engineers suggested a 50 gallon polyethylene tub filled with thousands of D-cell alkaline batteries. They tried it and it worked, it had sufficient power and it was even relatively economical.
Could your reply be due to all those weed shops springing up?
No. My reply is due to facts and math.

If we keep using fossil fuels, most likely by 2050 most of the life on this planet will become extinct!
That's a ridiculous and emotional belief.

Now, do you understand the term, "unsustainable?"
Again... If production is replaced every year with new reserves - which it has been - by definition it is sustainable until that no longer is the case. It's just math.
First of all, we would still need power transmission lines going from areas where the sun is shining to where it is cloudy. But even on cloudy days, solar panels still produce electricity. Just not as much. So there wouldn't need to be as much power transmitted to areas where it may be cloudy. Next, within the part of the city where there are tall buildings, obviously you aren't going to be able to have many solar panels. Electricity would have to be transmitted in from areas where there are many solar panels.

First of all, we would still need power transmission lines going from areas where the sun is shining to where it is cloudy.

So, California, for example, will have enough solar to power themselves AND enough extra to ship to Chicago?

But even on cloudy days, solar panels still produce electricity. Just not as much.

And even less on days when there are 4 inches of snow on the panels.

So, no plans for storing excess solar power in Chicago?

How much overcapacity is needed in the sunny areas? 400%? 1000? More?
Apparently at current technology, I will show you a picture of how many solar panels it would take to power the U.S. That is both day and night. (With the stored energy for nighttime) The square in yellow shows the total amount of area in solar panels it would take to do it. Argue with that you naysayers.

View attachment 538042
The electrical grid won't support your concept.
Are you high?! You may as well call it perpetual motion. Solar panels last up to 40 years. It takes 1 to 4 years for them to produce the same amount of energy it took to create them. That is everything from mining the ore they are made of to the finished product. So you would be getting around 36 years of absolutely free electricity.

You may as well call it perpetual motion.

The scam is similar.

Solar panels last up to 40 years. It takes 1 to 4 years for them to produce the same amount of energy it took to create them.

I'm much more interested in the amount of time it takes to recoup the monetary investment.

So you would be getting around 36 years of absolutely free electricity.

Now show me the money.

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