Power the U.S. With Solar Panels!

The cost of converting our entire grid to a solar / windand building enough battery capacity to store that power (assuming there is enough Lithium on the planet to do so) would destroy our economy.
You don't have to worry about that anymore. The democrats and the vegetable in the WH have pretty much destroyed the economy already.
What part of: "I can just imagine when conservatives... " did you miss?

I know about that phrase, but you didn't make a case for that claim as being from Conservatives in the first place is seems to be a partisan based statement nothing more.

Conservatives is a label; I am wanting the Person allegedly saying them.
I'm all about technology. I always have been.

But, using the power of government to force people to replace a working technology with one that will not provide the same level of service or be as economical as the existing technology is wrong.

When solar and wind (or whatever technology arrives to compete with existing infrastructure) is ready to replace what we currently have, then the market will decide what technology is adopted.

Just as it did with cars, airplanes, trains, computers, and smart phones.

Try to remember that no one adopted those technology by force ... everyone who owns a car, rides in a plane, uses a computer, or communicates on a smart phone, does so by choice.
Is someone forcing you to use solar panels? Are you hiding in your mommy's basement? Get a spine, man.

As for governments and technology... we have a long history of technology first being used by the government before it becomes widely available. Doppler radar, MRIs, Computers, Microchips, LED lights, Robots and heck, even Closed captioning were developed by the government for their use and then became widely available.

And yes, no one adopts technology by force and no one know is forcing you to adopt any technology. But it is the government's responsibility to fund, encourage and promote technological breakthroughs that make our lives better.

But the best part of living in the US? You can choose to be a Luddite and no one is going to force you to live otherwise. See the Amish for one who still live as if in the 16th century.
I know about that phrase, but you didn't make a case for that claim as being from Conservatives in the first place is seems to be a partisan based statement nothing more.

Conservatives is a label; I am wanting the Person allegedly saying them.
What phrase? I made a clear statement... "I can just imagine when conservatives... "

Next time, learn to read, sparky. :itsok:
What phrase? I made a clear statement... "I can just imagine when conservatives... "

Next time, learn to read, sparky. :itsok:

You originally wrote:

"I love how conservatives come out against technology.

I can just imagine when conservatives were first confronted with cars:

Cars? How much gas do you need to run this thing? Compare that with horses that can run all day and needs only a limited amount of grass or straw... what about when cars get stuck in the mud... you need roads all over the country... That's a LOT of roads... who's going to build all of them??...cars are never going to catch on....'

bolding mine

Then you write that IMAGINED past against Conservatives, but it was Conservatives who made most of the cars in the beginning you IDIOT!

Henry Ford was a Republican.

John Francis Dodge was a Republican.

William C. Durant was a Republican

Daimler Company English car maker founded in 1896

Carl Benz built the first car is 1885

I can just imagine that you are an asshole in life.

You like that, sparky?

Your partisanship was real after all which was the reason why I was asking the questions in the first place

You originally wrote:

"I love how conservatives come out against technology.

I can just imagine when conservatives were first confronted with cars:

Cars? How much gas do you need to run this thing? Compare that with horses that can run all day and needs only a limited amount of grass or straw... what about when cars get stuck in the mud... you need roads all over the country... That's a LOT of roads... who's going to build all of them??...cars are never going to catch on....'

bolding mine

Then you write that IMAGINED past against Conservatives, but it was Conservatives who made most of the cars in the beginning you IDIOT!

Henry Ford was a Republican.

John Francis Dodge was a Republican.

William C. Durant was a Republican

Daimler Company English car maker founded in 1896

Carl Benz built the first car is 1885

I can just imagine that you are an asshole in life.

You like that, sparky?

Your partisanship was real after all which was the reason why I was asking the questions in the first place

Sorry, politics of Ford was murky. He ran as a Democrat in his Senate run. He also ran as a Repbulican. Learn to use Google.

Yes, Dodge was Republican but there is no proof that Durant was one. But hey, if you think differently, prove it.

As for Benz? Guy was German. Where the fuck do you get the fact he was either a Republican or a Democrate?

:muahaha: indeed.

Sorry, sparky. You got one out of 3. You got to do better if you want me to take you seriously. :itsok:
Sorry, politics of Ford was murky. He ran as a Democrat in his Senate run. He also ran as a Repbulican. Learn to use Google.

Yes, Dodge was Republican but there is no proof that Durant was one. But hey, if you think differently, prove it.

As for Benz? Guy was German. Where the fuck do you get the fact he was either a Republican or a Democrate?

:muahaha: indeed.

Sorry, sparky. You got one out of 3. You got to do better if you want me to take you seriously. :itsok:

I never tried to claim Benz was republican hard to be that way when he lived in GERMANY!


Henry Ford was Republican for TEN years while he was making those "Imagined" Model T cars Millions of them starting in 1908 which is 23 years AFTER Benz in GERMANY where no conservatives are found was making cars to the public.

Political party

You were shown to be highly Partisan successfully which was the main point of my replies.

You wrote this that you can't deny was a partisan based attack on conservatives something that doesn't help anyone who like to be divisive and stupid too since the first cars were built successfully in Germany in 1885 and England in 1896 long before America were making (Ford main production in 1908) cars thus the world knew they were real and worked as Benz had the worlds largest car company before Ford came along to supplant it


"I love how conservatives come out against technology.

I can just imagine when conservatives were first confronted with cars:

Cars? How much gas do you need to run this thing? Compare that with horses that can run all day and needs only a limited amount of grass or straw... what about when cars get stuck in the mud... you need roads all over the country... That's a LOT of roads... who's going to build all of them??...cars are never going to catch on....'

Qtzar could put solar on the roof of his pawn chain and power all of USMB with it !
Hadn't seen him today. Probably doing a rain dance. 109 there today
It's a new thing called a BATTERY.

But it doesn't have to be like a AA which is the battery you know about. There's also passive batteries like pumping water to a high elevation using the solar daytime energy and then letting it flow downhill to generate electricity.

You would be amazed at what people have invented. You should try taking a science class!
Great. I was hoping that someone would say that. So how much extra generating capacity needs to be installed to charge those batteries during the day when they are generating electricity to sell during the day?
I never tried to claim Benz was republican hard to be that way when he lived in GERMANY!


Henry Ford was Republican for TEN years while he was making those "Imagined" Model T cars Millions of them starting in 1908 which is 23 years AFTER Benz in GERMANY where no conservatives are found was making cars to the public.

Political party

You were shown to be highly Partisan successfully which was the main point of my replies.

You wrote this that you can't deny was a partisan based attack on conservatives something that doesn't help anyone who like to be divisive and stupid too since the first cars were built successfully in Germany in 1885 and England in 1896 long before America were making (Ford main production in 1908) cars thus the world knew they were real and worked as Benz had the worlds largest car company before Ford came along to supplant it


"I love how conservatives come out against technology.

I can just imagine when conservatives were first confronted with cars:

Cars? How much gas do you need to run this thing? Compare that with horses that can run all day and needs only a limited amount of grass or straw... what about when cars get stuck in the mud... you need roads all over the country... That's a LOT of roads... who's going to build all of them??...cars are never going to catch on....'

LOL Actually you did try to pass off Benz as an American Conservative - and I had to point out that he was German and not American. You really need to learn to use Google before responding. Will help you look less of a fool. :itsok:

As for Ford, did you take the time to find out that he ran for Senate as a Democrat? No? Still need evidence you are an idiot?

As for my claim that conservatives are against technology... I was responding to a conservative who came out against technology... What part of that don't you get?

So, sorry Sparky... you still have a long way to go to defend your case. Try again and this time work at it, will ya? This is getting embarrassing :itsok:
Henry Ford was a Republican.

Henry Ford was also a raging antisemite. But that doesn't mean raging antisemites are good at making cars.

Carl Benz built the first car is 1885

Carl got a patent for the first car but because German patent law didn't allow women to get patents his co-inventor, Bertha (his wife) didn't get any credit.

She was also apparently the venture capitalist who put up the money for Carl's hobbies (including inventing the car). It was her dowry which made it possible.

Not that these make any real difference to your point whatever that was. But suggesting there's some correlation between inventiveness and conservative politics is a bit of a stretch. Usually what happens is someone becomes successful and then wants to protect their money so they become Conservatives (like Elon Musk).

It's called "GREEDY" and, yes, there are a lot of greedy people in the world.

When it comes to the situation the Earth is now in, there was never a "last time."

The Earth was never this temp before? Never had methane released at this temperature? Ever?

Do you understand?

No. Please explain it.

No, never. Never in the history of the earth have we been in this situation. I will show you a graph. To the best of the ability of science to judge, it shows what the earth's temperature and CO2 levels have been through the history of Earth. At least the history that matters. You will notice that for around the last 40 million years or so, the Earth has been getting generally cooler. Do you know what happens on a cooler Earth? Methane has a better ability to get stored. Rather than evaporate. Now after that much time, much of it has no doubt gotten buried underground. But there is much that is much shallower. Or on or just below the floor of the ocean existing as methane hydrate ice.

With temperatures and CO2 rising sharply as it is, because of human caused global warming, the more of that methane will be released. Which will cause things to get even warmer. Releasing even more methane. I will also include a picture of what is said to be methane bubbles raising from the seal floor. Which is why I started the other thread on the topic. "Global warming. Kiss your ass goodbye."

earth's temperature throughout history.gif

methane bubbles.jpg
Apparently at current technology, I will show you a picture of how many solar panels it would take to power the U.S. That is both day and night. (With the stored energy for nighttime) The square in yellow shows the total amount of area in solar panels it would take to do it. Argue with that you naysayers.

View attachment 538042

What happens at night and when it's cloudy?

Don't bother mentioning batteries. They are grossly expensive and depend on rare earth minerals mined by slaves and children in China and third world hellholes.
Apparently at current technology, I will show you a picture of how many solar panels it would take to power the U.S. That is both day and night. (With the stored energy for nighttime) The square in yellow shows the total amount of area in solar panels it would take to do it. Argue with that you naysayers.

View attachment 538042
If the panels need to be replaced every ten years, could that many panels be installed before they need to be replaced? Is that also the size of the area required to dispose of that many panels when they are worn out?
What happens at night and when it's cloudy?

I can speak for the "cloudy" bit. I'm in the Pacific Northwest (we have a LOT of cloud days) and my solar works fine. I still get energy generated on those days (it isn't pitch black outside) but not as much as a full sun day.

Don't bother mentioning batteries.

Why aren't we allowed to talk about batteries? Is it because they make your argument meaningless and represent technology that EXISTS?

They are grossly expensive and depend on rare earth minerals mined by slaves and children in China and third world hellholes.

You DO realize that YOU already use those batteries as well, right? In fact all the horrors of mining abuses have existed for a very long time and benefited you directly! I hope you have been working hard for years and years to alert the world to the horrors of mining metals.
I live right next to the Hanford Nuclear Reservation have talked to people have books on the topic and read about reusing nuclear waste as France does by default, but the politics always gets in the way to prevent Hanford from Reprocessing the waste ONSITE to "burn" some of the waste thus reducing the total waste material that would make it much easier to classify and store the now lower hazardous level waste.

I just can't stand the stench! Watch the documentary. Watch the documentary. Watch the documentary. Watch the documentary. Watch the documentary. In it they show and tell you how France gets rid of most of their nuclear waste. "THEY DUMP IT IN THE OCEAN!" You will also find out that recycling nuclear waste is a farce. Only a small percentage of it can be recycled into usable nuclear fuel. Next, you can't burn nuclear waste. Radiation will be in whatever smoke is created and remain in the ash left over.

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