Power is the Control of everything! Congress on the Job.

Dan Stubbs

May 4, 2017
Some where in the Deep South.
You noticed that puddle of water in your backyard, well it might under the Federal Flood land control act. That right read the think...:

SB 787 - The Clean Water Restoration Act

The basis of this legislation is to expand the authority of the Corps of Engineers to control the land that is “adjacent to, near, is affected by, or affects” any body of water in the United States. The definition of “waters” of the bill will include even “dry desert potholes” and any location that has water, or might have water even for a temporary period of time. This has the potential to be one of the most destructive bills in the history of Congress regarding property rights. Under the authority of this bill, the Corps of Engineers could require a permit even to mow residential lawns! Advocates of the bill claim that these statements are ridiculous because the “agency would never attempt such local control.” Does anyone believe that once a government agency has been granted “expanded authority” that they will choose not to exercise that authority? This is how the Feds get control of just about anything. Give it a nice Title, get enough liberals to vote for it. This Law passed Congress and is not in the Senate....Now if they had control of the Senate it would go to the President, and If Obama was in charge it would pass. The want power that is their name of the game. That is why we have the Dept of Education., energy,and etc.

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