Poverty up, services diminished in Chicago's black neighborhoods...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The economy is great, unemployment is down, everything is great under Obama...


...unless you're black!

The unemployment rate for blacks is twice as high as that of whites. The 1st Black President swore he would not abandon Detroit, yet it was left to bankruptcy and ruin. He has not created 1 single program designed to help blacks receive better education, job training, jobs, or become more independent.

Chicago, where the President is form and what is run by his ex-Chief of Staff is setting new records for annual gun violence / death as poverty continues to rise and services diminish.


Exclusive: Poverty up, services diminished in Chicago's black neighborhoods - study

Predominantly African-American neighborhoods in Chicago have seen poverty rise and services diminish even as the nation's third largest city has become less racially segregated, according to a study released on Wednesday.

While Chicago has become more racially balanced over the decades with more neighborhoods showing no majority populations, black areas are seeing economic stagnation or decline, according to the study by the Chicago Urban League, which promotes progress for blacks.

"This is not a situation that's getting better. This is a situation that's getting worse," said Stephanie Bechteler, director of research and evaluation for the Chicago Urban League.


If you can't even get the 1st Black President of the United States to give a damn about the plight of backs in his own home town, let alone those across the entire United States, you HAVE to start thinking / believing maybe the Democrats don't really give a damn about blacks.

The truth of the matter, it seems, is that:

1) Since LBJ declared after Civil Rights were passed, "We have to give them (blacks) something, but not enough to make a difference...I will have these ni@@ers voting 'Democrat' the next 20 years' this program of 'economic slavery' - giving blacks free handouts in order to get them addicted to them and to become DEPENDENT on the government social programs in exchange for their vote' - has been adopted and executed to perfection with no intention of EVER ending that dependency and helping blacks to become more INdependent and no longer DEpendent on the government for their survival....


2) Obama himself has proven that 'blacks' are no longer the 'Flavor of the Month' - meaning Liberals have moved on from thinking blacks and the black vote are the key to holding onto power. Illegals are coming in by the millions...it is obvious that the Liberals (actually many politicians from both sides) - especially Obama - have made Illegals a much higher priority than Americans - blacks, vets, etc. Both Constitution and Rule of Law has been violated to bring them in and secure their (eventual) votes...tax payer funded housing, clothing, medical care, jobs, hand outs....

Illegals, Syrian 'refugees'.... Sorry, no more 'catering' to, 'courting', and 'wooing' of blacks to obtain and keep their voted - mission accomplished there. They have been convinced the evil GOP is against them, wants nothing to do with them, and wants to take away their 'enslaving', dependency-continuing hand-outs. Liberals have ensured they are fully dependent on the handouts they provide and so now they can move on to focus on the 'new frontier', the new 'fields to reap' but 1st they must sow those fields the same way they did with blacks, making the illegals dependent on govt handouts. THEY are the primary focus now, not blacks.

So black population centers like those in cities such as Chicago, Baltimore, and Detroit are left behind, collapsing under the management of Liberals who no longer see them as a priority.

In this essence / capacity, Obama has proved he is not 1st and foremost a 'Black man' - he is a Progressive Liberal Democrat who has executed the plan of economic slavery created by LBJ to ensure the political dominance, the growing acquisition and control of political POWER. Blacks have been 'pawns'...and now they are being pushed to the back row as the Progressive Liberals, Obama especially right now, have made Illegals a higher priority.
If Obama were an R, the media would tell the world about the terrible conditions in black America.

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