Postponing the Employer Mandate is the Beginning of the End for Obamacare


Apr 20, 2013
The delay of the employer mandate is the beginning of the end for Obamacare. Employer sponsored healthcare was ALWAYS a voluntary benefit for employees; Obamacare's mandate that forces employers to change by requiring them to offer healthcare insurance was flawed from the beginning. The likely explanation to the postponement was that Obama finally woke up and realized what employers already know -- neither he or Congress had the leverage to force them to comply. Instead, employers have spent the past three years strategizing how they can avoid the penalties and you can be sure they have succeeded.

Aside from the employers, postponing the employer mandate and employer reporting requirements also has a ripple effect on other provisions contained in the bill: HHS won't be able to make insurance risk adjustments to health insurance companies, the IRS and HHS won't know what the aggregate cost of healthcare is in order to set the individual mandate maximum penalty, and the IRS won't know who does and does not meet the minimum value requirement for healthcare coverage. And that's just for starters.

Find out more at The Healthcare Bill To Nowhere - BOMBOOZLE
Maybe..they keep running away from this thing.
Perhaps even Princess Nancy now sees some problems with it.

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