Post office would be a total disaster


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
Everyday these morons put the wrong mail in my box . You expect them to handle 150 million ballots lol
1/4 of them won’t even get delivered correctly

Then you have the issue of many blue states that have “voter registry lists” , that contain hundreds of thousands of dead folks , illegals and folks who moved !!
It’s an epic mess . You either vote in person or you don’t vote
Everyday these morons put the wrong mail in my box . You expect them to handle 150 million ballots lol
1/4 of them won’t even get delivered correctly

Then you have the issue of many blue states that have “voter registry lists” , that contain hundreds of thousands of dead folks , illegals and folks who moved !!
It’s an epic mess . You either vote in person or you don’t vote
It will be easy for the Corrupt Democrats to send their voter multiple ballots and GOP Voters zero ballots in the Blue States.
There will be a lot of law suites caused by the Democrat Mail-In Ballot Voter Fraud.
They don't need to handle 150 million ballots??

But yes, of course they can handle a big increase... it just takes organizing and planning.

We have the sorting .machines, with a little overtime for workers, and increased mail boxes, not decreased.....They and we can handle this....

We just need to reduce the 6 hour wait to vote, in crowded areas.... So if half the voters mail in votes and the other half vote in person at the condensed mega voting centers....their lines won't be so long.
Everyday these morons put the wrong mail in my box . You expect them to handle 150 million ballots lol
1/4 of them won’t even get delivered correctly

Then you have the issue of many blue states that have “voter registry lists” , that contain hundreds of thousands of dead folks , illegals and folks who moved !!
It’s an epic mess . You either vote in person or you don’t vote
It will be easy for the Corrupt Democrats to send their voter multiple ballots and GOP Voters zero ballots in the Blue States.
There will be a lot of law suites caused by the Democrat Mail-In Ballot Voter Fraud.
You clearly have no idea how mail in ballots work, or their verification process... where are you from?
Everyday these morons put the wrong mail in my box . You expect them to handle 150 million ballots lol
1/4 of them won’t even get delivered correctly

Then you have the issue of many blue states that have “voter registry lists” , that contain hundreds of thousands of dead folks , illegals and folks who moved !!
It’s an epic mess . You either vote in person or you don’t vote

Demo-rats would do anything to win. Dead people, illegals, folks who moved, same people would vote at least twice (once by vail, once in person). We would have a billion guys named Joe Biden vote. It would be difficult, if not impossible, to count the ballots. And what happens if the loser -- Joe Biden -- wants a recount? The post office gets blamed and the tax payers would have to pay for it all.
Everyday these morons put the wrong mail in my box . You expect them to handle 150 million ballots lol
1/4 of them won’t even get delivered correctly

Then you have the issue of many blue states that have “voter registry lists” , that contain hundreds of thousands of dead folks , illegals and folks who moved !!
It’s an epic mess . You either vote in person or you don’t vote
mY mail delivery service is bad

I get other peoples mail and I fail to get mail addressed to me

so just on logistics alone I have no confidence in mail in voting

but the potential for fraud is there too
Everyday these morons put the wrong mail in my box . You expect them to handle 150 million ballots lol
1/4 of them won’t even get delivered correctly

Then you have the issue of many blue states that have “voter registry lists” , that contain hundreds of thousands of dead folks , illegals and folks who moved !!
It’s an epic mess . You either vote in person or you don’t vote
mY mail delivery service is bad

I get other peoples mail and I fail to get mail addressed to me

so just on logistics alone I have no confidence in mail in voting

but the potential for fraud is there too
Mac... if you request a ballot and don't get one, you can request another one....

If you mail in your ballot, a system is set up by your state elections, to check and make certain, they received it.... if they did not, order another mail in ballot if time allows, if not, you might have to vote in person.

There is a system that marks you off, on the voter rolls however you vote.... So if your absentee shows up, and you've already voted, your absentee vote, will not count.... or if they had your absentee ballot already, you can not vote in person if you try.
Everyday these morons put the wrong mail in my box . You expect them to handle 150 million ballots lol
1/4 of them won’t even get delivered correctly

Then you have the issue of many blue states that have “voter registry lists” , that contain hundreds of thousands of dead folks , illegals and folks who moved !!
It’s an epic mess . You either vote in person or you don’t vote
mY mail delivery service is bad

I get other peoples mail and I fail to get mail addressed to me

so just on logistics alone I have no confidence in mail in voting

but the potential for fraud is there too
Mac... if you request a ballot and don't get one, you can request another one....

If you mail in your ballot, a system is set up by your state elections, to check and make certain, they received it.... if they did not, order another mail in ballot if time allows, if not, you might have to vote in person.

There is a system that marks you off, on the voter rolls however you vote.... So if your absentee shows up, and you've already voted, your absentee vote, will not count.... or if they had your absentee ballot already, you can not vote in person if you try.
That all sounds great

but I remember when congress enacted the National No-Call list that was going to put a stop to unwanted telemarketing calls

which it didnt do because government is basically incompetent
Everyday these morons put the wrong mail in my box . You expect them to handle 150 million ballots lol
1/4 of them won’t even get delivered correctly

Then you have the issue of many blue states that have “voter registry lists” , that contain hundreds of thousands of dead folks , illegals and folks who moved !!
It’s an epic mess . You either vote in person or you don’t vote
mY mail delivery service is bad

I get other peoples mail and I fail to get mail addressed to me

so just on logistics alone I have no confidence in mail in voting

but the potential for fraud is there too
Mac... if you request a ballot and don't get one, you can request another one....

If you mail in your ballot, a system is set up by your state elections, to check and make certain, they received it.... if they did not, order another mail in ballot if time allows, if not, you might have to vote in person.

There is a system that marks you off, on the voter rolls however you vote.... So if your absentee shows up, and you've already voted, your absentee vote, will not count.... or if they had your absentee ballot already, you can not vote in person if you try.
That all sounds great

but I remember when congress enacted the National No-Call list that was going to put a stop to unwanted telemarketing calls

which it didnt do because government is basically incompetent
It worked for a couple of years, but now it ain't worth crap, I hate all those calls.... that's just the persistence of the perps, fig u ring ways around the federal and state laws on this...

It definitely needs readdressing.
Everyday these morons put the wrong mail in my box . You expect them to handle 150 million ballots lol
1/4 of them won’t even get delivered correctly

Then you have the issue of many blue states that have “voter registry lists” , that contain hundreds of thousands of dead folks , illegals and folks who moved !!
It’s an epic mess . You either vote in person or you don’t vote
All the reasons you gave for rejecting mail in voting are exactly the same reasons Democrats want it so bad, crooked bastards that they are. It's telling that Pelosi wouldn't vote on relief for the American people but she'll drop everything and return to DC to enable voting fraud. Go to the polls and vote. MAGA
Any time Trump accuses others of rigging things, it's just a deflection from his own rigging or malfeasance.

So yes, I am worried about fraud or rigging the election by TRUMP! :eek:

Plus the Russian hacks, got in to our voter registration systems, back in 2016....What info did they get, that they can use to actually rig this election?

So, we As a nation, have to take every precaution possible, whatever it takes, whatever it costs, to protect the sanctity of our votes.... we are not a democracy, without our votes.

Remember, in a democracy voters choose our leaders...

Leaders are not suppose to pick only the voters....that will vote for them.... as being g allowed to vote.

And polling says by overwhelming majority us voters want mail in voting, during this pandemic.
The Post office has been a mess for years. Delivering mail late, losing mail. For years now If I have to send something a bit more crucial, I send it Certified Mail, even with certified mail they lost a piece on me.

Amazon is going to stop using them for deliveries, they are having returns up the gazoo for damaged goods and lost packages..
Is the the USPS a shit show? Yes. That really isn't the problem. The post office is more than capable of handling the volume. Elections are administered by states and localities each with varying rules on when these ballots can be cast/mailed by. We could have a massive number of ballots that are rolling in for some time after the election. The nightmare is the time it takes for the ballots to reach their destinations and the fact they will probably have to be hand counted and examined for errors and discrepancies. Imagine Bush v Gore; with its hanging chads and magnifying glasses on crack times 1000. Maybe the process will work, but I would be amazed if the election was called by the end of November, let alone on election night.
Our postal service is great and I know that from personal experience in so many ways. Trump once again is making shat up and his weak followers are following. When did Americans get so weak that they follow a failure and a liar? What happened to common sense and respect for working Americans and our institutions. Trump has made America look third world in just three years. Why.

'Education, Not Income, Predicted Who Would Vote For Trump'

'The Effect of President Trump's Election on *Hate Crimes'

"What is patriotism? Let us begin with what patriotism is not. It is not patriotic to dodge the draft and to mock war heroes and their families. It is not patriotic to discriminate against active-duty members of the armed forces in one's companies, or to campaign to keep disabled veterans away from one's property. It is not patriotic to compare one's search for sexual partners in New York with the military service in Vietnam that one has dodged. It is not patriotic to avoid paying taxes, especially when American working families do pay. It is not patriotic to ask those working, taxpaying American families to finance one's own presidential campaign, and then to spend their contributions in one's own companies. It is not patriotic to admire foreign dictators. It is not patriotic to cultivate a relationship with Muammar Gaddafi; or to say that Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin are superior leaders. It is not patriotic to call upon Russia to intervene in an American presidential election. It is not patriotic to cite Russian propaganda at rallies." Timothy Snyder
Everyday these morons put the wrong mail in my box . You expect them to handle 150 million ballots lol
1/4 of them won’t even get delivered correctly

A lie, I rarely get a misdirected letter.
Voters are told if they don’t receive their ballot by a certain date, they should contact election officials. A misdirected ballot is easily replaced.

Hard to misplace a returned ballot. They are clearly marked and it is obvious where they are going
Trump is selling a myth that the Post Office is unable to handle the short term volume of the election.

Every year, the Post Office handles the Christmas rush of letters and packages which is many times more than the election ballots. I seem to get my cards and packages on time.

I will be getting my official ballot in early October. Like most voters, I will not wait until the last minute and will either mail it or probably use the drop box at our town hall.
Everyday these morons put the wrong mail in my box . You expect them to handle 150 million ballots lol
1/4 of them won’t even get delivered correctly

Then you have the issue of many blue states that have “voter registry lists” , that contain hundreds of thousands of dead folks , illegals and folks who moved !!
It’s an epic mess . You either vote in person or you don’t vote
yea sure they do.....
They don't need to handle 150 million ballots??

But yes, of course they can handle a big increase... it just takes organizing and planning.

We have the sorting .machines, with a little overtime for workers, and increased mail boxes, not decreased.....They and we can handle this....

We just need to reduce the 6 hour wait to vote, in crowded areas.... So if half the voters mail in votes and the other half vote in person at the condensed mega voting centers....their lines won't be so long.
to deliver ballots they wont need no overtime.....
Everyday these morons put the wrong mail in my box . You expect them to handle 150 million ballots lol
1/4 of them won’t even get delivered correctly

Then you have the issue of many blue states that have “voter registry lists” , that contain hundreds of thousands of dead folks , illegals and folks who moved !!
It’s an epic mess . You either vote in person or you don’t vote
mY mail delivery service is bad

I get other peoples mail and I fail to get mail addressed to me

so just on logistics alone I have no confidence in mail in voting

but the potential for fraud is there too
then you have a shitty carrier or your route is to small to be a real route and so you have the new people delivering it which usually means a different person every day....

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