Post Office Near Default


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
More of that Hopey-Change...

The United States Postal Service has long lived on the financial edge, but it has never been as close to the precipice as it is today: the agency is so low on cash that it will not be able to make a $5.5 billion payment due this month and may have to shut down entirely this winter unless Congress takes emergency action to stabilize its finances.

“Our situation is extremely serious,” the postmaster general, Patrick R. Donahoe, said in an interview. “If Congress doesn’t act, we will default.”

In recent weeks, Mr. Donahoe has been pushing a series of painful cost-cutting measures to erase the agency’s deficit, which will reach $9.2 billion this fiscal year. They include eliminating Saturday mail delivery, closing up to 3,700 postal locations and laying off 120,000 workers — nearly one-fifth of the agency’s work force — despite a no-layoffs clause in the unions’ contracts.

The post office’s problems stem from one hard reality: it is being squeezed on both revenue and costs.
C'mon. The only reason it still exists is so Jews can fill your mailbox with bullshit adds and 'sign here' credit cards.It's a fourth world thing. I haven't had anything in my P.O. boxes other than a pair of shoes a guy repaired for me in many, many years.
This third world living is great !
C'mon. The only reason it still exists is so Jews can fill your mailbox with bullshit adds and 'sign here' credit cards.It's a fourth world thing. I haven't had anything in my P.O. boxes other than a pair of shoes a guy repaired for me in many, many years.
This third world living is great !

Okay, that was kind of strange...
C'mon. The only reason it still exists is so Jews can fill your mailbox with bullshit adds and 'sign here' credit cards.It's a fourth world thing. I haven't had anything in my P.O. boxes other than a pair of shoes a guy repaired for me in many, many years.
This third world living is great !

Your right. Today you can just turn it on cnn(commie news network) or Fox or some other jew owned media. Same old shit. :eek::lol:
Okay, boys, can we take a break from the anti-semitism to talk about the Post Office.

I think this demonstrates the problem explicitely. When business conditions change, people modify their business.

The government doesn't want to modify the Post office and the way it does business. It doesn't want to get rid of Saturday delivery or reduce benefits or raise the price of a stamp or charge postage based on what it costs to actually get from point a to b. (Sorry, it should cost more for me to mail a letter to Utah than to Carol Stream.)

The advent of E-mail has reduced volume. If the Post office were a private concern, it would modify its model. It refuses to do so.
Okay, boys, can we take a break from the anti-semitism to talk about the Post Office.

I think this demonstrates the problem explicitely. When business conditions change, people modify their business.

The government doesn't want to modify the Post office and the way it does business. It doesn't want to get rid of Saturday delivery or reduce benefits or raise the price of a stamp or charge postage based on what it costs to actually get from point a to b. (Sorry, it should cost more for me to mail a letter to Utah than to Carol Stream.)

The advent of E-mail has reduced volume. If the Post office were a private concern, it would modify its model. It refuses to do so.

In 1971, the “Post Office Department” was turned into a quasi-governmental corporation, the US Postal Service, which has a federally mandated monopoly on regular mail delivery. The majority of the USPS board are presidential appointees. There are no government appropriations, and a ‘Postal Rate Commission’ that determines rates. In the ‘70’s the USPS tried to close 12,000 underperforming or underutilized post offices, but politicians amended the Postal Reorganization Act to prohibit the closings. In ’77 the same thing happened when the USPS tried to suspend Saturday delivery. The result lost $2.8 billion in ’08 and expects to lose another $3 to $6 billion in 2009.Who will ultimately be responsible for paying these debts? The taxpayer.
Such is it when government masquerades as free market entities. Beck Arguing with Idiots.pdf
C'mon. The only reason it still exists is so Jews can fill your mailbox with bullshit adds and 'sign here' credit cards.It's a fourth world thing. I haven't had anything in my P.O. boxes other than a pair of shoes a guy repaired for me in many, many years.
This third world living is great !
the third world mail system......ill mail you something,and along the way its gets stolen.....your an idiot Douger.....i hope you enjoy living in a Country that you can leach off of.....after they find out how slimy you are,which Country will you run to next?.....

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