Portland residents have to wait more than 5 minutes for their 911 calls to be answered


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
Bay State
When I read this article, I was pleased to read how the residents of Portland, OR are suffering. They voted in their problems, now they have to live with the consequences of their idiocy. Elections have consequences. I would love to see the entire Portland police dpt. quit their jobs and give the idiots in that city exactly what they voted for and deserve. Portland is just one the infinite list of where the letter D next to a candidates name stands for "Destruction", destruction of God, freedom, liberty, civility, morality, patriotism, family, love of America. I used to be registered Libertarian, then I switched to American Independent. I have said it many times, I will vote 3rd party, I will vote for truly good Republicans, but I will drink jet fuel and piss on a forest fire before I ever vote for a democrat or a RINO. Speaking of forest fires, another case of where the D next to a candidates name stands for destruction; in that thanks to the democrats, California's forests are on fire.

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I just can’t feel sorry for these people. I hope the Republican voters are armed and can save themselves. Maybe a lot of left wingers deaths will change their vote. If not it’s what they wanted.
Broward County Florida (hard core Left) has a 911 system and a 911 alternative (non emergency) system.

A recent call to the non emergency number received no answer after several tries.

Also today I started seeing illegal immigrants taking up spots around Publix.
VERY dirty and unkept (at least these). They were apparently asking for handouts in a foreign language.
No one wanted to get near them....these looked like they hadn't cleaned themselves in years.

Thanks Democrats !! Making American "normal" again, one disaster at a time (in waves)
Thats nothing...............where I live, you call 911 and get a recording that tells you to leave a message.
911 is you then. Kind of like how the democrats want the entire country to be once they defund the police.

911 What’s your emergency?
My boyfriend is going to kill me!
We will send a social worker in a few hours.
He’s trying to cut my throat!
He won’t do that just calm down.
The social worker will be there soon.
Are you there? Hello?
We lost her.
Should be fine tough. The social worker is close.
911 what’s your emergency? I’m the social worker and there’s a dead girl here. Is this the victim or the criminal?
Well, see if you can find him and give him a stern talking to.
I have another call.
911 what’s your emergency?
I wonder what the average wait nation wide is?
What's the national standard for answering a 911 call?
The original industry standard established by the National Emergency Number Association (NENA) is that 90 percent of all emergency calls should be answered within 10 seconds. In February 2019, the San Francisco Department of Emergency Managerment (DEM) adopted the new national standard: 95% of all calls should be answered within 15 seconds.
911 Call Volume and Response | City Performance Scorecards

That doesn't include the time it takes for law enforcement to get to you. Depending on the city or locale that could take from 5 minutes to 45 minutes.
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I just can’t feel sorry for these people. I hope the Republican voters are armed and can save themselves. Maybe a lot of left wingers deaths will change their vote. If not it’s what they wanted.
I was in the same university with some of them years ago at Corvallis, Oregon. There were so many fine people there. Even if I have very conservative views, my heart goes out to them with the results of certain political groups there shooting people and defunding police schticks. Many of them are professional people and are givers in their communities as grads and workers in every kind of services. I love those dear people of Oregon when my husband's job put us there for five years. A piece of my heart will always love those five years of awesome natural beauty and fruitful fields of every kind.
When I read this article, I was pleased to read how the residents of Portland, OR are suffering. They voted in their problems, now they have to live with the consequences of their idiocy. Elections have consequences. I would love to see the entire Portland police dpt. quit their jobs and give the idiots in that city exactly what they voted for and deserve. Portland is just one the infinite list of where the letter D next to a candidates name stands for "Destruction", destruction of God, freedom, liberty, civility, morality, patriotism, family, love of America. I used to be registered Libertarian, then I switched to American Independent. I have said it many times, I will vote 3rd party, I will vote for truly good Republicans, but I will drink jet fuel and piss on a forest fire before I ever vote for a democrat or a RINO. Speaking of forest fires, another case of where the D next to a candidates name stands for destruction; in that thanks to the democrats, California's forests are on fire.

Let me guess. Joe told them not to answer. Have another swing. Don't bother getting some facts. That would bugger up the story completely.
I used to be registered Libertarian, then I switched to American Independent. I have said it many times, I will vote 3rd party, I will vote for truly good Republicans, but I will drink jet fuel and piss on a forest fire before I ever vote for a democrat or a RINO.
Amy difference between a registered sex offender and a registered gun owner? Damn cops lock us all in bed together and treat us all the same anyways no matter what.
When I read this article, I was pleased to read how the residents of Portland, OR are suffering. They voted in their problems, now they have to live with the consequences of their idiocy. Elections have consequences. I would love to see the entire Portland police dpt. quit their jobs and give the idiots in that city exactly what they voted for and deserve. Portland is just one the infinite list of where the letter D next to a candidates name stands for "Destruction", destruction of God, freedom, liberty, civility, morality, patriotism, family, love of America. I used to be registered Libertarian, then I switched to American Independent. I have said it many times, I will vote 3rd party, I will vote for truly good Republicans, but I will drink jet fuel and piss on a forest fire before I ever vote for a democrat or a RINO. Speaking of forest fires, another case of where the D next to a candidates name stands for destruction; in that thanks to the democrats, California's forests are on fire.

I agree....and you should add bleach to the list...it'll really get the lefties going....
The delay is probably being caused by people calling 911 to complain McDonald's is out of chicken nuggets.


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