Pope to address U.S. Congress

Perhaps but in his corner of the world, the southern cone, unfettered capitalism did some pretty terrible things, he has seen first hand what capitalists really want when they bitch about regulations and unions. The whole of South America is full of abandoned strip mines, toxic dumps, clear-cut forests, dead labor leaders and some very poor people.

It is truly a shame you on that side of the coin are so clueless.

When you discuss dead labor leaders make sure that others understand most were corrupt and killed by union members when their embezzlement / stealing was discovered.

Death Stalks Colombia's Unions

As Colombia struggles to free itself from a vortex of violence, union members, human rights activists and others still feel threatened by criminal elements––and their own government.

Launched July 14, 2013

Since 1986, more than 2,800 labor leaders and union members have been killed in Colombia. In recent years this South American nation has led the world in this grim statistic. And more than 9 out of 10 of these cases remain unsolved.

Colombia’s failure to protect workers was a key reason for the five-year delay in U.S. congressional approval of a free trade agreement with it. It was finally approved in 2011. Amid protests from human rights and labor groups, U.S. officials said Colombia had taken steps to protect workers and their labor rights.

Unions, human rights activists and others say the abuses and dangers persist, and in some case have grown. As a result of attacks on unions and other pressures, the percentage of unionized workers in Colombia has dropped from 15 percent 20 years ago to about 4 percent today.

Teachers have suffered along with others largely because they were seen as social activists and community organizers.

The dangers faced by union members and human rights activists mirror a long-lasting vortex of violence propelled by guerrillas, right-wing paramilitaries, drug cartels, criminals, and, according to human rights groups and others, military and government officials as well.

The State Department’s 2013 report on human rights in Colombia described a nation plagued by “an inefficient judiciary and corruption” that limit its ability to prosecute human rights violators.
Death Stalks Labor Unions in Colombia Pulitzer Center

Notice the highlighted section, looks like society in general got tired / saw through that union shit .........................................

Yep fucked up earth policies, their country, their business's , what's your point??

All capitalism is bad, where do you think your trade currency / barter item(s) should come from??

What was your point again??
My point is more of a question, Is capitalism impossible without unduly exploiting the workforce, buying government influence and raping the environment? Capitalism is not all bad but neither is it all good, why do you feel the need to defend it even when it is clearly doing bad things?

The work force is offered an opportunity to work.
Can you understand that.

You act as if all business are held hostage by labor.

When all shops close and there are no jobs then what??

Business will continue to operate, if it's automation that is required to do so then that is what will happen.

Americans are problem solvers, at this point and time a workforce with unrealistic expectations will prompt for other ingenious solutions that require less of the troublesome human units.

To survive in this world you will need to be computer literate, a background in electronics and math will most likely be required to be proficient in your job.

As automated equipment becomes more prevalent and compartmentalized(such as computers) dummer candidates can be trained to run through scripts or checklist and most likely swap boards out.

These types of jobs are what our nation is going to, the masses are ignorant and lack the necessary skills to fill these jobs.

Now you can use all the affirmative action you want some where down the road to make employers hire unqualified minorities, but that don't mean your fucking computers / robots would ever work again ...............

Our work force is changing, our society is changing, both in mutually opposite directions.
I think Jesus also had a problem with people who put money and wealth foremost in their lives. Capitalism does not have to be as exploitative and corrupt as it is, does it? Is making money impossible without fucking people over and buying political power?

His rhetoric is less nuanced than that.
Perhaps but in his corner of the world, the southern cone, unfettered capitalism did some pretty terrible things, he has seen first hand what capitalists really want when they bitch about regulations and unions. The whole of South America is full of abandoned strip mines, toxic dumps, clear-cut forests, dead labor leaders and some very poor people.

He is not a south american leader now, but a global one.

If he wanted to give the message you posted, he should have used less inflammatory rhetoric.

If he uses this opportunity to apologize for appearing to attack capitalism or America unfairly, I will consider his words.

Some glad handling about what a positive influence America has been in the world would be a good place to start.
Capitalists do not carefully choose their words when the people take exception to their practices, they destroy people on a daily basis who may hurt their bottom line. Capitalism is amoral by definition and they do not like it when anyone questions the morality of their activities.

As I said, he attacked capitalism. You support this because you have similar leftist views.

As a non leftist and a patriotic American, imo, he can fuck off.
It has long been an issue that the pursuit of wealth is often at odds with the teachings of Jesus Christ. I guess you RWers have found a way around that by simply ignoring what he said and attacking anyone, even a pope, who tries to remind you.
His rhetoric is less nuanced than that.
Perhaps but in his corner of the world, the southern cone, unfettered capitalism did some pretty terrible things, he has seen first hand what capitalists really want when they bitch about regulations and unions. The whole of South America is full of abandoned strip mines, toxic dumps, clear-cut forests, dead labor leaders and some very poor people.

He is not a south american leader now, but a global one.

If he wanted to give the message you posted, he should have used less inflammatory rhetoric.

If he uses this opportunity to apologize for appearing to attack capitalism or America unfairly, I will consider his words.

Some glad handling about what a positive influence America has been in the world would be a good place to start.
Capitalists do not carefully choose their words when the people take exception to their practices, they destroy people on a daily basis who may hurt their bottom line. Capitalism is amoral by definition and they do not like it when anyone questions the morality of their activities.

As I said, he attacked capitalism. You support this because you have similar leftist views.

As a non leftist and a patriotic American, imo, he can fuck off.
It has long been an issue that the pursuit of wealth is often at odds with the teachings of Jesus Christ. I guess you RWers have found a way around that by simply ignoring what he said and attacking anyone, even a pope, who tries to remind you.

So are you implying Christians can't be business owners and operate in a Christian manner??
Talk about a misinformed, bigoted piece of shit .................

Why do you think the pope is GOD??
What makes what he has to say any more important than you or me??
Is he not but a mere mortal with only his own thoughts and ideology??
Holy crap, no pun intended, this could be pretty interesting.

From what I've seen/heard, he would side with our Democrats on far more of the issues (abortion being an obvious exception). How do the Republicans walk the tightrope between the Pope and their religious base? Maybe some kind of Protestant identification?

And the Dems can only play kissy-face with him as long as abortion isn't the topic.

I don't know why anyone would want to be a professional politician (outside of the obvious ego fulfillment, of course).

Looking forward to this.

Last edited:
Perhaps but in his corner of the world, the southern cone, unfettered capitalism did some pretty terrible things, he has seen first hand what capitalists really want when they bitch about regulations and unions. The whole of South America is full of abandoned strip mines, toxic dumps, clear-cut forests, dead labor leaders and some very poor people.

It is truly a shame you on that side of the coin are so clueless.

When you discuss dead labor leaders make sure that others understand most were corrupt and killed by union members when their embezzlement / stealing was discovered.

Death Stalks Colombia's Unions

As Colombia struggles to free itself from a vortex of violence, union members, human rights activists and others still feel threatened by criminal elements––and their own government.

Launched July 14, 2013

Since 1986, more than 2,800 labor leaders and union members have been killed in Colombia. In recent years this South American nation has led the world in this grim statistic. And more than 9 out of 10 of these cases remain unsolved.

Colombia’s failure to protect workers was a key reason for the five-year delay in U.S. congressional approval of a free trade agreement with it. It was finally approved in 2011. Amid protests from human rights and labor groups, U.S. officials said Colombia had taken steps to protect workers and their labor rights.

Unions, human rights activists and others say the abuses and dangers persist, and in some case have grown. As a result of attacks on unions and other pressures, the percentage of unionized workers in Colombia has dropped from 15 percent 20 years ago to about 4 percent today.

Teachers have suffered along with others largely because they were seen as social activists and community organizers.

The dangers faced by union members and human rights activists mirror a long-lasting vortex of violence propelled by guerrillas, right-wing paramilitaries, drug cartels, criminals, and, according to human rights groups and others, military and government officials as well.

The State Department’s 2013 report on human rights in Colombia described a nation plagued by “an inefficient judiciary and corruption” that limit its ability to prosecute human rights violators.
Death Stalks Labor Unions in Colombia Pulitzer Center

Notice the highlighted section, looks like society in general got tired / saw through that union shit .........................................

Yep fucked up earth policies, their country, their business's , what's your point??

All capitalism is bad, where do you think your trade currency / barter item(s) should come from??

What was your point again??
My point is more of a question, Is capitalism impossible without unduly exploiting the workforce, buying government influence and raping the environment? Capitalism is not all bad but neither is it all good, why do you feel the need to defend it even when it is clearly doing bad things?

The work force is offered an opportunity to work.
Can you understand that.

You act as if all business are held hostage by labor.

When all shops close and there are no jobs then what??

Business will continue to operate, if it's automation that is required to do so then that is what will happen.

Americans are problem solvers, at this point and time a workforce with unrealistic expectations will prompt for other ingenious solutions that require less of the troublesome human units.

To survive in this world you will need to be computer literate, a background in electronics and math will most likely be required to be proficient in your job.

As automated equipment becomes more prevalent and compartmentalized(such as computers) dummer candidates can be trained to run through scripts or checklist and most likely swap boards out.

These types of jobs are what our nation is going to, the masses are ignorant and lack the necessary skills to fill these jobs.

Now you can use all the affirmative action you want some where down the road to make employers hire unqualified minorities, but that don't mean your fucking computers / robots would ever work again ...............

Our work force is changing, our society is changing, both in mutually opposite directions.
None of that has anything to do with my comments. Again, is capitalism impossible without the things it is most often criticized for? Harsh labor exploitation, environmental damage and government corruption? I think it is possible to make money without being evil but evil people all too often rise to the top in capitalist systems.
His rhetoric is less nuanced than that.
Perhaps but in his corner of the world, the southern cone, unfettered capitalism did some pretty terrible things, he has seen first hand what capitalists really want when they bitch about regulations and unions. The whole of South America is full of abandoned strip mines, toxic dumps, clear-cut forests, dead labor leaders and some very poor people.

He is not a south american leader now, but a global one.

If he wanted to give the message you posted, he should have used less inflammatory rhetoric.

If he uses this opportunity to apologize for appearing to attack capitalism or America unfairly, I will consider his words.

Some glad handling about what a positive influence America has been in the world would be a good place to start.
Capitalists do not carefully choose their words when the people take exception to their practices, they destroy people on a daily basis who may hurt their bottom line. Capitalism is amoral by definition and they do not like it when anyone questions the morality of their activities.

As I said, he attacked capitalism. You support this because you have similar leftist views.

As a non leftist and a patriotic American, imo, he can fuck off.
It has long been an issue that the pursuit of wealth is often at odds with the teachings of Jesus Christ. I guess you RWers have found a way around that by simply ignoring what he said and attacking anyone, even a pope, who tries to remind you.

So, you are dropping your pretense of not understanding why the US rightwing does not like Pope Francis?


He has staked out an anti-capitalist position.

I have been pursuing wealth for much of my life. How do you imagine that that conflicts with a moral Christian life?
Perhaps but in his corner of the world, the southern cone, unfettered capitalism did some pretty terrible things, he has seen first hand what capitalists really want when they bitch about regulations and unions. The whole of South America is full of abandoned strip mines, toxic dumps, clear-cut forests, dead labor leaders and some very poor people.

He is not a south american leader now, but a global one.

If he wanted to give the message you posted, he should have used less inflammatory rhetoric.

If he uses this opportunity to apologize for appearing to attack capitalism or America unfairly, I will consider his words.

Some glad handling about what a positive influence America has been in the world would be a good place to start.
Capitalists do not carefully choose their words when the people take exception to their practices, they destroy people on a daily basis who may hurt their bottom line. Capitalism is amoral by definition and they do not like it when anyone questions the morality of their activities.

As I said, he attacked capitalism. You support this because you have similar leftist views.

As a non leftist and a patriotic American, imo, he can fuck off.
It has long been an issue that the pursuit of wealth is often at odds with the teachings of Jesus Christ. I guess you RWers have found a way around that by simply ignoring what he said and attacking anyone, even a pope, who tries to remind you.

So are you implying Christians can't be business owners and operate in a Christian manner??
Talk about a misinformed, bigoted piece of shit .................

Why do you think the pope is GOD??
What makes what he has to say any more important than you or me??
Is he not but a mere mortal with only his own thoughts and ideology??
I addressed that in the other post.

The pope is a very influential religious leader who is acting as his mandate and conscience dictates and it is about time someone in his position is asking the right questions and addressing the root causes of misery and strife in this world rather than just worrying about what the economically powerful want.
Perhaps but in his corner of the world, the southern cone, unfettered capitalism did some pretty terrible things, he has seen first hand what capitalists really want when they bitch about regulations and unions. The whole of South America is full of abandoned strip mines, toxic dumps, clear-cut forests, dead labor leaders and some very poor people.

He is not a south american leader now, but a global one.

If he wanted to give the message you posted, he should have used less inflammatory rhetoric.

If he uses this opportunity to apologize for appearing to attack capitalism or America unfairly, I will consider his words.

Some glad handling about what a positive influence America has been in the world would be a good place to start.
Capitalists do not carefully choose their words when the people take exception to their practices, they destroy people on a daily basis who may hurt their bottom line. Capitalism is amoral by definition and they do not like it when anyone questions the morality of their activities.

As I said, he attacked capitalism. You support this because you have similar leftist views.

As a non leftist and a patriotic American, imo, he can fuck off.
It has long been an issue that the pursuit of wealth is often at odds with the teachings of Jesus Christ. I guess you RWers have found a way around that by simply ignoring what he said and attacking anyone, even a pope, who tries to remind you.

So, you are dropping your pretense of not understanding why the US rightwing does not like Pope Francis?


He has staked out an anti-capitalist position.

I have been pursuing wealth for much of my life. How do you imagine that that conflicts with a moral Christian life?
I know nothing about your life and do not want to know but I am certain you are not doing horrible things. Some people do very bad things in pursuit of their wealth and do not feel bad about it at all. Why do you feel the need to defend them? When you look at capitalism warts and all it is clearly destructive in some respects, it is not heresy to point out how it damages people, the environment and our political process.
He is not a south american leader now, but a global one.

If he wanted to give the message you posted, he should have used less inflammatory rhetoric.

If he uses this opportunity to apologize for appearing to attack capitalism or America unfairly, I will consider his words.

Some glad handling about what a positive influence America has been in the world would be a good place to start.
Capitalists do not carefully choose their words when the people take exception to their practices, they destroy people on a daily basis who may hurt their bottom line. Capitalism is amoral by definition and they do not like it when anyone questions the morality of their activities.

As I said, he attacked capitalism. You support this because you have similar leftist views.

As a non leftist and a patriotic American, imo, he can fuck off.
It has long been an issue that the pursuit of wealth is often at odds with the teachings of Jesus Christ. I guess you RWers have found a way around that by simply ignoring what he said and attacking anyone, even a pope, who tries to remind you.

So, you are dropping your pretense of not understanding why the US rightwing does not like Pope Francis?


He has staked out an anti-capitalist position.

I have been pursuing wealth for much of my life. How do you imagine that that conflicts with a moral Christian life?
I know nothing about your life and do not want to know but I am certain you are not doing horrible things. Some people do very bad things in pursuit of their wealth and do not feel bad about it at all. Why do you feel the need to defend them? When you look at capitalism warts and all it is clearly destructive in some respects, it is not heresy to point out how it damages people, the environment and our political process.

Because the Popes inflammatory rhetoric makes no distinction between me, the good people I know, and those who do do "horrible things".

YOu lefties generally don't.

THe most successful person I know, is a self made millionaire.

I knew him in college.

He was a dual computer science/Physics major.

He spent 3 years in japan teaching english.

He has been working for microsoft for a long time.

He was one of the nicest guys you would ever want to meet.

Also, politically left. DIdn't give much thought to it, and conformed to standard college indoctrination.

He married a japanese old maid. He kids are bi-racial.

The Pope insulted him, his wife, and his children.

THE Pope is an asshole.
Capitalists do not carefully choose their words when the people take exception to their practices, they destroy people on a daily basis who may hurt their bottom line. Capitalism is amoral by definition and they do not like it when anyone questions the morality of their activities.

As I said, he attacked capitalism. You support this because you have similar leftist views.

As a non leftist and a patriotic American, imo, he can fuck off.
It has long been an issue that the pursuit of wealth is often at odds with the teachings of Jesus Christ. I guess you RWers have found a way around that by simply ignoring what he said and attacking anyone, even a pope, who tries to remind you.

So, you are dropping your pretense of not understanding why the US rightwing does not like Pope Francis?


He has staked out an anti-capitalist position.

I have been pursuing wealth for much of my life. How do you imagine that that conflicts with a moral Christian life?
I know nothing about your life and do not want to know but I am certain you are not doing horrible things. Some people do very bad things in pursuit of their wealth and do not feel bad about it at all. Why do you feel the need to defend them? When you look at capitalism warts and all it is clearly destructive in some respects, it is not heresy to point out how it damages people, the environment and our political process.

Because the Popes inflammatory rhetoric makes no distinction between me, the good people I know, and those who do do "horrible things".

YOu lefties generally don't.

THe most successful person I know, is a self made millionaire.

I knew him in college.

He was a dual computer science/Physics major.

He spent 3 years in japan teaching english.

He has been working for microsoft for a long time.

He was one of the nicest guys you would ever want to meet.

Also, politically left. DIdn't give much thought to it, and conformed to standard college indoctrination.

He married a japanese old maid. He kids are bi-racial.

The Pope insulted him, his wife, and his children.

THE Pope is an asshole.
I've heard nothing of his comments that would ruffle the feathers of any honest business person. The only people who seem to be upset are the ones who treat capitalism almost like a religion and cannot stand anyone committing heresy against it. It is primarily a faith-based system so it is not surprising that capitalism has it's own group of zealots who defend the faith.
As I said, he attacked capitalism. You support this because you have similar leftist views.

As a non leftist and a patriotic American, imo, he can fuck off.
It has long been an issue that the pursuit of wealth is often at odds with the teachings of Jesus Christ. I guess you RWers have found a way around that by simply ignoring what he said and attacking anyone, even a pope, who tries to remind you.

So, you are dropping your pretense of not understanding why the US rightwing does not like Pope Francis?


He has staked out an anti-capitalist position.

I have been pursuing wealth for much of my life. How do you imagine that that conflicts with a moral Christian life?
I know nothing about your life and do not want to know but I am certain you are not doing horrible things. Some people do very bad things in pursuit of their wealth and do not feel bad about it at all. Why do you feel the need to defend them? When you look at capitalism warts and all it is clearly destructive in some respects, it is not heresy to point out how it damages people, the environment and our political process.

Because the Popes inflammatory rhetoric makes no distinction between me, the good people I know, and those who do do "horrible things".

YOu lefties generally don't.

THe most successful person I know, is a self made millionaire.

I knew him in college.

He was a dual computer science/Physics major.

He spent 3 years in japan teaching english.

He has been working for microsoft for a long time.

He was one of the nicest guys you would ever want to meet.

Also, politically left. DIdn't give much thought to it, and conformed to standard college indoctrination.

He married a japanese old maid. He kids are bi-racial.

The Pope insulted him, his wife, and his children.

THE Pope is an asshole.
I've heard nothing of his comments that would ruffle the feathers of any honest business person. The only people who seem to be upset are the ones who treat capitalism almost like a religion and cannot stand anyone committing heresy against it. It is primarily a faith-based system so it is not surprising that capitalism has it's own group of zealots who defend the faith.

Capitalism is a faith based system.

Wrong, you ignorant fucking moron, there are those who are incapable of running a business, any type of business, not a lemonaid stand and not dope dealing .................
They can have all the faith in the world but if they fail to follow basic tenets of business then they will not last.

Go ahead make another fucking moronic statement in your hateful quest against capatalism.

Small minded mother fucker, you are clueless ..........................
As I said, he attacked capitalism. You support this because you have similar leftist views.

As a non leftist and a patriotic American, imo, he can fuck off.
It has long been an issue that the pursuit of wealth is often at odds with the teachings of Jesus Christ. I guess you RWers have found a way around that by simply ignoring what he said and attacking anyone, even a pope, who tries to remind you.

So, you are dropping your pretense of not understanding why the US rightwing does not like Pope Francis?


He has staked out an anti-capitalist position.

I have been pursuing wealth for much of my life. How do you imagine that that conflicts with a moral Christian life?
I know nothing about your life and do not want to know but I am certain you are not doing horrible things. Some people do very bad things in pursuit of their wealth and do not feel bad about it at all. Why do you feel the need to defend them? When you look at capitalism warts and all it is clearly destructive in some respects, it is not heresy to point out how it damages people, the environment and our political process.

Because the Popes inflammatory rhetoric makes no distinction between me, the good people I know, and those who do do "horrible things".

YOu lefties generally don't.

THe most successful person I know, is a self made millionaire.

I knew him in college.

He was a dual computer science/Physics major.

He spent 3 years in japan teaching english.

He has been working for microsoft for a long time.

He was one of the nicest guys you would ever want to meet.

Also, politically left. DIdn't give much thought to it, and conformed to standard college indoctrination.

He married a japanese old maid. He kids are bi-racial.

The Pope insulted him, his wife, and his children.

THE Pope is an asshole.
I've heard nothing of his comments that would ruffle the feathers of any honest business person. The only people who seem to be upset are the ones who treat capitalism almost like a religion and cannot stand anyone committing heresy against it. It is primarily a faith-based system so it is not surprising that capitalism has it's own group of zealots who defend the faith.

You "heard nothing", the people that "seem" to you to be the ones who are upset, your opinion is that it is a "faith based system".

I hear a broad based attack on my nation and it's way of life.

If I was a Catholic, I would not want my tithe to be going to this guy to advance his leftist agenda.
It has long been an issue that the pursuit of wealth is often at odds with the teachings of Jesus Christ. I guess you RWers have found a way around that by simply ignoring what he said and attacking anyone, even a pope, who tries to remind you.

So, you are dropping your pretense of not understanding why the US rightwing does not like Pope Francis?


He has staked out an anti-capitalist position.

I have been pursuing wealth for much of my life. How do you imagine that that conflicts with a moral Christian life?
I know nothing about your life and do not want to know but I am certain you are not doing horrible things. Some people do very bad things in pursuit of their wealth and do not feel bad about it at all. Why do you feel the need to defend them? When you look at capitalism warts and all it is clearly destructive in some respects, it is not heresy to point out how it damages people, the environment and our political process.

Because the Popes inflammatory rhetoric makes no distinction between me, the good people I know, and those who do do "horrible things".

YOu lefties generally don't.

THe most successful person I know, is a self made millionaire.

I knew him in college.

He was a dual computer science/Physics major.

He spent 3 years in japan teaching english.

He has been working for microsoft for a long time.

He was one of the nicest guys you would ever want to meet.

Also, politically left. DIdn't give much thought to it, and conformed to standard college indoctrination.

He married a japanese old maid. He kids are bi-racial.

The Pope insulted him, his wife, and his children.

THE Pope is an asshole.
I've heard nothing of his comments that would ruffle the feathers of any honest business person. The only people who seem to be upset are the ones who treat capitalism almost like a religion and cannot stand anyone committing heresy against it. It is primarily a faith-based system so it is not surprising that capitalism has it's own group of zealots who defend the faith.

You "heard nothing", the people that "seem" to you to be the ones who are upset, your opinion is that it is a "faith based system".

I hear a broad based attack on my nation and it's way of life.

If I was a Catholic, I would not want my tithe to be going to this guy to advance his leftist agenda.

But he does, it's the voices in his head ..................
He keeps hearing them .........................
It has long been an issue that the pursuit of wealth is often at odds with the teachings of Jesus Christ. I guess you RWers have found a way around that by simply ignoring what he said and attacking anyone, even a pope, who tries to remind you.

So, you are dropping your pretense of not understanding why the US rightwing does not like Pope Francis?


He has staked out an anti-capitalist position.

I have been pursuing wealth for much of my life. How do you imagine that that conflicts with a moral Christian life?
I know nothing about your life and do not want to know but I am certain you are not doing horrible things. Some people do very bad things in pursuit of their wealth and do not feel bad about it at all. Why do you feel the need to defend them? When you look at capitalism warts and all it is clearly destructive in some respects, it is not heresy to point out how it damages people, the environment and our political process.

Because the Popes inflammatory rhetoric makes no distinction between me, the good people I know, and those who do do "horrible things".

YOu lefties generally don't.

THe most successful person I know, is a self made millionaire.

I knew him in college.

He was a dual computer science/Physics major.

He spent 3 years in japan teaching english.

He has been working for microsoft for a long time.

He was one of the nicest guys you would ever want to meet.

Also, politically left. DIdn't give much thought to it, and conformed to standard college indoctrination.

He married a japanese old maid. He kids are bi-racial.

The Pope insulted him, his wife, and his children.

THE Pope is an asshole.
I've heard nothing of his comments that would ruffle the feathers of any honest business person. The only people who seem to be upset are the ones who treat capitalism almost like a religion and cannot stand anyone committing heresy against it. It is primarily a faith-based system so it is not surprising that capitalism has it's own group of zealots who defend the faith.

Capitalism is a faith based system.

Wrong, you ignorant fucking moron, there are those who are incapable of running a business, any type of business, not a lemonaid stand and not dope dealing .................
They can have all the faith in the world but if they fail to follow basic tenets of business then they will not last.

Go ahead make another fucking moronic statement in your hateful quest against capatalism.

Small minded mother fucker, you are clueless ..........................
Eat shit asshole, about sick of you dumb-asses who cannot discuss anything without being a colossal dick, fuck you.
It has long been an issue that the pursuit of wealth is often at odds with the teachings of Jesus Christ. I guess you RWers have found a way around that by simply ignoring what he said and attacking anyone, even a pope, who tries to remind you.

So, you are dropping your pretense of not understanding why the US rightwing does not like Pope Francis?


He has staked out an anti-capitalist position.

I have been pursuing wealth for much of my life. How do you imagine that that conflicts with a moral Christian life?
I know nothing about your life and do not want to know but I am certain you are not doing horrible things. Some people do very bad things in pursuit of their wealth and do not feel bad about it at all. Why do you feel the need to defend them? When you look at capitalism warts and all it is clearly destructive in some respects, it is not heresy to point out how it damages people, the environment and our political process.

Because the Popes inflammatory rhetoric makes no distinction between me, the good people I know, and those who do do "horrible things".

YOu lefties generally don't.

THe most successful person I know, is a self made millionaire.

I knew him in college.

He was a dual computer science/Physics major.

He spent 3 years in japan teaching english.

He has been working for microsoft for a long time.

He was one of the nicest guys you would ever want to meet.

Also, politically left. DIdn't give much thought to it, and conformed to standard college indoctrination.

He married a japanese old maid. He kids are bi-racial.

The Pope insulted him, his wife, and his children.

THE Pope is an asshole.
I've heard nothing of his comments that would ruffle the feathers of any honest business person. The only people who seem to be upset are the ones who treat capitalism almost like a religion and cannot stand anyone committing heresy against it. It is primarily a faith-based system so it is not surprising that capitalism has it's own group of zealots who defend the faith.

You "heard nothing", the people that "seem" to you to be the ones who are upset, your opinion is that it is a "faith based system".

I hear a broad based attack on my nation and it's way of life.

If I was a Catholic, I would not want my tithe to be going to this guy to advance his leftist agenda.
A "leftist agenda" is entirely compatible with the teachings of Jesus, it's trying to twist Christianity into the money loving, war loving, poor people hating faith of RWers where the trouble begins.
So, you are dropping your pretense of not understanding why the US rightwing does not like Pope Francis?


He has staked out an anti-capitalist position.

I have been pursuing wealth for much of my life. How do you imagine that that conflicts with a moral Christian life?
I know nothing about your life and do not want to know but I am certain you are not doing horrible things. Some people do very bad things in pursuit of their wealth and do not feel bad about it at all. Why do you feel the need to defend them? When you look at capitalism warts and all it is clearly destructive in some respects, it is not heresy to point out how it damages people, the environment and our political process.

Because the Popes inflammatory rhetoric makes no distinction between me, the good people I know, and those who do do "horrible things".

YOu lefties generally don't.

THe most successful person I know, is a self made millionaire.

I knew him in college.

He was a dual computer science/Physics major.

He spent 3 years in japan teaching english.

He has been working for microsoft for a long time.

He was one of the nicest guys you would ever want to meet.

Also, politically left. DIdn't give much thought to it, and conformed to standard college indoctrination.

He married a japanese old maid. He kids are bi-racial.

The Pope insulted him, his wife, and his children.

THE Pope is an asshole.
I've heard nothing of his comments that would ruffle the feathers of any honest business person. The only people who seem to be upset are the ones who treat capitalism almost like a religion and cannot stand anyone committing heresy against it. It is primarily a faith-based system so it is not surprising that capitalism has it's own group of zealots who defend the faith.

Capitalism is a faith based system.

Wrong, you ignorant fucking moron, there are those who are incapable of running a business, any type of business, not a lemonaid stand and not dope dealing .................
They can have all the faith in the world but if they fail to follow basic tenets of business then they will not last.

Go ahead make another fucking moronic statement in your hateful quest against capatalism.

Small minded mother fucker, you are clueless ..........................
Eat shit asshole, about sick of you dumb-asses who cannot discuss anything without being a colossal dick, fuck you.
Ohhhhh, major butthurt .......................
So, you are dropping your pretense of not understanding why the US rightwing does not like Pope Francis?


He has staked out an anti-capitalist position.

I have been pursuing wealth for much of my life. How do you imagine that that conflicts with a moral Christian life?
I know nothing about your life and do not want to know but I am certain you are not doing horrible things. Some people do very bad things in pursuit of their wealth and do not feel bad about it at all. Why do you feel the need to defend them? When you look at capitalism warts and all it is clearly destructive in some respects, it is not heresy to point out how it damages people, the environment and our political process.

Because the Popes inflammatory rhetoric makes no distinction between me, the good people I know, and those who do do "horrible things".

YOu lefties generally don't.

THe most successful person I know, is a self made millionaire.

I knew him in college.

He was a dual computer science/Physics major.

He spent 3 years in japan teaching english.

He has been working for microsoft for a long time.

He was one of the nicest guys you would ever want to meet.

Also, politically left. DIdn't give much thought to it, and conformed to standard college indoctrination.

He married a japanese old maid. He kids are bi-racial.

The Pope insulted him, his wife, and his children.

THE Pope is an asshole.
I've heard nothing of his comments that would ruffle the feathers of any honest business person. The only people who seem to be upset are the ones who treat capitalism almost like a religion and cannot stand anyone committing heresy against it. It is primarily a faith-based system so it is not surprising that capitalism has it's own group of zealots who defend the faith.

You "heard nothing", the people that "seem" to you to be the ones who are upset, your opinion is that it is a "faith based system".

I hear a broad based attack on my nation and it's way of life.

If I was a Catholic, I would not want my tithe to be going to this guy to advance his leftist agenda.
A "leftist agenda" is entirely compatible with the teachings of Jesus, it's trying to twist Christianity into the money loving, war loving, poor people hating faith of RWers where the trouble begins.

Money pays for things, like health care, like food and shelter.

War loving? LOL, plenty of blood spilled in the advancement of leftist causes and policies.

Poor people hating? :rolleyes-41:


Please read your post again, and try to imagine that you are a patriotic American capitalist and tell me how insulted you feel.

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