Pope Comes Out Again! Openly Goy!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The RNC has its version of the message of Jesus ben Joseph, Son of Mary, called, "O'Christ." That is found in Matthew 25:14-30, if anyone is all Episcopal. The DNC recently did the "Make Work Pay," Refundable Income Tax Credit. That helped to fund the lower income market, so it could participate in the Recovery. That is found in Matthew 20:1-16, if anyone is at all Episcopal. Otherwise, DNC sent all the money to the bureaucrats, and tax-dollar paid teachers, instead--ignoring the tax base.

So the Holy Father at least has come out against the RNC version. Others will likely pray, for the schools(?)!

Pope Francis attacks mega-salaries, wealth gap - World News

The Red States, for example, mostly universally: Did not choose for the MediCaid Expansion. No Red State Republican intends a market recovery, anywhere at all.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(Clearly, Teaching is not possible at any grade level, without the doctoral degree: Unless it is believed that some kids are better than other kids, and that all the other kids are not worth the extra effort. Soon, maybe someone, at least as deity-entranced as the Holy Father--may notice a certain parallel to real life(?)! This is a loving(?), real life(?)!)
The conquering Romans were celebrating the man-deity, Ceasar--and that Pantheon was probably Greek. So in Matthew 25:14-16, an upside-down right-triangle, with an hypoteneus, length about 7--computes. The square root of five squared, plus the square root of five squared, mainly needs a decimal point. That would arrive in one milenium(?)!

All the Greek stuff probably impressed the local Jewish Judiciary, in possibility(?), even--in twice conquered Israel, of the time.

RNC famously engineered the banker bailout, so they too, may have been impressed.

Just sayin'

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many Third Reich Germans, keep wampum in time of Holocaust. Many White Eyes--of Great Half-Wit Father in Washington, keep wampum in time of Foreclosure Crisis. Many then conclude these both cherished events(?). . .on Lands of Many Nations(?)!)
Holy Pythagoras, O Israel!" The famous Greek religion of the Pythagoreans was likely well-known among literate scribes and pharisees, throughout the Middle East--at the Time of the Greek and Roman empires. Israel was conquered. . .and even before there were boxcars. Jesus ben Joseph, Son of Mary, called, "O'Christ," was of Nazareth, Jewish, and otherwise opposed the law. According to that version, then anyone can save their sorry asses, even on the Sabbath. Others would find worship of the Pythagoreans, mortal sin, not of the Law of Moses, called "The Commandments."

So instead, there is support of the law. Boxcars would later on become a famous transport mechanism for Lice, Ticks, Fleas, Jews, Gays, Slaves, Dissidents. . .and maybe a black guy, or two. That would be in the highly mechanized, German Third Republic. Transport was a role of high-tech, at that time. That would come after the creation of the myth of the Jewish world Bankers--finally victim of the Foreclosure Crisis(?). Medieval rulers thought that the Jewish law applied to them--no usury among the congregation. They got the Jews to charge the interest rates to the Christian congregations, instead. The Law of Moses would not prohibit usury charged to other congregations--only within the Congregations. The Law was, after all, made for men. . .and even for women. . .or especially. . .well!

Screwballs and other Conservatives actually follow that along(?). So following the law, then Israel was conquered again, in the Third German Republic. That is what comes of The Law of Moses. Now there are even anarchists, instead. Mostly they are known by only their first names.

Religious folk, anyone notices, now have even more laws, to work with. That is what love is all about(?)

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(People marvel at all the Cruise Ship disasters, forgetting that popular TV programming calls them, "Love Boats!")
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