Poor, Poor Old Joe - Are You a Pathological Liar Or ... a Fool??? Or... Both???

Alexandre Fedorovski

Gold Member
Dec 9, 2017
The “Good Morning America” this Tuesday actually turned out to be not so good for Biden who was grilled by George Stephanopoulus, the former Clinton administration staffer. He was asked about the revelations that he was part of a meeting in the final days of the Obama administration that helped set up the “Russia collusion” probe that dysfunctioned the first years of the Trump presidency.

Joe Biden claims he doesn’t know anything about the railroading of Gen. Michael Flynn. But Biden is listed among the Obama administration officials
who requested the unmasking of Flynn,” campaign manager Brad Parscale said in a statement, according to Fox.

“We already knew Biden was briefed on the Flynn case before President Trump took office and now we know that he wanted Flynn unmasked.”

On Thursday, the Justice Department announced it was dropping a criminal case against Flynn for lying to the FBI, saying the interview at issue was “conducted without any legitimate investigative basis.”

George Stephanopoulus:
“The president said yesterday that that move was justified because President Obama targeted Flynn. He called it the, quote, ‘the biggest political crime in U.S. history.’ Your former Senate colleague, Charles Grassley, has added that Flynn was entrapped and asked on the Senate floor, ‘What did Obama and Biden know? When did they know it?’

(Biden Struggles To Keep His Story Straight When Asked About Flynn on 'Good Morning America')

“So,” Stephanopoulos asked:

“What did you know about those moves to investigate Michael Flynn and was there anything improper done?”

“I know nothing about those moves to investigate Michael Flynn

Stephanopoulos repeated the question, reminding Biden that he had been reported to be present at the critical Oval Office meeting with President Obama and the FBI Director on January 5, 2017 where investigation against Flynn was discussed.


Biden: "I was aware... but that's all I know. And I don’t think anything else.” "

"Was the Justice Department RIGHT to drop these charges against Michael Flynn???


“Well, based on a couple thousand, I guess I saw, a headline the other, yesterday I guess, a couple thousand, uh, um, former, uh, or was it a couple hundred, I’m not sure, a whole lot of former Justice Department people said the, uh, the attorney general should step down”

Biden couldn't handle even the interview with the friendly journalist, as of May, 1 sexual assaults' allegations were concerned.

Whether this was the result of Biden completely lying and he had to recollect what he had said on one occasion or another before or this is the result of ordinary senile dementia is not so important.

The important thing is that this person, a state criminal, seeking the trust of the American people, cannot be trusted ...


Viewers feedback:
Biden can’t form a coherent thought. Can’t speak. Doesn’t remember anything. Slaughter-meter is high. Can’t wait for the debates.
Monty Nimble

Does anyone else think this is sad? Incoherent Joe should just go out to pasture! He obviously is struggling with any live interview (and most likely can’t recall any past conversations to be able to add anything of value)
Replying to @TrumpWarRoom
Sad. Joe Biden was there. He read in Mainstream Media that former DOJ from previous corrupt Administration said it is so, must be. He uses mainstream media as a script but can’t seem to think for himself. President Trump thinks for himself.

How to tell When Biden is lying. He shoots to denial then back peddles. Also, every time his lips are moving.
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I think he was a Practiced Liar in the past.

But, it's hard to call him a Liar today when there is very serious doubt that he has any idea what he is even talking about. Can he, in his present condition, distinguish a lie from the truth?

My bet is that he is no more than 6 months to a year from a Conservatorship and a Nursing Home.

Stephanopoulos actually asked him a tough question. That is what is interesting--a Democratic Propagandist asking the Democratic Nominee a tough question.

Why would he do that?

Well, he is a Clintonite through and through. Worked for Bill in the White House. Some Democrats fear they can't carry Biden through to November. Who is most likely to think that? Who no doubt thinks she can step in if "Joe can't go"?
I think he was a Practiced Liar in the past.

But, it's hard to call him a Liar today when there is very serious doubt that he has any idea what he is even talking about. Can he, in his present condition, distinguish a lie from the truth?

My bet is that he is no more than 6 months to a year from a Conservatorship and a Nursing Home.

Stephanopoulos actually asked him a tough question. That is what is interesting--a Democratic Propagandist asking the Democratic Nominee a tough question.

Why would he do that?

Well, he is a Clintonite through and through. Worked for Bill in the White House. Some Democrats fear they can't carry Biden through to November. Who is most likely to think that? Who no doubt thinks she can step in if "Joe can't go"?


Thanks!!! Finally, we have deep and thoughtful comments. This is exactly what I called for. And the group behind Hillary plays chess well ... In any case, they can count the moves for one move.

This interview was a bit of a surprise for me... But all this once again shows the disgust of the current political system. , Nobody thinks about people in this election campaign ... But everyone wants to reach the head of cheese ...



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Dems don’t care. They worship the the Hussein and he was the head of the corrupt regime.
Dems don’t care. They worship the the Hussein and he was the head of the corrupt regime.

Yes, obviously Something went south between them. ... Why is he NOT in prison???

But in general, the elite of the democratic party broke all the records of arrogance, immorality, and contempt for the Constitution. And I believe that this party should be dissolved, or outlawed. And another confirmation of this claim is the whole story pf the anti-government conspiracy of Obama, Biden, and Co. for fabricating criminal proceedings against Gen. Flynn.'

Dems don’t care. They worship the the Hussein and he was the head of the corrupt regime.

Yes, obviously Something went south between them. ... Why is he NOT in prison???
View attachment 335813
But in general, the elite of the democratic party broke all the records of arrogance, immorality, and contempt for the Constitution. And I believe that this party should be dissolved, or outlawed. And another confirmation of this claim is the whole story pf the anti-government conspiracy of Obama, Biden, and Co. for fabricating criminal proceedings against Gen. Flynn.'

View attachment 335814

Yes, the reaction of the so-called “democratic” public to facts indicating insincerity or Biden’s progressive insanity causes emotion. Or is everyone well aware that this is a well-played performance for trying to bring to power a criminal against humanity Hillary Clinton?


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