Pompeo hits back against China's 'obscene propaganda' following George Floyd's death


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
These young fools, ANTIFA, BLM and others, don't realize how useful they are to the communists whe they engage in violence and constant unrest. Those seeking power in order to assist China, are being assisted by MSM, in particular MSNBC I imagine.

I hope the CIA and FBI take a very strong position against the communists and understand what's at stake going forward.

Pompeo hits back against China's 'obscene propaganda' following George Floyd's death

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Saturday blasted the Chinese Communist Party’s "obscene propaganda" in the wake of George Floyd's killing and accused the Chinese government of a "callous exploitation" of Floyd's death.

"Beijing in recent days has showcased its continuing contempt for the truth and scorn for law," Pompeo said Saturday in a statement. "The [Chinese Communist Party's] propaganda efforts – seeking to conflate the United States’ actions in the wake of the death of George Floyd with the CCP’s continued denial of basic human rights and freedom – should be seen for the fraud that they are."

Secretary Pompeo

The Chinese Communist Party’s callous attempts to exploit George Floyd’s tragic death for its own political gain will fail. During the best of times, Beijing ruthlessly imposes communism. Amid the most difficult challenges, the United States secures freedom.
9:57 AM - Jun 6, 2020
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China has reveled in the unrest in the United States in the wake of the May 25 death of Floyd while in the custody of a Minneapolis police officer who has been charged with his murder. China has accused the U.S. of a "double standard" by supporting anti-China protests in Hong Kong and criticizing China's record on human rights when anti-racism protests rage throughout the U.S.

"I think the Chinese Communist propaganda apparatus is very grateful to have some burning cities in the United States right now, having had to suffer and feel deeply humiliated by the specter of Hong Kong being in a state of chaos," Orville Schell, director of the Asia Society's Center for U.S.-China Relations, told NPR.
Stop and consider this...democrats are always supported by the CCM. Every single time. Its nothing new to find foreign communists and democrats working together. What has changed is that Russia has thrown off the communist yoke infuriating leftists the world over. China is the foreign power they take orders from now.

So the Communist foreign minister of china has taken a stand with democrats, black lives matter and antifa against the United States and Trump.

Birds of a feather...

Also note the blue check mark...denied to thousands of Conservatives on twitter.
Stop and consider this...democrats are always supported by the CCM. Every single time. Its nothing new to find foreign communists and democrats working together. What has changed is that Russia has thrown off the communist yoke infuriating leftists the world over. China is the foreign power they take orders from now.

So the Communist foreign minister of china has taken a stand with democrats, black lives matter and antifa against the United States and Trump.

Birds of a feather...

View attachment 346704
All for money... so many dems have financial ties to commie China they fear upsetting their cash cow. They'd rather see America destroyed than lose their MONEY.
Stop and consider this...democrats are always supported by the CCM. Every single time. Its nothing new to find foreign communists and democrats working together. What has changed is that Russia has thrown off the communist yoke infuriating leftists the world over. China is the foreign power they take orders from now.

So the Communist foreign minister of china has taken a stand with democrats, black lives matter and antifa against the United States and Trump.

Birds of a feather...

View attachment 346704
All for money... so many dems have financial ties to commie China they fear upsetting their cash cow. They'd rather see America destroyed than lose their MONEY.

Yes. Much of liberal/left thought and action in this country is driven by trillion dollar corporations who are slobbering over the Chinese Market. They will kiss any communist ass for a few extra dollars or slave workers to make their trinkets.
Explains their obsession with the stock market as well.

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