Poll shows 20 per cent of Biden voters regret their vote

You are missing the point-
That means the other 80% of Biden voters are either lying to the pollsters, lying to themselves, oblivious, stupid, or flat out crazy.
Soooo you have no regrets?
You keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better about yourself. What you think doesn't have a bit of effect on reality.
mamooth Yeah right, we were SO SURE that a Black Conservative was going to unseat a Democratic Governor in Mexifornia. Get a grip. :21:
I laid money down in Vegas on Newsom winning at -400, Monday the line was Newsom at -2500, Elder was +1000 and the closest.

This election made me some really good money and still people like mamooth thought Newsom winning was some kind of upset. These people aren’t to bright.
That means that had the leftwing media not hidden the facts and slanted the news to help cheat the election for the democrats, Biddum really would have only gotten 64.8 million votes and Trump would have gotten 89.4 million.

Suddenly, Trump wins by almost 25 million people and all of a sudden, the numbers match reality.

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Yep he was liked so much he only won ONE term. Smfh.
This thread is nothing but whiny Trump Humpers.



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That means that had the leftwing media not hidden the facts and slanted the news to help cheat the election for the democrats, Biddum really would have only gotten 64.8 million votes and Trump would have gotten 89.4 million.

Suddenly, Trump wins by almost 25 million people and all of a sudden, the numbers match reality.

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Trump was the most DISLIKED President, ever!!! Even beat GWB out....


Just because the poll said 20% regret voting for Biden, does NOT mean in any way, shape, or form, that they would have voted for Trump.

Anyone, that was going to vote for Trump, voted for him....
You keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better about yourself. What you think doesn't have a bit of effect on reality.
If you have no regrets then you have 0 morals ethics and standards. So never ever ever complain about the world YOU created for yourself.
And we know it's not possible that they just got a handful of people call in to just say they were Biden voters. I'm sure nothing like that could ever happen.
Well....considering the fact that the communists in the Democrat Party keep getting caught doing exactly that....I can see why you would say that......but I've been listening to the show for years. I don't think he needed to prove anything. He simply asked his listeners who voted for Biden to call in and tell him what they felt about watching Biden's screw up in Afghanistan.

You see I'm not like you. I don't feel that Trump voters or Biden voters are inherently evil incarnate. I just feel that Biden voters saw something they liked in him as a candidate, and now that they are getting a honest view of what he's really like (something the media admittedly hid from us) after running his campaign from his basement.....of course the notably rational Democrat voters would show some buyer's remorse.

Trump was the most DISLIKED President, ever!!! Even beat GWB out....


Just because the poll said 20% regret voting for Biden, does NOT mean in any way, shape, or form, that they would have voted for Trump.

Anyone, that was going to vote for Trump, voted for him....
I don't think Trump was the most dislike president ever....because I remember Nixon and LBJ.
Meanwhile back in reality, Florida was one of the few states where the blob got a higher % of vote in 2020 than he got in 2016. Few incumbents ever suffered such a devastating defeat.

Relaxed vote by mail stipulations was the only reason that mara-lard-ass got as many votes as he did.

Relaxed vote by mail stipulations were also the only reason that cocksucker Biden won, too. That and voting tally manipulation, thanks to Dominion Voting Systems.

Joe Fucking Biden is not really the POTUS. Trump won.
Meanwhile back in reality, Florida was one of the few states where the blob got a higher % of vote in 2020 than he got in 2016. Few incumbents ever suffered such a devastating defeat.

Relaxed vote by mail stipulations was the only reason that mara-lard-ass got as many votes as he did.
Exactly all the statistical probabilities are so far into the outlier region that there has never been any event to match it.... IE: Trump won by a large Margin
You could hit the Powerball three weeks in a row and still not match the trillions to one probability that was erased on that night.....translation... IT DID NOT HAPPEN.

At this point I'm not sure we'll make it to another election.

This might be a plan come to think of it. The plan of those in power

yeah....you can bet they had more in mind that just Election night understanding full well what would happen after that. Yes you are right....they are trying for the long game here.

And we know it's not possible that they just got a handful of people call in to just say they were Biden voters. I'm sure nothing like that could ever happen.
All it takes is a little cult for leftists to disregard polls
Goddamn you people are so predictable
Exactly all the statistical probabilities are so far into the outlier region that there has never been any event to match it.... IE: Trump won by a large Margin
You could hit the Powerball three weeks in a row and still not match the trillions to one probability that was erased on that night.....translation... IT DID NOT HAPPEN.

Correct. Biden won the fewest districts in history.....and yet still somehow won.
This can only mean that a large % of his votes weren't real.
Trump won over 2400 counties...Biden won only 477.
Biden won in only 16% of America.....so he's not really our president.

If you have no regrets then you have 0 morals ethics and standards. So never ever ever complain about the world YOU created for yourself.
That's another way we differ. I don't create my own personal reality. I prefer to accept reality as it exists.
Of course I have regrets. Voting for Biden is not one of them.
Exactly all the statistical probabilities are so far into the outlier region that there has never been any event to match it.... IE: Trump won by a large Margin
You could hit the Powerball three weeks in a row and still not match the trillions to one probability that was erased on that night.....translation... IT DID NOT HAPPEN.

Yet your blob is in Florida trying to get noticed while Biden and Harris are in Washington governing.

Sucks to be you but then again...you already knew that.
Correct. Biden won the fewest districts in history.....and yet still somehow won.
This can only mean that a large % of his votes weren't real.
Trump won over 2400 counties...Biden won only 477.
Biden won in only 16% of America.....so he's not really our president.

That particular Twitter/Facebook claim has been fact checked.

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