POLL: Do you Think President Obama is a Partisan Democrat?

Is President Obama Partisan?

  • Yes Obama is Partisan

    Votes: 55 88.7%
  • No Obama is Not Partisan

    Votes: 7 11.3%

  • Total voters
Oh about like Bush treated his opposition for eight years....
actually, thats not true
Bush tried many times to get in good with the dems
hell Teddy Kennedy wrote the NCLB thing
then the medicare prescription bill had massive dem support
and every time Bush stuck his hand out, they cut it off
sorry, but conservatives got PISSED at Bush for giving in to so many dem liberal demands

I just love revisionist history. The conservatives started getting pissed at Bush when they realized how unpopular his spending had become and began getting nervous about the next election.
Yeah...Big spending on idiotic leftist programs, like NCLB and the prescription drug boondoggle.
actually, thats not true
Bush tried many times to get in good with the dems
hell Teddy Kennedy wrote the NCLB thing
then the medicare prescription bill had massive dem support
and every time Bush stuck his hand out, they cut it off
sorry, but conservatives got PISSED at Bush for giving in to so many dem liberal demands

I just love revisionist history. The conservatives started getting pissed at Bush when they realized how unpopular his spending had become and began getting nervous about the next election.
Yeah...Big spending on idiotic leftist programs, like NCLB and the prescription drug boondoggle.
dont you love how clueless morons on the left try to tell us what pissed us off about Bush?
It's almost as amusing as them telling republicans -y'know, the party they want to beat- how to win elections.
almost the same as them pitching a bitch fest about Bush's spending and not having a problem with Obama tripling it
The only thing I can say with some certainty that your average leftist on most political forums inerited is a double digit IQ.
Actually dive that is exactly what I was saying. Obama should treat the opposition at least as well a Bush did. Won't happen though. The real haters are all on the left.

Bush was WAYYYYYYY to nice and accepting of opposition. He left a big legacy to live up to in that department.
hmmmmm ..... is a president who is a Democrat, being a Democrat ????????

Gee what insightful questions

Ah but he, Like Bush, promised to be Bi-Partisan.

But this isn't being Bi-Partisan now is it

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jifjRVLVjzA]YouTube - Obama: I don't want the folks who created the mess to do a lot of talking[/ame]
let's all be honest here, a liberal in the true sense of the word would never want anyone controlled by a Govt. program in fact to be liberal is want freedom in all that you do. So to make the claim that you are a liberal and then advocate for Govt. intervention sort of contradict one another. I fail to uderstand how this liberal label even got placed on the modern version of the democrat. In fact those that advocate strict expansion of Govt. in favor of helping the collective would more fall under the catagory of social progressive rather than liberal. The two don't work and pay well together. While Obama would never in my mind fall under the catagory of liberal in the true sense of the word he does fit the mold of a social progressive. Now before you all think if this as an insult it was not intended that way as it was more or less an observation.
let's all be honest here, a liberal in the true sense of the word would never want anyone controlled by a Govt. program in fact to be liberal is want freedom in all that you do. So to make the claim that you are a liberal and then advocate for Govt. intervention sort of contradict one another. I fail to uderstand how this liberal label even got placed on the modern version of the democrat. In fact those that advocate strict expansion of Govt. in favor of helping the collective would more fall under the catagory of social progressive rather than liberal. The two don't work and pay well together. While Obama would never in my mind fall under the catagory of liberal in the true sense of the word he does fit the mold of a social progressive. Now before you all think if this as an insult it was not intended that way as it was more or less an observation.

Pretty much, that's why us real liberals are against Obama now.
Never in my life have I heard Americans say they want their president to fail. Of course, I never thought I would see a political party that was anti science, anti education, more than 90% one color and one religion. Not in this country. I couldn't believe it would happen.

Republicans have had both houses for over a decade and the presidency for 8 years. Did they pass health care? What did they do that was good for the nation? War? Incompetence? Those things aren't good.
But hey, it wasn't all bad. They cut taxes for one minority. The ultra rich.

So many of the right accuse Obama of being a Marxist. Marxist viewpoint:

Through systematic impoverishment of the masses, Capitalism creates a proletariat of exploited industrial workers who sell their labour as a marketable commodity. It is suggested that the proletariat will eventually rebel to emancipate mankind as a whole. This rebellion will put an end to all class distinction and all forms of exploitation. The sense of depersonalization and powerlessness felt by the working class will cease as the means of production become common property.

Well I got news for ya, the Republicans already did all that when their tax cuts for the rich moved the wealth of the nation from the middle class to the top 1% in the greatest redistribution of wealth in history of the world. When they removed regulations that protected business from being squeezed of every cent of capital.

All the time Republicans were in charge and they screwed everything up so bad, you would think it had to be on purpose. How can you destroy the world economy, start two losing wars, remove regulations for clear air and clear water, destroy the Justice system and fight to replace "science" with "mysticism" in public schools? Let the greatest mass murderer in American history go scott free? How could they have caused so much damage and consider it a success? I'm, pardon the word, "mystified". How can they even have the nerve to complain? Why? Because the nation might recover? Because they didn't "finish the job"?
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Never in my life have I heard Americans say they want their president to fail. Of course, I never thought I would see a political party that was anti science, anti education, more than 90% one color and one religion. Not in this country. I couldn't believe it would happen.

Republicans have had both houses for over a decade and the presidency for 8 years. Did they pass health care? What did they do that was good for the nation? War? Incompetence? Those things aren't good.
But hey, it wasn't all bad. They cut taxes for one minority. The ultra rich.

So many of the right accuse Obama of being a Marxist. Marxist viewpoint:

Through systematic impoverishment of the masses, Capitalism creates a proletariat of exploited industrial workers who sell their labour as a marketable commodity. It is suggested that the proletariat will eventually rebel to emancipate mankind as a whole. This rebellion will put an end to all class distinction and all forms of exploitation. The sense of depersonalization and powerlessness felt by the working class will cease as the means of production become common property.

Well I got news for ya, the Republicans already did all that when their tax cuts for the rich moved the wealth of the nation from the middle class to the top 1% in the greatest redistribution of wealth in history of the world. When they removed regulations that protected business from being squeezed of every cent of capital.

All the time Republicans were in charge and they screwed everything up so bad, you would think it had to be on purpose. How can you destroy the world economy, start two losing wars, remove regulations for clear air and clear water, destroy the Justice system and fight to replace "science" with "mysticism" in public schools? Let the greatest mass murderer in American history go scott free? How could they have caused so much damage and consider it a success? I'm, pardon the word, "mystified". How can they even have the nerve to complain? Why? Because the nation might recover? Because they didn't "finish the job"?
have you been living in a cave for the past... oh.. 10 years?

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